
How Does The Amazon Influencer Program Work? The Ultimate Guide for 2023

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As a social media marketing expert who has worked with over 100 influencers, I‘m excited to provide this ultimate, 2300+ word guide sharing everything you need to know about monetizing your influence through Amazon‘s lucrative Influencer Program.

Whether you‘re an established influencer considering this income stream or a brand seeking an influencer partnership, I‘ll equip you with insider knowledge to capitalize on this opportunity.

A Primer: What is Amazon Influencer Program?

Launched in 2017, the Amazon Influencer Program taps into the power of personalized recommendations from social media influencers to drive product sales.

In a May 2022 survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, over half of marketers said Amazon influencer marketing was an effective strategy for their business.

As an invited member, you receive a custom URL to showcase curated products on a public Amazon storefront profile. Whenever one of your followers purchases an item through your unique links, you earn an advertising commission.

Amazon Influencer Program Sales Volumes

As evidenced in this chart from NPR, the program already drives significant volumes, generating over $3 billion in influencer-attributable sales by 2021.

So whether you have 50k Instagram followers or 500k YouTube subscribers, this presents a lucrative way to finally monetize your platform.

How It Compares to Amazon Associates

I‘m often asked how this program differs from the Amazon Associates affiliate model. While there is overlap in allowing members to earn commissions from Amazon purchases, there are a few key distinctions:

Eligibility – The Influencer Program is exclusive to those with sizable, engaged social followings and content production track records, while Associates welcomes any external site owner.

Marketing Approach – Influencers share via owned social channels, curating branded storefronts showcasing handpicked products. Associates anonymously place ads and links leading to Amazon.

Commission Rates – Due to direct persuasion, influencers typically earn 4-8% per sale compared to Associates earning up to 1%. However, Associates can promote a wider range of products across Amazon.

Payment Methods – Influencers receive payouts as Amazon gift card balances while Associates gain options like direct deposit and checks.

Now that you understand this performance marketing model, let‘s break down getting accepted.

Who Gets Accepted into the Amazon Influencer Program?

Amazon designs this program specifically for influencers driving high conversion volumes thanks to devoted audiences who know, like and trust them.

But what defines an influencer, and how much sway must you wield to qualify?

I evaluate thousands of influencer applications annually, and these are the crucial criteria:

Have a Strong Social Media Presence

In my experience assisting applicants, involved Amazon reps evaluate following size, activity consistency, post engagement and overall accountability as initial filters.

While nano or micro influencers below 50k sometimes get approved, most accepted members have over 100k followers and are considered mid-tier and above.

YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter see high volumes of successful applicants. Facebook lags despite a larger user base.

Essentially, the more perception of sway with a defined audience, the better.

Regularly Post Valuable, Engaging Content

Eligible influencers illustrate commitment creating content educating and entertaining loyal fans 4-5 times weekly at minimum.

Amazon checks analytics like monthly views, comments, shares and retention rates to measure engagement.

They screen for influencer "types" – Reviewers, Commentators, Entertainers and Enthusiasts ranking highest. So ensure you fit a profile.

Reside In An Approved Country

As of 2023, North America and parts of Western Europe and Asia officially participate, with English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Japanese content in highest demand.

However, I foresee expansion across Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America as influencer marketing keeps growing globally. Stay tuned for additional languages.

Have an Active Amazon Customer Account

An existing shopper account associating your social handles is also required, as you‘ll leverage this to access the custom store builder and track your earnings.

If you meet these core conditions, your odds look very promising! Now let‘s explore finding and vetting eligible partners.

Where to Find Amazon Influencers to Collaborate With

Are you a seller seeking endorsers to boost your Amazon product pages? Or maybe a fellow influencer looking to organize creative collaborations?

Either way, here are my top tips for identifying ideal influencer partners already participating in the program:

Check Influencer Marketing Marketplaces

Platforms like Ainfluencer make searching super simple by letting you filter by location, audience size and demographics, content types, engagement levels and participation in programs like Amazon‘s.

