
Diving Deep on 11 Essential Cybersecurity Podcasts for Aspiring InfoSec Pros

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Hey there!

Looking to launch and grow your career in cybersecurity? Eager to stay on top of the latest threats, technologies, and best practices?

You‘ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll be sharing my top cybersecurity podcast picks for accelerating your education and keeping sharp in the evolving digital landscape.

Whether you‘re just getting started or a seasoned security veteran, podcasts provide an easy way to soak up wisdom from the world‘s brightest minds in the field. Packed with captivating stories, tactical advice, and big picture perspectives, they make learning addictive.

I should know – as an IT security analyst with over 5 years of experience, podcasts have been my secret weapon for career advancement from day one. I‘ve discovered amazing shows covering everything from the ins and outs of new malware strains to high-level cyber risk management strategies.

And I can‘t wait to pass along my go-to list to help fellow cybersecurity enthusiasts of all levels get ahead.

Let‘s explore 11 phenomenal podcasts guaranteed to upgrade your expertise!


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CYBER by Motherboard is one of my long-time favorites thanks to its gripping narrative style. Through immersive reporting, host Ben Makuch brings complex cybersecurity stories to life – illuminating their nuances, stakes, and far-reaching impacts.

Recent episodes have spotlighted how law enforcement leverages smartphone data to solve crimes, the exponential rise of disruptive ransomware, and the unchecked spread of invasive biometric surveillance systems.

Makuch guides each story arc seamlessly thanks to his natural curiosity and knack for asking the right questions. With journalistic rigor, episodes uncover hidden dangers and thought-provoking social impacts that traditional cybersecurity shows rarely spotlight.

I always come away with a heightened awareness of emerging threats and just how deeply cybersecurity now touches every facet of life.

Beyond the regular show, CYBER also produces incredible mini-series like Cyber War, exploring escalating state-sponsored digital attacks, and Biometric Scans and Surveillance Capitalism, examining privacy erosion in the name of profits and convenience.

If you love an enthralling story garnished with crucial lessons, CYBER is sure to captivate while expanding your outlook.

Standout Episodes:

  • S3 E9 – Inside the Insane World of Ransomware Hackers
  • S1 E8 – Cryptocurrency Scams Are Just Ponzi Schemes Reborn

2. Hackable?

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Hackable? offers invaluable education by dissecting real-world cybersecurity failures at major companies. Hosts Kate Carrara and Patrick Beja meticulously analyze past attacks to uncover exactly what went wrong and how similar incidents can be prevented.

As a penetration tester, I‘m constantly evaluating vulnerabilities in clients‘ networks and systems. Hackable? provides helpful supplemental case studies showing common oversight gaps in action.

Carrara and Beja complement each other perfectly. Carrara lends an insider‘s perspective on security programs from her time as an advisor. Beja gives an outsider‘s take as an entrepreneur lacking direct cybersecurity experience. Together, they demystify incidents for listeners of all backgrounds.

I particularly appreciate how Hackable? spotlights the cascading human errors and communications breakdowns allowing many attacks to unfold. More robust technology alone rarely solves root problems without corresponding business process and staffing adjustments.

Hackable? quickly surfaces the planning flaws most organizations share – and need to address through better coordination, training, and systems thinking. I always come away with notes on improving both technical and human barriers.

Standout Episodes:

  • When the Cloud Provider Makes a Mess
  • Everything That Could Go Wrong at Equifax Did

3. Down the Security Rabbithole

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For refreshing outlooks on cybersecurity issues you won‘t find in mainstream coverage, Down the Security Rabbithole always stimulates my thinking.

Rafael Rice and Alex Rice (no relation) approach topics from unexplored angles, sensing gaps in prevailing narratives. Recent episodes have examined cybersecurity‘s ethics dilemma, diversity‘s critical impact on the talent shortage, and envisioning future risks as innovations like VR and automation advance.

