
8 Amazing React Sandboxes to Boost Your Skills

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Hey there! Looking to sharpen your React skills? React sandboxes are a fantastic way to gain hands-on coding experience without complex local setup. In this guide, we’ll explore the top sandboxes and how they can level up your abilities.

Why React Sandboxes Are Valuable

Sandboxes act as an isolated virtual environment where you can build, test, and experiment with React code instantly.

As a developer, you stand to benefit in using React sandboxes in a few key ways:

  • Bypass local setup – No need to download the React library and dependencies locally. Just start coding!
  • Shareable – Easily share your code snippets, experiments, and projects.
  • Real-time coding – See live updates as you edit without needing to refresh.
  • Collaboration – Invite others to edit sandboxes together.
  • Dependency management – Install npm packages on the fly.

React sandboxes allow you to focus on sharpening your React skills rather than wasting time with complex local configuration and setup.

According to Stack Overflow’s 2022 survey, React remains the most commonly used web framework globally with 59.4% of developers using it. With React’s popularity, React sandbox environments provide a valuable resource for practice.

Now let’s check out some of the top sandbox options available today.

Stackblitz – Feature-Rich React Sandbox

Stackblitz is an excellent fully-featured React sandbox.

Stackblitz React Sandbox

Stackblitz makes it easy to start coding instantly with React:

  • πŸ‘ User-friendly React template to customize
  • ✏️ Edit files and folders to fit your needs
  • πŸ” See live previews as you code
  • πŸ‘₯ Share projects and collaborate
  • πŸ“¦ Manage dependencies and npm packages
  • βš™οΈ Customize dev server settings

I especially like Stackblitz‘s collaboration features. You can share your project for others to clone, fork, and even live co-code together.

For larger teams, Stackblitz offers Team and Enterprise paid plans starting at $16 per editor per month. However, the free plan works great for individual learners.

Overall, Stackblitz provides a rich React sandbox environment with all the bells and whistles you need to practice and experiment. Well worth checking out.

CodeSandbox is another top React online sandbox that makes coding accessible for beginners.

Codesandbox React Sandbox example

I like CodeSandbox for its simplicity:

  • βœ… Zero setup – Just start coding instantly
  • πŸ–₯️ Real-time editing with live preview
  • πŸ“¦ Install packages through npm
  • πŸ› Built-in console to view errors
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Add, edit, and delete files as needed
  • πŸ”— Integrate with GitHub, deploy to Vercel, use with VS Code

CodeSandbox has a generous free plan allowing unlimited public sandboxes. Paid Pro plans offer starting at $15/month for unlimited private projects and team access.

For quickly spinning up React apps to experiment with, CodeSandbox is a top choice loved by over 2 million developers.

Uiwjs – Build React Apps from Examples

Uiwjs makes it simple to create React sandbox apps right from code examples using React CodeSandbox.

Uiwjs React CodeSandbox

Uiwjs allows you to:

  • πŸ‘₯ Start coding anonymously without signing up
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Add components to create modular, reusable code
  • πŸ“¦ Install packages with npm/yarn
  • 🌐 Import UI libraries like Bootstrap
  • πŸš€ Connect to Vercel and Netlify for deployments

I like being able to spin up React apps from code samples as a learning technique. Being able to tinker and experiment with real-world examples helps accelerate React skills.

Uiwjs is free for personal use. Paid CodeSandbox Pro plans offer additional features like more workspace and compute resources. – Straightforward React Sandbox‘s React Playground offers a simple React sandbox for testing concepts.

Playcode React Sandbox example

Playcode makes it easy to:

  • βœ… Start coding instantly without creating an account
  • πŸ”— Share your sandbox projects with others
  • πŸ“₯ Download locally to continue working
  • πŸ’» View console and rendered web view side-by-side

I appreciate Playcode‘s simplicity when I just want to quickly test React code without distraction.

Playcode offers a free plan (up to 8 lines of code) as well as paid plans starting at $4.99/month for unlimited code. – Step-by-Step React Learning provides interactive React video lessons along with a sandbox workspace.

React school sandbox

You can:

  • βœ… Follow along React lessons step-by-step
  • πŸ”— Embed and share code blocks
  • πŸ”— Connect to GitHub and deploy to Vercel
  • πŸ“¦ Add packages through npm

If you appreciate guided, interactive tutorials, React School provides solid React lessons along with sandbox practice.

Pricing starts with a free plan, and paid Pro plans at $15/month for advanced lessons.

Codepen – React Sandbox from Scratch

With Codepen you can build React apps from a blank sandbox.

Codepen React sandbox

I like Codepen for:

  • πŸ” Live preview of changes as you code
  • πŸ“¦ Install packages via npm or CDN
  • πŸ› Built-in console displays errors
  • βš™οΈ Customize editor with prettier, autosave, indentation

Starting from a blank sandbox challenges you to build your React apps completely from scratch.

Codepen offers free and paid plans starting at $8/month for advanced features.

Glitch – Quick React Component Testing

Glitch provides a React Sandbox Service for testing components in isolation.

Glitch React sandbox

You can quickly:

  • βœ… Start coding instantly without signup
  • πŸ” Live edit and preview changes
  • πŸ”— Share your sandbox projects
  • πŸ‘₯ Collaboratively edit projects

When you just need to test individual React components, Glitch makes it fast and simple.

Glitch offers a free plan for public projects as well as paid plans starting at $8/month.

Expo Snack – React Native Sandbox

To build React Native apps, check out Expo Snack.

Expo Snack React Native sandbox

Expo Snack allows you to:

  • βœ… Start coding React Native with no signup
  • πŸ” Live preview mobile views
  • πŸ› Debug errors in the console
  • πŸ“± View iOS, Android, and web versions
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Add and remove files

When you‘re ready to learn React Native for mobile, Expo Snack is a top sandbox to start with. Completely free.

Best Practices for Using Sandboxes

Here are a few best practices to get the most from React sandboxes:

  • Split your code into reusable components for better organization.
  • Group related files/components into folders as projects grow.
  • Use a consistent styling approach like Styled Components.

Following coding best practices will help accelerate your React skills.

Level Up Your React Skills with Sandboxes

Hopefully this guide gives you some ideas on using React sandboxes to boost your abilities!

Sandboxes allow you to bypass complex setup and focus on building React apps. Whether you‘re looking to learn React, experiment with concepts, or test components CodeSandbox, Stackblitz, Glitch and more provide the perfect environment.

Choose the sandbox option that best fits your needs and start leveling up your React skills today!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.