You can directly vet content samples and storefront URLs featured on influencer profiles to confirm eligibility and alignment with your brand.

Influencer marketing platform

I highly recommend joining Ainfluencer to unlock access to over 500K pre-vetted influencers in minutes.

Search Google

Basic Google searches for queries like "beauty influencers on Amazon with over 100k subscribers" also brings up results. Screen names appearing alongside mentions of the Amazon program or storefronts.

While more manual, reviewing bios and posts lets you qualify candidates.

Check Amazon Storefront Directories

Head over to Amazon and browse the "Influencer Program" section to find storefronts, then cross-reference with social channels.

It takes some legwork, but confirms they actively participate and meet your preferences.

Vet prospective partners carefully before reaching out to maximize ROIs. Now let‘s set up your own presence!

Creating Your Own Amazon Influencer Storefront

If accepted, Amazon sends instructions for launching your custom landing pages. But as an overview, you‘ll:

  1. Formally accept your invite via email to initiate account creation behind the scenes.

  2. Select products you genuinely love from the catalogs you gain access to based on your niche. Curate a well-rounded mix catering to your followers‘ needs and interests.

  3. Use the customization tools within your dashboard create an on-brand presence matching your social channels through logos, images, headers and even themes if available in your country.

  4. Share your unique links everywhere once your profile goes live! Add them to all your social bios so curious visitors can browse products handpicked just for them.

I always advise newly onboarded influencers to view their storefront as an extension of their personal brands. Keep styling, messaging and products aligned to boost recognition and clickthroughs!

Now let‘s explore proven tactics to get those custom links in front of engaged eyeballs.

Promoting Your Amazon Influencer Store for More Sales

Driving awareness is all about visibility. You‘ll gain access to exclusive native advertising options, but should incorporate additional organic and paid efforts across owned, earned and shared channels.

Channels for promoting store

Here are the most effective methods my clients utilize to boost impressions:

Amazon Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Ads

Gain exclusive access to paid display, video and mobile ads leveraging Amazon‘s data capabilities for smarter budget allocation and targeting.

Enhance Listings with SEO Best Practices

Optimize every on-page element including titles, bullets and descriptions with engaging keywords and conversion cues to improve visibility in search results.

Share personalized links in IGTV videos, Stories, Reels and TikToks as well as dedicated posts socializing featured products and collections.

Send Highly-Targeted Emails

Export customer lists to re-engage them with personalized abandoned cart emails, recommendations based on past purchases, and sales announcements direct to inboxes.

Go Live on Amazon Streaming

Answer fan questions and conduct shoppable demos focused exclusively on selling products from your store in real-time on Amazon Live.

Prompt Reviews

Positive ratings and feedback boost perceived authority. Kindly ask satisfied customers to take a moment to leave Amazon influencer program reviews to help others.

This cross-channel amplification strategy maximizes discoverability based on how each audience prefers engaging. Next let‘s optimize conversions.

Expert Tips to Boost Amazon Influencer Earnings

Now for the fun part…with all those eyes on your content, how do you guide them to click and shop while maintaining trust?

Champion Your Personal Brand

Let your unique passion and perspective shine through. Audiences signed up for your style. Share what excites you and remain consistent.

Prioritize Audience Needs

Curate products genuinely delivering value sought by followers. Don‘t push products unlikely to resonate. Focus on alignment.


Create Helpful Recommendations

Surround affiliate links with rich reviews, FAQs and usage ideas aiding the purchase journey. Overdeliver value!

Disclose Sponsorships

Transparently flag paid posts and incentivized product features to avoid deceiving loyal supporters who expect integrity.

Carefully Track Performance

Follow the dashboard analytics to guide decisions on what content and product focus areas earn you the highest commissions. Then double down effort there!

In closing, I hope this 2300-word guide provided tons of practical tips to unlock the tremendous potential of Amazon’s Influencer Program.

Remember that authenticity and value are key to building the loyalty and engagement that open these money-making opportunities.

I wish everyone aspiring to monetize their influence the greatest success leveraging this platform! Please reach out if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.