The hosts‘contrasting backgrounds make conversations rich. Rafael offers wisdom cultivated from decades as an IT security leader. Alex provides an outsider‘s perspective shaped by his work in publishing and entertainment. Together, their infectious chemistry and curiosity unearth original insights.

I often feel stuck in echo chambers consuming the same cybersecurity news and opinions. Down the Security Rabbithole expands my lens with its creativity and nuance. The hosts always leave me with new dimensions to consider on important issues.

Standout Episodes:

  • Is Cybersecurity Getting Too Preachy?
  • Through the Looking Glass – Cybersecurity & The Metaverse

4. RSA Conference Security Podcast

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RSA Conference gathers the biggest names in cybersecurity every year to share emerging threats and innovations. Its podcast distills hundreds of sessions into bite-sized 15-30 minute episodes featuring those same experts.

With luminaries from governments, leading tech companies, top universities, and more discussing their latest research and projects, it‘s like getting a backstage pass to the industry‘s most exclusive networking event.

Just a few of the all-star speakers featured include:

  • Chris Krebs – 1st Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
  • Katie Moussouris – Pioneered responsible vulnerability disclosure policies
  • Bruce Schneier – Cryptographer and security technologist
  • Dino Dai Zovi – Renowned mobile security researcher

This front-row access to the brightest minds in cybersecurity makes the RSA Conference podcast a goldmine of up-to-date intel. Episodes showcase new attack techniques along with novel concepts for defense. After each season, I feel charged with fresh energy and forward-looking insights to apply.

Standout Episodes:

  • The Cyber Underworld: Shadow Economies of Cybercrime
  • 5G and the New Age of Cyber Espionage

5. Cyber Security Headlines

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Let‘s be honest – who has time to comb through dozens of cybersecurity news sources daily? For concise daily headlines that don‘t skimp on context, Cyber Security Headlines is my go-to.

At just 5 minutes per episode, the podcast delivers a perfectly digestible snapshot of the latest must-know events. Veteran host John Petrie quickly covers new breaches, vulnerabilities, malware threats, critical software updates, regulatory changes, and other timely items security professionals need to be aware of.

Think of it like a Cybersecurity CliffsNotes that eliminates fluff and honed in on the most practically relevant developments.

Whether I‘m hustling to a meeting or squeezing in a workout, Cyber Security Headlines keeps me casually informed so I‘m never out of the loop. Over morning coffee it provides just the news hit I need to start my day informed.

Standout Episodes:

  • NSA Exposes Major Flaw in Windows 10 and Server (patch now!) – February 14, 2023
  • New phishing tactic targets LinkedIn connections – February 8, 2023

6. The CyberWire Daily

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When time is extra tight but I need a daily news fix, The CyberWire Daily perfectly fits the bill. At around 15 minutes per weekday episode, the podcast concisely covers top cybersecurity stories and events.

The CyberWire team identifies the most significant developments per day and host Dave Bittner summarizes need-to-know details. Topics include data breaches, newly observed hacking techniques, product updates, regulations, and research breakthroughs.

I particularly appreciate the global view it provides by pulling headlines from major news outlets worldwide. This fuller picture exposes emerging threats that other cybersecurity news podcasts narrowly focused on the U.S. often miss.

If I could only choose one daily cybersecurity news podcast, The CyberWire Daily would be it thanks to the episode length, sharp analysis, and international scope.

Standout Episodes:

  • Ransomware‘s sharp increase against critical infrastructure concerns governments – February 13, 2023

7. The Secure Developers

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As an application security analyst, I‘m constantly immersed in code vulnerabilities. The Secure Developers podcast keeps me on top of fixes and best practices to build more resilient software.

Host Guy Podjarny dives deep on topics like preventing supply chain compromises, safeguarding API access, securing open source libraries, and shifting left on app security.

I learn something new from every episode thanks to Guy‘s knack for breaking down complex security problems into clear solutions developers can implement.

Popular episodes feature conversations with security champions at major companies like Microsoft, Google, and Square addressing how they secure massive codebases. Their inside tips are pure gold for anyone creating tech at scale.

