
10 DKIM Record Generators to Verify Email Authenticity: An In-Depth Guide

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Hi there!

Email phishing and spoofing attacks are serious problems today. Just look at these statistics I came across during my research:

  • 54% of cyber attacks involve phishing or spoofing (Source: Statista)

  • 3.1 billion spoofed emails sent daily (Source: Proofpoint)

Yikes! As you can imagine, tools that can authenticate and validate emails are becoming extremely important.

One of the most effective technologies is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). But I know manually creating DKIM records can be confusing!

So in this guide, I‘ll be sharing my top recommendations for DKIM record generators. I‘ve tested and compared 10 leading options so you can find the perfect fit.

I‘ll also be sprinkling in some of my insight as an email infrastructure geek! There are some best practices around keys, selectors, DNS setup, etc. that I want to share to help you properly implement DKIM.

Ready? Let‘s dive in!

An Expert Overview of DKIM and Why It Matters

First, what exactly is DKIM and why should you care about it?

DKIM uses cryptographic signatures to authenticate that an email came from the authorized domain, and that the contents are unchanged.

Here‘s a quick technical rundown of how it works:

  • The sending server adds a DKIM signature header to the email. This contains encrypted information like the domain, timestamp, body hash, etc.

  • The receiving server uses the sender‘s public key to decrypt the signature. It verifies the domain and email contents match.

  • The result will be a ‘pass‘ or ‘fail‘. Some systems also give granular alignment data on what passed or failed.

Now the key benefits:

  • Spoofing protection – Since the domain is validated, attackers can‘t impersonate someone else‘s domain.

  • Tamper evidence – Any changes made to the email after sending would invalidate the signature.

  • Reputation builder – Receivers can trust DKIM verified emails, improving sender reputation.

  • Deliverability booster – Email providers often prefer DKIM signed emails with good alignment over unsigned mail.

Based on my experience, proper DKIM setup is one of the most impactful things you can do to protect against phishing and improve deliverability rates.

Next, let‘s look at 10 great tools to generate valid DKIM records.

Top 10 DKIM Record Generators

Creating DKIM records manually in DNS is complex. Here are my top picks for DKIM generators that make it easy:

Generator Key Features
EasyDKIM Simple interface, quick generation
DMARCLY Clean, straightforward, copies keys to clipboard
SparkPost Focused on key generation, allows 1024 – 2048 bit keys
PowerDMARC Fast DKIM record and key generation
SocketLabs Flexible key size options, escape characters, split keys
ZeroBounce Good key size choices, gives policy records
DKIMCore Simple open-source tool
Skysnag Allows multiple key lengths, generates full records
Netcore Flexible key length options
DVANA Simple Office 365 specific DKIM generator

Now let‘s take a deeper look at each tool and what makes them great.


  • Easiest option if you want a fuss-free DKIM record generator
  • Limitations are lack of key length choices and advanced options
  • But works great if you just need simple, quick DKIM generation


  • Very straightforward interface
  • Fast generation of keys and record


  • Only 3 key length choices
  • No advanced configuration options


  • DMARCLY has one of the cleanest interfaces out there
  • The one-click copy buttons ensure you never have to manually select and copy long keys
  • Downside is it lacks flexibility in key length and other options


  • Simple, intuitive interface
  • One-click copy for keys
  • Quick generation


  • Limited key length choices
  • No advanced options


  • SparkPost is laser-focused on generating DKIM key pairs
  • It doesn‘t provide the full DKIM record
  • But allows flexible 1024 – 2048 bit key sizes


  • Specialized tool just for DKIM keys
  • Supports longer key lengths up to 2048 bits
  • Simple interface


  • Generates keys only, not full DKIM record
  • No advanced configuration


  • PowerDMARC is all about fast, fuss-free DKIM record generation
  • There are no options for advanced settings or key length selection
  • But works great if you just need a quick, basic DKIM record


  • Speedy generation of DKIM record
  • Also provides private key
  • Simple interface


  • No customization of key length
  • Very limited configuration options


  • SocketLabs shines with flexible options for advanced users
  • You can choose key lengths from 512 – 2048 bits
  • Additional options like escaping characters and split keys


  • Granular selection of key length
  • Useful advanced options
  • Downloadable keys


