
What Does a Brand Marketing Manager Do? The Complete Guide

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In today‘s crowded and competitive marketplace, strong brand marketing is more essential than ever for cutting through noise to connect with consumers. But crafting an emotive brand story requires strategic vision – one that resonates across touchpoints.

This is where skilled brand marketing managers come in.

In this extensive guide, we’ll unpack everything those aspiring to this career need to know, from key responsibilities to must-have capabilities and more.

Let’s get started.

Why Brand Marketing Matters

Before diving into the role, we need to understand what brand marketing entails and why it‘s so vital for success.

Brand marketing is defined as promoting a unique company identity to drive awareness, engagement, and loyalty from target audience groups. This includes managing recognizable logos, slogans, messaging, and the overarching personality consumers associate with your products.

The data shows that brand marketing delivers exponential returns across metrics like sales, customer retention, and lifetime value. Just look at these stats:

  • Strong brands achieve price premiums up to 31% over generic equivalents (Source: Hubspot)
  • 54% of consumers feel more loyal to brands they identify with (Source: Edelman)
  • Companies with popular brands see stock returns beat the S&P 500 by 54% (Source: Millward Brown)

So in an increasingly noisy world, brand marketing helps consumers choose you – feeding revenues and company growth. That’s what’s at stake.

An Inside Look At Brand Marketing Managers

Now that we’ve covered why brand marketing matters, let‘s explore who spearheads this crucial capability.

Brand marketing managers oversee all aspects of how a brand is positioned, communicated, and perceived.

As explained by Jen Havice, CMO at travel brand TourRadar:

"The brand marketing manager role ensures external brand touchpoints like campaigns, messaging, visuals, and experiences align back to a core brand narrative that resonates with target audiences."

They set the vision – bringing the brand to life by leading cross-functional marketing teams towards a unified goal.

This requires a unique balance of strategic thinking, analytical skills, creative flair and leadership capabilities.

Day-to-day, a typical brand marketing manager oversees 4 key domains:

1. Crafting Breakthrough Marketing Strategies

The #1 priority of any brand marketing manager is developing effective strategies – both long and short term – to build awareness and loyalty. This involves:

  • Conducting Market Research: Analyzing buyer personas, trends, and competitors to pinpoint what will resonate most with target demographics

  • Setting Campaign KPIs: Identifying key metrics like reach, engagement rate, and conversion rate to track performance

  • Creating Omnichannel Plans: Crafting integrated campaigns spanning platforms like social media, influencer partnerships, digital ads, events and more

  • Optimizing Based on Data: Monitoring analytics dashboards and campaign reports to determine ROAS and iterate approaches

According to a 2022 Statista report, companies with the strongest brand marketing strategies achieve 2-3x higher revenue growth over a 5 year period compared to competitors. This exponential impact underscores why crafting breakthrough plans is so essential.

Pro Tip: Partnering with relevant influencers can skyrocket brand awareness. Ainfluencer’s marketing platform allows you to search 1000s of qualified influencers and connect directly.

2. Rallying the Troops

Even the most brilliant marketing plan means nothing without effective execution from specialized teams. That‘s why brand managers also focus heavily on leading departments like social media, digital marketing, communications and more towards shared objectives.

This means:

  • Setting Clear Expectations: Briefing teams on campaign goals, guidelines, processes, and schedules

  • Enabling Open Communication: Encouraging transparency through status meetings, instant messaging, project boards and more

  • Motivating and Inspiring: Pushing teams to bring their A-game every day through passionate vision sharing, kudos calls, and leading by example

Getting alignment across all players accelerates output and efficiencies. Data shows companies ranking in the top 20% for cross-functional collaboration achieve 32% higher customer satisfaction along with stronger revenue growth.

3. Managing the Purse Strings

Like any business function, brand marketing comes with real costs that must be planned for. From digital ad budgets to influencer sponsorships and staff headcount, budgets add up quick.

That’s why brand managers constantly analyze spend through lenses like:

  • Benefit Analysis: Weighing campaign costs against potential ROI upside

  • KPI Tracking: Monitoring key metrics daily, weekly and monthly to ensure budgets deliver

  • Bookkeeping: Managing campaign actuals against plans through general ledger reconciliation

  • Predictive Modeling: Forecasting future budget needs based on growth trajectories

Getting executive signoff and planning integrated fiscal years is also key. Mismanaging finances can sink even the strongest strategies.

Pro Tip: Never overspend blindly. For influencer campaigns, use Ainfluencer‘s proprietary algorithms to discover fair market values based on reach, engagement metrics and vertical.