Standout Episodes:

  • Data Security: Protecting Data Within Applications
  • Shifting Security Testing Left with GitHub and CodeQL

8. Cyber Security Sauna

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For an international perspective often missing from Western-centric cybersecurity conversations, I highly recommend Finland‘s Cyber Security Sauna.

Hosts Mikko Hyppönen and Jarno Limnéll draw from unique backgrounds in the public and private sectors. With Hyppönen hailing from tech leader F-Secure and Limnéll boasting government and military experience, their contrasting views make for enlightening (and often humorous) discussions.

Recent episodes have explored cyber warfare doctrines, 5G network security, espionage risks of connected devices, and ransomware‘s exponential growth. The candid back-and-forth always surfaces original angles I hadn‘t considered.

Think of their sauna soak conversations as a cybersecurity podcast by professionals, for professionals. You‘re a fly on the wall for two experts sounding out complex problems.

Standout Episodes:

  • Cyber Deterrence
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection

9. CyberWire Daily Bulletin

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On the flip side, for days when I‘m craving maximum depth rather than brevity, CyberWire‘s Daily Bulletin has my curiosity covered.

At 60-90 minutes per daily episode, CyberWire‘s intel team dives into the day‘s top stories with expanded analysis, interviews, and discussions. Segments run 10-20 minutes each.

Imagine getting an incisive download on pressing issues like data exposure risks, software supply chain compromises, and evolving adversary tactics from leading experts. That‘s what the Daily Bulletin delivers.

I schedule this podcast for my commute when I want an immersive dive rather than quick headlines. The comprehensive insights equip me to engage colleagues on current events knowledgeably.

Standout Episodes:

  • How a retailer halted a ransomware attack mid-strike – February 7, 2023

10. Darknet Diaries

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When I need a cybersecurity content snack packed with drama and intrigue, I tune into Darknet Diaries. Creator Jack Rhysider transforms true tales of hacking and cyber crime into engrossing audio adventures.

Recent episodes have explored the rise of deepfakes, the Capital One cloud breach, phone hacking for profit, and romance scams. Rhysider‘s cunning sound design makes each story cinematic.

Beyond entertainment value, the series subtly conveys useful lessons about human nature‘s role in cybersecurity failures. Lapses often boil down to underestimating risks, poor communications, and social engineering rather than elaborate technical feats.

Darknet Diaries reminds us that securing data and systems requires understanding the people attempting unauthorized access just as much as the tools involved. Our empathy gaps create exploitable security gaps.

Standout Episodes:

  • Ep 91: Solidstate
  • Ep 62: Hacker Giraffe

11. Malicious Life

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Rounding out my list is the engrossing Malicious Life podcast. Creator Ran Levi sheds new light on famous cybersecurity events by spotlighting overlooked human stories and context.

Episodes chronicle encryption‘s evolution, seminal malicious code, high stakes espionage operations, hacktivist movements, and numerous other pivotal infosec turning points. The little known histories bring modern cyber threats into sharper focus.

I‘m constantly impressed by Levi‘s research and knack for transforming technical topics into resonant human stories – like tracing encryption‘s roots back to World War II‘s desperate cryptography arms race.

Malicious Life proves learning doesn‘t have to be dry or dull when creative storytelling and production infuse facts with feeling. I never miss an episode.

Standout Episodes:

  • Episode 96: The Morris Worm
  • Episode 16: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park

Let the Learning Journey Continue

I hope sharing my personal playlist gives you some new podcasts to love while accelerating your cybersecurity expertise.

Here are a few parting tips to make the most of your listening time:

  • Take notes – jot down key lessons, insights, and follow-up questions to drive learning
  • Discuss episodes – join online communities to unpack content further
  • Apply concepts – immediately put fresh intel into action protecting systems
  • Give feedback – share reactions with hosts to help them improve

Now it‘s your turn – what cybersecurity podcasts have you found valuable? Reply and let me know on Twitter at @[yourhandle].

Here‘s to never stopping the learning and career growth!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.