  • Does not generate full DKIM record
  • Slightly complex interface


  • ZeroBounce strikes a nice balance between ease-of-use and customization
  • Allows 512 – 2048 bit key length selection
  • Provides not just keys but also selector and policy records


  • Good range of key size options
  • Generates selector and policy records
  • Fairly simple interface


  • Does not output full DKIM record
  • Limited advanced configuration


  • DKIMCore is an open-source tool with a no-frills interface
  • You don‘t get much customization or even see the public key by default
  • But it‘s free and gets the job done for basic DKIM key generation


  • Simple open-source tool
  • Easy and fast generation


  • Very minimal features
  • Public key not displayed


  • Skysnag strikes a great balance with an intuitive interface and good features
  • Allows multiple key length choices
  • Outputs full DKIM record along with public/private keys


  • Generates entire DKIM record
  • Supports multiple key lengths
  • Simpler interface than some advanced tools


  • Slightly more complex than barebones generators


  • Netcore provides another solid mid-range option
  • Like SocketLabs and ZeroBounce, it allows flexible key length selection
  • The interface is clean but lacks advanced options


  • Allows multiple key length choices
  • Simple, straightforward interface


  • Generates keys only, not full DKIM record
  • Limited advanced configuration


  • DVANA fills a specific niche – Office 365 DKIM generation
  • So if you use Office 365, this one-click tool is made for you
  • From a features perspective it‘s barebones, but does exactly what it promises


  • Specialized Office 365 DKIM generator
  • Very fast and easy


  • Office 365 only
  • No customization or advanced options

So in summary, you have a wide range of great options for every use case – from total beginners to DKIM power users!

Next, let‘s go over some best practices I‘ve learned for properly implementing DKIM at your organization.

Expert Tips for Proper DKIM Setup

Here are some key tips I recommend based on extensive experience with DKIM deployments:

Use Sufficiently Long Cryptographic Keys

Don‘t use 1024-bit keys if you can avoid it – they‘re now considered cryptographically weak. 2048-bit is a good minimum. For maximum security, go with 4096-bit.

Create Multiple Selectors for Different Email Types

Use unique selectors for marketing mail, transactional mail, etc. This allows you to have different signing practices. You can also expire selectors independently.

Handle Private Keys with Care

  • Store private keys securely, ideally in a hardware security module (HSM).
  • Limit access through permissions and roles.
  • When employees leave, make sure to remove their access.

Promptly Update Public Keys in DNS

Any time you generate new DKIM public keys, upload them to DNS right away. This avoids authentication failures.

Plan for Rotation and Expiration of Keys

  • Don‘t use single key pairs forever.
  • Rotate to new keys every 1-2 years.
  • Expire old public keys so they can‘t be used if compromised.

Monitor DKIM Authentication Results

Use a tool like Postmark or Valimail to check DKIM alignment and authentication. Identify and fix issues quickly.

Validate DKIM Policies and DNS Setup

Double check that your DNS TXT records are configured properly. Use a DKIM validator to test authentication.

Ensure DKIM Header Alignment

The headers included in the DKIM signature must match those visible in the email headers. Misalignments will lead to authentication failures.

That covers the key best practices I wanted to share from my experience. Of course proper DKIM setup takes time to perfect, but I hope these tips give you a solid foundation.

Now let‘s wrap things up with some concluding thoughts.

Conclusion: Start Securing Your Emails with DKIM

Well, we covered a lot of ground here! The main takeaways:

  • DKIM is a highly effective email authentication system that combats spoofing, tampering, and deliverability issues.

  • Manually configuring DKIM records is complex, so using a generator tool can save huge headaches.

  • I recommended 10 excellent DKIM generators spanning from simple to fully featured. Take your pick!

  • Follow the deployment best practices I outlined around keys, selectors, monitoring, DNS, etc. This will prevent many rookie mistakes.

I hope this guide gave you a helpful overview of DKIM tools and configuration tips! Proper email authentication has so many benefits – it‘s one of the best things you can do to protect your domain‘s reputation.

If you have any other questions feel free to reach out! I‘m always happy to chat more about email deliverability and authentication.

Stay safe out there,

[Your Name]

Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.