4. Measurement and Optimization

While creativity and vision drive breakthrough marketing, data offers the fuel for continual optimization. Tracking quantifiable metrics around reach, engagement, sentiment, conversions and more is essential.

Brand managers not only assess performance of their own strategies, but also benchmark against competitors and category norms. This enables them to apply learnings across the board and maintain competitive edges where possible.

Pro Tip: Look beyond vanity metrics like followers and likes alone. Prioritize action-oriented KPIs like clicks, shares, mentions, traffic, and sales that clearly demonstrate ROI.

Now that we’ve covered the four core brand marketing responsibilities, let’s look at how this role differs from the related marketing manager position.

Brand Marketing Manager vs Marketing Manager

These two crucial marketing roles are often confused due to similar naming conventions and complementary priorities. But at their core, subtle differences exist:

While marketing managers focus on executing tactical plans day-to-day, brand marketing managers oversee shaping the overall positioning and messaging strategy.

Philip Kotler, considered the “Father of Modern Marketing”, summarizes it well:

“The brand marketing manager decides ‘what’ the brand stands for and ‘why’ it matters. The marketing manager activates the ‘how’ – the campaigns and touch points that reinforce the intended brand identity."

In this sense, the brand marketing manager takes the higher helicopter view of long-term vision while the marketing manager leads ground-level activation.

The two work in synchronization, with the marketing manager reporting directly to the brand marketing leader. Both play crucial roles in orchestrating world-class marketing.

Now that we’ve covered the core responsibilities, let’s explore the skills and experience needed to secure a brand marketing manager job.

Key Skills and Requirements

Transitioning into a marketing leadership role takes the right balance of business acumen, communication abilities and specialized expertise. Each brand looks for slightly different qualifications, but several universal capabilities stand out among high performers:

Hard Skills

  • Marketing Strategy: Proven experience developing positioning and activations
  • Campaign Management: Ability to juggle many concurrent projects successfully
  • Performance Analysis: Data fluency and analytical skills to mine business insights
  • Project Leadership: Talent organizing complex initiatives across stakeholders
  • Creative Flair: Visual, written and verbal messaging aptitude

Soft Skills

  • Collaborative: Encourages teamwork, welcomes feedback, bridges silos
  • Vision + Passion: Inspires action towards future milestones
  • Empathetic: Reads audiences and relates well to others
  • Organized: Structured approach to planning and time management
  • Adaptable: Flexibility adjusting to new challenges and priorities

While most brand managers hold college degrees in marketing, communications or business, real-world experience accelerates growth. Mentorship opportunities can also help develop expertise.

For junior marketers aiming for this career, constantly push beyond tactical duties to spearhead high-visibility strategic projects – even if not required in your formal role. This showcases leadership talents to managers assessing promotion readiness while building expanded capabilities.

Sought after experiential learning opportunities include:

  • Overseeing market research initiatives
  • Craftingmeasurement frameworks
  • Leading campaign post-mortems
  • Pitching executive presentations
  • Managing special cross-team projects

Now that we’ve covered the skills to sharpen, let’s explore the earning potential.

What’s the Average Brand Marketing Manager Salary?

The latest PayScale data reveals that average base compensation for brand marketing managers ranges between $65,000 to $135,000 annually. However, total pay can extend even higher through bonuses and equity in some industries.

Several factors impact earning potential:


  • Brand managers in top metro areas like NYC and Silicon Valley command higher salaries given local cost of living


  • Premium brands in categories like tech, finance and healthcare tend to pay more

Experience Level

  • Entry-level brand managers start around $55,000 on average
  • Directors and VPs can earn well over $150k+

So while skillsets drive qualifications, candidate negotiation leverage and company budget also play roles in setting pay rates.

Beyond the paychecks, the exciting challenges and visible impact also offer immense intangible rewards.

Key Takeaways

We’ve covered extensive ground exploring this marketing leadership role. Let‘s recap the key themes:

  • Brand marketing managers oversee the positioning and go-to-market strategy that shapes perception
  • They lead critical initiatives like campaign development, budgeting, team unification and performance tracking
  • While they focus on the helicopter view, marketing managers execute activation day-to-day
  • The role offers an exciting mix of analysis, creativity, and leadership at the intersection of innovation
  • With the right mix of strategic and soft skills, brand managers can earn well over $130k+

For anyone with a passion for marketing, branding, consumers and technology, it‘s an unparalleled career path.

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Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.