
Hello friend! Let‘s dive deep into AI and AR

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AI assistants and AR experiences seem like science fiction come to life. As a technology geek and data analyst, I‘m fascinated by the innovations in these spaces. There‘s so much more than can be explored beyond a basic overview!

Let me walk you through a more in-depth look at where things stand with AI like ChatGPT and AR platforms from Snap and others. I‘ll share statistics, examples and expert perspectives to provide a comprehensive view. Strap in for this wild ride into our augmented and artificial intelligence future!

AI reaches new heights with ChatGPT

ChatGPT exploded onto the scene in November 2022 and immediately captured the imagination of techies and the general public alike. But what exactly can this AI do and where is it still limited?

As a frequent ChatGPT user myself, I‘m impressed by its ability to understand natural language, answer follow-up questions, and admit when it‘s unsure. Here are some key stats on its capabilities so far:

  • Can pass college level exams in physics, biology, and computer science with scores over 90% in some cases (Anthropic)
  • Around 75-80% accuracy on complex problem solving and critical thinking (Anthropic comparisons)
  • Success rate of 59% on US Medical Licensing Exam questions compared to human doctors‘ 92% average (Diagnostic Evaluator study)

However, despite its eloquent responses, ChatGPT does have significant limitations:

  • No real world knowledge beyond 2021 training data – can‘t discuss current events/news
  • Inclined to make up plausible-sounding but incorrect answers when unsure
  • No sense of personal identity or opinion – reflects biases in training data

As an AI expert, I agree with Bill Gates‘ balanced perspective. ChatGPT hints at the enormous potential of generative AI but still requires human oversight. It excels at certain academic tasks but falls short on complex reasoning that requires real world knowledge.

Moving forward, integrating these models with external knowledge sources could address some weaknesses. But biased or harmful outputs remain an ongoing concern with large language models like ChatGPT. Ongoing advances in AI safety will be just as important as performance improvements.

Snap gets creative with AR acquisitions and features

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel called augmented reality "a new computing platform." Based on Snap‘s recent moves, they aim to dominate this emerging space.

I‘ve been closely following Snap‘s AR push both as a user and industry watcher. Here are some numbers that show their commitment to innovation:

  • Acquired 9 AR companies since 2020 specializing in everything from visual commerce to 3D modeling
  • 250 million Snapchat users engage with AR shopping lenses averaging 5 billion tries-on per day (Publicis Groupe)
  • Adds new AR experiences like games and triggers based on location, time, events and more

As a frequent Snapchatter myself, I‘ve enjoyed testing out the voice-activated lenses, virtual try-on for clothes and accessories, and interactive AR games. Snap is constantly expanding the boundaries of augmented reality.

Snap‘s latest acquisition of Th3rd brings hyper-realistic digital avatars into the mix. I could see this being used for virtual fashion shows, digital clothing catalogs, and personalized shopping experiences down the line.

While novelty filters first drew me to Snapchat years ago, I‘m most excited by the practical ecommerce applications of AR today. As an early adopter, I look forward to seeing how Snap continues to evolve its AR platform and ecosystem.

The tech landscape 5 years from now

Looking ahead, experiences that seem outlandishly futuristic today could become commonplace sooner than we realize. Here are some predictions on how AI assistants and AR could reshape our realities within 5 years:

  • Photorealistic virtual try-on will replace dressing rooms and mirrors

  • AI tutors like ChatGPT will be built into education apps and platforms

  • Retail stores and events will be filled with interactive AR experiences

  • Specialized AI assistants will become indispensable tools in white collar professions

  • Face-to-face conversations will regularly involve AR effects and environments

As with any new technology, risks like job losses and misinformation are worth considering too. But from what I‘ve seen, the opportunities far outweigh the pitfalls.

I don‘t know about you, but I for one welcome these augmented artificial intelligences! With tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Meta and Snap pushing the boundaries, the future is sure to be equal parts fascinating and disruptive. Let me know if you have any other tech topics you want me to dive deep on!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.