
5 Best Headline Analyzers to Use Before You Publish Your Next Blog Post

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If you want your blog posts to get clicks and draw readers in, having an irresistible headline is crucial. As an experienced blogger and data analyst, I can‘t emphasize enough how important headlines are. Studies show that 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 in 10 make it through the full post. That‘s why spending time crafting and optimizing your headlines is so essential.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll be sharing my top tips for creating compelling headlines as an SEO expert and data geek. I‘ll also be diving into the 5 best headline analyzer tools I recommend based on my own extensive testing and use over the years. I‘m excited to help you step up your headline game!

Why You Absolutely Need a Good Headline

Let me start by expanding more on why headline optimization needs to be a priority:

  • Headlines drive clicks – Your headline is the first thing people see in searches and social media. A compelling headline piques curiosity and entices people to click through.

  • Headlines boost conversions – Good headlines convey the value proposition of your content. This converts visitors into leads and customers at a higher rate.

  • Headlines improve search ranking – Headlines packed with relevant keywords can boost your SEO and help pages rank higher in search results.

  • Headlines increase social shares – Upto 33% of social shares happen because people are intrigued by your headline alone.

As you can see, headlines have a direct, measurable impact on the success of your content and your overall conversion rates. Even a small optimization like improving your headline can result in a significant lift.

How to Write Headlines That Convert

So what makes a high-converting, clickable headline? Here are my top headline writing tips as an experienced marketing data analyst:

  • Keep it short – Headlines should be less than 60 characters. Long headlines get cut off in search results.

  • Use numbers – Headlines with numbers/stats get more clicks. For example "15 Ways to…"

  • Ask questions – Headlines that ask provocative questions pique reader curiosity.

  • Target keywords – Include your focus keyword naturally to boost SEO. But don‘t over-optimize.

  • Highlight benefits – Convey what the reader will learn or get out of your content.

  • Use power words – Power words like "Uncover" "Never Before Seen" "Proven" help.

  • Use emotional words – Consider including emotional words like "love" "fear" "shame" etc. appropriately.

  • Try different formats – List headlines work well for many types of posts.

Test out different options and see what resonates best with your audience. Now let‘s look at tools that can help.

5 Best Headline Analyzer Tools

As a data-driven marketer, I‘m a strong believer in testing and optimization. Headline analyzers are a quick way to test the effectiveness of different headlines using data and benchmarks.

Here are the top 5 headline analyzer tools I recommend:

1. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule‘s analyzer is my top pick for its depth of analysis across multiple factors. It‘s free and very user-friendly.

It evaluates your headline for word count, length, sentiment, power words, clarity, immobility and more. You get an overall score plus tips to improve your headline.

I like that it stores your analyzed headlines so you can track changes over time. The CoSchedule browser extension also lets you quickly analyze headlines on the go.

Pros: In-depth analysis, helpful suggestions, free

Cons: Can only test one headline at a time

2. HubSpot‘s Blog Topic Generator

While not a traditional headline analyzer, HubSpot‘s tool helps you quickly generate a list of headline ideas for your topic.

Just enter a focus keyword and you‘ll get a huge list of headlines you can customize and refine. It‘s a nice way to beat writer‘s block!

Pros: Helps you brainstorm lots of ideas, provides search volume data

Cons: Doesn‘t evaluate existing headlines

3. Portent‘s Content Idea Generator

Similar to HubSpot‘s tool, Portent‘s generator provides tons of customizable headline ideas based on the keywords you input.

I like playing around with it when I‘m stuck for headline inspiration. The $10/month plan also unlocks advanced AI features.

Pros: Generates many headline ideas quickly

Cons: Doesn‘t analyze existing headlines, free version limited

4. UpContent Headline Analyzer

UpContent offers a straightforward free headline analysis tool that looks at emotional impact, readability, length, power words and keywords.

It provides an overall score from 1-100 plus some improvement suggestions. Quick and easy to use.

Pros: Fast general analysis, free

Cons: Doesn‘t offer in-depth feedback

5. BuzzSumo Headline Analyzer

BuzzSumo‘s analyzer compares your headline to top performers for your keyword to see how you stack up.

It breaks down length, word count, keywords and provides a shareability score from 1-100.

Pros: Benchmarks your headline against successful competitors

Cons: Only available on paid BuzzSumo plans

How To Use Headline Analyzers Effectively

To maximize results from headline tools, here are a few pro tips:

  • Test early – Don‘t write the whole post first. Test potential headlines before you start writing.

  • Try multiple options – Analyze 3-5 different headlines to get more insights.

  • Refine based on feedback – Don‘t ignore suggested improvements, actually tweak your headlines accordingly.

  • A/B test top options – Set up a split test on your site to determine the highest-converting headline.

  • Check analytics – After publishing, keep optimizing your headline over time based on performance data.

Craft Headlines That Convert Readers

In today‘s sea of content, having a compelling headline is one of the best ways to stand out and attract readers. Take the time to brainstorm and test different options using the tools and tips covered here.

Remember, headlines that highlight benefits, incite curiosity and speak directly to your audience will convert at the highest rates.

Let me know if you have any other favorite headline analyzer tools or tips! I‘d be happy to hear from you in the comments.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.