
What Does Apt, Suite, Etc. Mean in an Address? A Geek‘s Guide to Decoding Apartment and Office Numbers for Accurate Mail Delivery

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If you‘ve ever filled out an address form online and come across fields like "Apt/Suite" or "Apt/Suite/Etc", you may have wondered – what should I put here? As a technology geek who loves optimizing logistics, I‘ll decode these confusing address abbreviations so you can avoid delivery mix-ups.

Let‘s start with a quick answer to our title question:

  • Apt = Apartment number
  • Suite = Office or room number
  • Etc = Any other specifics like floor, rear unit, etc.

Whether you‘re getting packages shipped to your apartment or receiving business mail at the office, adding this extra detail ensures accurate delivery right to your door.

Read on as I explain apartment and office address formats, when to include (or omit) them, and provide tips to dodge addressing issues.

The Need for Apt and Suite Numbers

First, let‘s look at why apartment and suite numbers matter in mailing addresses.

Over 37 million apartment buildings exist in the United States alone. On average, these contain over 16 units each [1]. Office buildings also house multiple businesses under one roof.

Without apartment or suite numbers, mail and packages get delivered to the building‘s general mailroom. There, envelopes and boxes from USPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc. all pile up without clear recipients.

Pinpointing the exact unit prevents this pile-up and allows direct delivery.

When to Specify Apt vs Leaving It Blank

Now that we‘ve seen why apartment and suite specifics help, when should you actually include them?

Include apartment number if:

  • You live in a multi-unit apartment building
  • Multiple people share the same street address

You can omit apartment number if:

  • You live in a single family house
  • Each resident at your address has a unique street number

For example, I live in a duplex. My neighbor and I share a street address, but have separate apartment A and B designations. Including "Apt B" ensures my mail doesn‘t end up at my neighbor‘s door!

Follow the same guidance for office suite numbers. Add it if multiple businesses share an address. Leave it blank if your office has its own distinct street number.

Properly Formatting Apt and Suite Abbreviations

When you do need to add apartment or suite information, formatting matters. Here are some key tips:


  • Write out full word "Apartment", don‘t abbreviate
  • Include apartment letter/number with no punctuation


  • Write out "Suite" fully
  • Use numerals for suite number

Avoid informal abbreviations like "Apt. B" or "#100".

Correct apartment format:

123 Main St Apartment 2B

Correct suite format:

123 Main St Suite 100

Proper formatting prevents misdirected mail. Now let‘s look at examples of addressing apartments and suites in more detail.

Apartment Addressing

Adding your apartment number helps when you live in a building with multiple units sharing one street address.

For example, my apartment complex at 456 Oak Rd has 20 apartments. Instead of all resident mail going to 456 Oak Rd, we add apartment letters A-T to differentiate each unit.

To write your apartment number, first include the street address, then on the same line put:

Apartment X

Where X is your apartment letter or number.

Here are some examples:

456 Oak Rd Apartment B

456 Oak Rd Apartment 14

123 Main St Apartment 2B

When including your apartment number, remember:

  • Write out full word "Apartment"
  • Include apartment letter/number with no punctuation
  • Put on same line as street address

Correctly formatting apartment numbers helps get your mail and packages directly to you!

Office Suite Addressing

Businesses located in shared office buildings also require suite numbers to identify each unique company.

For example, my friend‘s tech startup works out of a large building with over 50 office suites. Instead of all business mail going to one central mailroom at 456 Park Place, they add "Suite 302" to route packages and letters straight to them.

To write your suite number, first include the street address, then on the same line put:

Suite X

Where X is your office/suite number.

Here are some examples:

456 Park Pl Suite 100

456 Park Pl Suite 302

123 Main St Suite 500

When including your suite number, remember:

  • Write out full word "Suite"
  • Use numerals for the suite number
  • Put on same line as street address

Pinpointing suite numbers prevents delivery mix-ups between offices sharing a building.

Apt/Suite vs Apt/Suite/Etc

Sometimes forms will have "Apt/Suite" or "Apt/Suite/Etc" address fields. Here‘s how to handle each one:


  • Enter either apartment OR suite number here if applicable
  • Use slash mark to separate if both apply: Apt B/Suite 100


  • Can include apartment or suite details
  • Also add any other specifics like floor, zone, etc.


Apt 2B

Suite 100

Apt 2B/Suite 100

Apt B Floor 3

Only add extra location details like floor if needed to pinpoint your address.

Bottom line – the standard street address is often enough for delivery. But specifying apartment, suite, floor, etc. helps route mail and packages directly to you when sharing a building.

International Address Formats

Address formats can vary in different countries. Here are some key differences:

United Kingdom

-Flat or apartment number listed on its own line
-County included


-Floor number (3ème étage) often included
-Postal code before city


-Address lines go from large to small geographic divisions
-Apartment number at end

So if you‘re filling out international forms, be sure to follow local address conventions.

Tips for Accurate Online Order Addressing

When shopping online and entering your shipping address, keep these tips in mind:

  • Copy/paste from your profile to match previously stored details
  • Double check apartment or suite number matches packaging slips
  • Select correct format from dropdown if available
  • Use autofill browser features carefully – may enter incorrect info

Taking a moment to validate all address details helps ensure smooth delivery – whether you‘re having something sent to your apartment, office, or elsewhere.

Key Takeaways

To recap this geeky guide on deciphering apartment, suite, and other address abbreviations:

  • Apt = Apartment number
  • Suite = Office/room number
  • Include if multiple units share one street address
  • Omit if you have a distinct street number
  • Use correct formatting – write out "Apartment" and "Suite" fully
  • Add any other specifics like floor if needed
  • Validate details when ordering packages online

Carefully formatting these address elements helps mail and shipments route directly to you!

So next time you come across an address form, you can breeze through apartment, suite, and related fields confidently. Just be sure to double check all details match your precise location.

This way, your mail will arrive quickly, packages won‘t get lost, and you‘ll avoid piles of misdelivered items. Thanks for learning about addressing with me – until next time fellow geeks!



Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.