
How to Copy and Share Your Discord Profile Link

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Want an easy way for your friends to find and connect with you on Discord? Sharing your custom profile link is the perfect solution.

Unlike other social platforms, Discord doesn‘t have a built-in "share profile" option. But with just a few simple steps, you can create a personalized link to your Discord profile and send it to anyone.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll show you how to generate your Discord profile link on both desktop and mobile. I‘ll also provide some pro tips to optimize your profile and make sure your link is share-ready.

So let‘s dive in and get linking!

Here are some excellent reasons you should create and share your Discord profile link:

  • It‘s your unique url – Your custom profile link acts like a vanity url, allowing people to access your profile directly instead of searching for your username.

  • Easy to share – Simply copy and paste your link to share it with friends across social media, messaging apps, etc.

  • Promote your profile – Adding your link to your social bios and signatures helps drive traffic to your Discord profile.

  • Join servers easily – Friends can click your link and instantly join any public Discord servers you‘ve joined.

  • Looks professional – A custom profile link adds legitimacy and makes your profile look more professional.

  • No friend code needed – Friends don‘t need your friend code to add you when they access your profile via your link.

For content creators, gamers, communities and brands on Discord, having a shareable profile link is extremely beneficial. Let‘s go over how to get yours!

Step 1: Access Your Discord Profile Page

First things first, you need to open up your Discord profile page. This can be done either on the desktop app or the mobile app.

On Desktop:

  • Click on your profile icon in the bottom left corner
  • Select "My Account" to open your profile page

On Mobile:

  • Tap on the profile icon on the bottom navigation bar
  • This will automatically open your profile page

Take a quick look at your profile and make sure it‘s ready to be shared! Edit your profile banner, bio, and profile picture if needed.

Step 2: Copy Your Unique Discord ID

Every Discord user is assigned a unique ID number associated with their account. To generate your profile link, you‘ll need to copy this ID.

Here‘s how to find it:

On Desktop:

  • Go to User Settings > Advanced
  • Enable Developer Mode
  • Right click your profile in the server sidebar
  • Click "Copy ID"

On Mobile:

  • Tap the three dots in the top right corner of your profile
  • Select "Copy ID"

This will copy your personal Discord ID, which is a long string of numbers, straight to your clipboard.

Now that you‘ve copied your ID, it‘s time to build your custom profile link.

The structure of a Discord profile link looks like this:

Simply replace "YOUR_ID_HERE" with the ID you just copied, and you‘ve generated your unique link!

For example, if your ID is 1234567891234567, your link would be:

Be sure to paste the ID correctly with no spaces or characters. Double check that you‘ve replaced "YOUR_ID_HERE" with your personal ID.

The next step is to test out your newly created profile link.

Paste the complete link into your browser search bar and hit enter. This should open up your Discord profile page.

If you see your profile picture, banner, and bio, then you‘ve successfully created your custom link!

Note that the link will only work when opened on the Discord website. It will not redirect in the Discord desktop or mobile apps.

Now comes the fun part – sharing your fancy new profile link on all your social channels and anywhere else you have an online presence.

Here are some ideas for getting the word out:

  • Put it in your Instagram, Twitter, Youtube bio
  • Add it to your email signature
  • Share it directly with friends via chat and messaging apps
  • Include it on your business cards or resume
  • Add it to your Twitch, Facebook or TikTok profiles
  • Prominently display it on your personal website or blog

Get creative and take advantage of all opportunities to share your link! The more it‘s out there, the more people will access your profile.

Here are some pro tips to ensure your profile link strategy is maximizing your Discord presence:

  • Brand your profile – Take full advantage of your profile customization options like banner, bio, and profile picture. Make them cohesive and on-brand.

  • Show off servers – Join some cool public Discord servers related to your interests and hobbies so visitors can easily check them out.

  • Use a catchy, branded nickname – Change your Discord nickname to contain your brand name or username so its recognizable on profile views.

  • Drive traffic to link – Promote your link regularly across social media to keep that profile traffic flowing! Share teasers and nuggets that send people to your profile.

  • Refresh when needed – Every so often, update your profile decor to keep it looking fresh and engaging for visitors.

  • Add more links – In your bio, include links to your other social profiles and sites to connect your online presence.

  • Make new friends! – With an awesome shareable profile, your friend requests will be rolling in. Accept them and widen your network.

Here are some common issues and fixes for any problems with your Discord profile link:

  • Link doesn‘t work – Double check that the ID is pasted correctly with no extra characters or spaces. Also try generating a new link in case your ID changed.

  • Access denied – Your profile may be set to private, preventing public access via your link. Go to Privacy Settings and uncheck "Keep my profile private from everyone".

  • App redirects – As mentioned, the link will only work in a web browser, not in the Discord apps. Make sure to inform your friends to open it on the web.

  • New friends can‘t add you – They may be trying via mobile app. Have them switch to web browser so the Add Friend button appears.

  • Page won‘t load – This is likely a temporary glitch. Try again in a few minutes or double check internet connectivity.

Wrap Up

I hope this guide has equipped you with an easy process for creating a shareable profile link and optimizing your Discord presence.

Remember to keep your profile looking fresh, share your link widely, and engage new visitors. A customized Discord profile is a great way to establish your brand and connect with potential new communities.

Now get out there and start linking! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.