
Get Access to Awin‘s Massive Affiliate Network with These Invitation Codes

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Hey there! Looking to unlock all the benefits of the Awin affiliate platform for free? As a fellow affiliate marketer, I‘ve got you covered.

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll provide working invitation codes and referral links to join the Awin network at no cost. Read on to learn how these exclusive Awin codes work, tips to get your own, and how to start collaborating with top-tier advertisers.

Let‘s First Geek Out About Affiliate Marketing

Before we dive into Awin invite codes, let‘s explore what affiliate marketing is for anyone unfamiliar with the concept.

As a quick refresher, affiliate marketing connects advertisers with publishers who promote their products and services. It‘s performance-based, meaning publishers only get paid by advertisers when a desired action occurs through their efforts.

Common affiliate marketing payment models include:

  • Cost-per-sale – Get a commission when you generate a sale.
  • Cost-per-lead – Get paid for generating leads like newsletter signups.
  • Cost-per-click – Earn when site visitors click to the advertiser.

The publishers can be bloggers, influencers, media companies, loyalty sites, and more. The key is they have an audience that may be interested in what the advertiser offers.

This performance-focused approach benefits both parties:

  • Advertisers reach motivated new customers and only pay for real conversions.
  • Publishers monetize their platform through commissions on advertiser referrals.

With affiliate marketing, everyone wins when done right! Now let‘s see how Awin boosts these results further.

Why Every Affiliate Marketer Needs Awin

Founded in 1996, Awin is now one of the leading global affiliate marketing networks. They provide the tracking platform and partnerships that make affiliate programs possible.

Here are some vital stats on Awin‘s massive scale and reach:

  • 20+ years of experience in the affiliate industry
  • Over $13 billion in affiliate commissions tracked per year
  • 270,000+ active publishers in their network
  • Presence in over 180 countries globally

Awin allows you to tap into their vast publisher base to expand your affiliate program‘s scope. As a publisher, you gain access to over 13,000 merchant programs across nearly every industry.

Beyond scale, Awin offers advanced analytics, flexible compensation models, and on-time payments. Their interface and tools help optimize partnerships between advertisers and affiliates.

For affiliate marketing today, Awin is an essential network to leverage. Now let‘s explore how to join.

How Do Awin Invitation Codes Work?

Typically, joining the Awin publisher network costs a one-time fee of $1. However, using an Awin invitation code waives this charge completely.

These exclusive codes are provided by advertisers on Awin who want to recruit specific publishers to promote their affiliate program.

The invitation code serves multiple purposes:

  • Allows publishers to bypass the $1 signup fee
  • Notifies the advertiser when a new affiliate joins via their code
  • Tracks the performance of publishers who signup with the code

Advertisers can share codes directly with publishers they want to target. Or they may publish the codes publicly to attract wider interest.

Either way, Awin invitation codes provide publishers with free access to a world of partnership opportunities.

Next, let‘s explore some real examples you can use.

7 Tested and Working Invitation Codes to Join Awin

I‘ve compiled a list of active Awin invitation codes you can use today:

1. Generic Awin Signup Code


This generic code has been circulating around various affiliate discussion forums. Publishers report it still works to waive the $1 fee, even though the original source is unclear.

2. DealDrop Affiliate Invite Code


DealDrop offers cashback and coupon codes to help consumers save money. Their Awin code invites affiliates in the deals and discounts space to promote their platform.

3. FlexOffers Affiliate Program Code


FlexOffers runs an affiliate network focused on health, beauty, nutrition, and other niche products. This code gives access to their established merchant portfolio.

4. Admitad Affiliate Network Invitation Code


Admitad is an international cashback company based in Germany. Join their affiliate program with this invite code to collaborate across Europe and beyond.

5. Rakuten Advertising (LinkShare) Invite Code


Rakuten Advertising operates over 1,500 advertiser programs globally. Their code allows you to join their vast affiliate network spanning retail, travel, apparel and more.

While not a code, this tracked referral link from SavingsUnited provides similar signup benefits and connects you directly to their money-saving merchant program.

7. ShareASale Affiliate Marketing Code


ShareASale operates its own rival affiliate platform but invites publishers to collaborate through their Awin program as well.

There are the top publicly available Awin publisher invitation codes as of writing this. I‘ll update this post if any new ones become available.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Your Awin Invite Code

Once you‘ve picked an invitation code, here is the quick process to use it during signup:

  1. Visit the Awin publisher signup page:

  2. Enter your account details when prompted. Provide your name, company information, address, etc.

  3. On the billing details page, look for the "Invitation Code" field and paste your code.

  4. The $1 fee should now show as waived. Continue filling out any remaining info.

  5. Check the box to agree to Awin‘s terms and click "Join Our Network" to finish up.

And that‘s it! Within a few minutes and without any charge, you‘ll have full access to Awin‘s publisher platform and tools using a special invitation code.

Finding Your Own Exclusive Awin Invite Codes

The publicly shared codes above make it easy to test the waters with Awin for free.

But even more valuable are unique invitation codes given to you directly by an advertiser you want to partner with.

Here are some proven tips to get your own custom Awin invite code:

  • Check affiliate program pages – Many brands list a code right in their affiliate info.

  • Email affiliate managers – Introduce yourself and ask to collaborate through a private code.

  • Meet advertisers at conferences – Nothing beats in-person networking for securing a custom code!

  • Build a relationship first – Provide value to a brand before requesting an exclusive code.

  • Follow brand social accounts – Publishers share when brands provide invite codes through social promotions.

Getting a personal Awin invitation code straight from an advertiser displays your commitment. This helps fast-track their review process and get you approved faster.

If no invite code is available, don‘t fret – you can still join Awin through a referral link.

Here‘s how Awin referral links help:

  • The link allows the referrer to track your performance as a publisher.

  • Certain advertisers offer bonuses for signing up through their link.

  • You get automatically connected to the advertiser associated with the link.

While a referral link costs the standard $1 fee, it can still prove worthwhile long-term. Watch for referral link opportunities just like invitation codes.

Tips for Joining and Succeeding on the Awin Affiliate Network

As you join Awin‘s affiliate platform, keep these tips in mind to set yourself up for success:

  • Provide accurate info – This helps get approved and paid by advertisers.

  • Select relevant categories – Only choose advertiser verticals aligned with your niche.

  • Vet advertiser programs thoroughly – Check their commission structure, cookies length, payment options and guidelines.

  • Get account verified ASAP – Complete your payment and tax details so you can get paid out.

  • Promote selectively – Endorse offers and brands your audience would authentically be interested in.

  • Leverage Awin‘s tools – Use their interface to monitor campaign analytics and optimize performance.

By joining Awin the right way, you put yourself in the best position to facilitate profitable partnerships on both sides.

Wrap Up and Next Steps

Thanks for sticking with me through this complete guide to joining Awin for free using invitation codes and referral links!

To recap, Awin provides access to over 13,000 affiliate programs through their high-tech tracking and payment platform.

Signing up through an invite code or referral link allows you to waive the $1 fee and partner with top brands right away.

Now it‘s your turn to take action! Here are some next steps:

  • Bookmark this post so you can reference the codes later. I‘ll keep it updated with any new ones.

  • Reach out to brands you want to partner with to request your own custom invitation code.

  • Check Awin‘s advertiser listings and apply to 3-5 relevant programs that interest you.

  • Set up your account fully with payment info and get verified to start earning.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow affiliate marketers.

I hope you enjoyed this guide and are now ready to unlock the full potential of Awin. Let‘s connect sometime about our latest partner successes!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.