
How To Find Amazon Influencer Storefront? 2023 Update

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Are you looking to discover the latest products from your favorite influencers? Or interested in having an influencer promote your brand to their engaged following? Understanding how to find Amazon influencer storefronts is key.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know and provide the most effective methods for 2023.

What is an Amazon Influencer Storefront?

An Amazon influencer storefront is a personalized page where influencers curate and promote products they love to their followers. After becoming an approved Amazon influencer, they can set up their own stylized storefront.

The storefront works similarly to their social media channels. Whenever a follower purchases a product the influencer has recommended, they earn a commission.

For customers, Amazon storefronts provide a convenient way to discover new products endorsed by influencers they trust.

Essentially, Amazon storefronts allow influencers to monetize their audience on a prominent platform while allowing followers seamlessly shop for their recommendations.

Best Ways to Find Amazon Influencer Storefronts

Finding relevant Amazon influencer storefronts can be difficult without the right methods. Here are the most effective approaches for 2023:

The majority of influencers promote their Amazon storefronts on their social media channels like Instagram and TikTok to drive traffic from their engaged following.

Conduct a relevant hashtag and keyword search on platforms like Instagram or Twitter to find storefronts in your niche. Visit the profiles of influencers discussing your products or brand and see if they feature a storefront link in their bio or posts.

For example, if you sell beauty products, you could search hashtags like #beautyinfluencer and #makeuptips to find storefronts from influencers in that space.

A great tool to search for influencers by location, audience demographics and content is Ainfluencer. It allows you to filter and sort influencers tailored to your needs. You can discover storefronts by ensuring the influencers you partner with have "Amazon Storefront" listed under their partnerships.

Pro Tip: The broader your search terms, the more storefronts you’ll discover in that niche. But start broad then narrow down according to relevance and performance over time.

Amazon itself allows you to browse and search current storefronts across all categories. Navigate to the main Amazon Storefront landing page and input a relevant keyword to find influencers in your industry, like “cookware” or “natural skincare”.

Assess the storefront’s product quality, presentation, deals, and review volume and rating before deciding who to follow. Storefront owners with an “I’m an Influencer” badge and contact options tend to be ideal for partnerships.

Pro Tip: Sort storefront search results by ‘Featured’ or ‘Avg. Customer Reviews’ to surface the highest-quality options.

3. Influencer Marketing Platforms

Influencer marketing platforms have also expanded into the realm of Amazon. Platforms like Amazon Spark and Onalytica can match you with relevant influencers that have Amazon storefronts.

They allow you to screen for demographics, content performance and partnerships. And platforms automate much of the manual search and relationship-building required through cold outreach alone.

4. Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful sources for recommendations – especially for storefront discovery.

Ask colleagues, friends and families for referrals to influencers they follow on Amazon. They’ll likely only suggest storefront owners who provide stellar recommendations and service.

Leverage communities like Facebook Groups or niche forums to crowdsource for references too. These informal recommendations often convert exceptionally well since they come from a trusted source.

Expand beyond the major platforms by running a custom Google search as well. Use terms like “your keyword + Amazon influencer” to pull up relevant articles, roundups and lists ranking top options.

Often bloggers will curate storefront suggestions for a given niche like fashion, cookware or electronics that you can explore. Credible sites like Forbes, Buzzfeed or niche blogs also regularly spotlight stand-out storefronts.

Monitor these roundups over time since listings tend to change as new influencers gain traction and authority.

6. Check Amazon Best-Seller List

While chart-toppers aren’t always influencers, it’s worth checking Amazon’s Best Seller ranking in your category. If certain products or brands repeatedly appear at high volumes, there’s likely an influencer driving that demand.

Look up the product listings for an external link or recommended complementary products section with the influencer featured. Or Google the product name + “Amazon influencer” to pull up if it‘s been recently covered and promoted.

Connecting with these high-performing influencers can significantly boost your own products through celebrity-level endorsements and word of mouth reach.

7. Social Listening Tools

Expand your search reach using social listening tools like Awario, Talkwalker or Hootsuite. Input relevant keywords and brand names to identify influencer conversations already happening around your products or vertical.

If micro or mid-tier influencers are organically discussing your company or category, they can make for ideal partners to fuel further word of mouth through creative storefront promotions.

8. Referral Networks

Finally, don‘t underestimate your existing network and contacts. Reach out internally at your company or tap your industry connections. Even informal polls across customer communities can uncover influencer partnerships.

In many cases, potential partners have existing relationships that simply haven’t been explored around formal promotions. Activate these networks through warm personalized outreach at scale.

The most effective approach combines both manual and automated discovery methods outlined above to build a targeted outreach list over time. Don’t focus solely on mega influencers with millions of followers. Often micro and mid-tier influencers drive higher engagement and conversion at a lower cost.

Tips for Finding the Best Storefronts

When searching for influencer storefronts, keep these proven tips in mind:

Review their content aesthetic: Assess if their feed style and branding would suit your products or brand.

Check conversions and reviews: Prioritize storefronts with high review volume and ratings to ensure recommendation quality.

Validate email list size: Ask influencers you reach out to for approximate email subscriber numbers as that asset often overindexes for conversions.

Research real engagement: Calculate their average likes and comments rather than purely follower count across platforms to measure possible campaign reach.

Match values and positioning: Ensure an influencer‘s persona and past brand associations uphold your desired positioning.

Set niche-specific goals: Have clearly defined campaign goals around sales vs. brand awareness before finalizing partners.

Localize your search: Seek influencers based in your priority geographic markets catering to that cultural context.

Why Amazon Influencer Storefronts Are Effective

Amazon storefronts provide a win-win for both consumers and influencers when executed successfully:

Benefits for Consumers

  • Discover new products endorsed by influencers you trust
  • Seamless shopping experience within Amazon
  • Access influencer-exclusive discounts and deals
  • Wide range of categories and niches to explore

Benefits for Influencers

  • Monetize your audience and content efforts through commissions
  • Creative way to engage followers with recommendations
  • Platform to collaborate formally with relevant brands
  • Showcase your authority around specific product categories

Now that you know what to look for and how to find influencers on Amazon, you can start connecting with relevant storefront owners in your space.

The key is taking a consistent, multi-channel approach to research and relationship building over time.

Leverage this guide to streamline your influencer discovery process on Amazon specifically. Remember to combine manual searching with automated influencer marketing platforms for the most robust results.


What is the minimum follower requirement to qualify for an Amazon storefront?

To qualify for an Amazon influencer storefront, you typically need: At least 1,000 followers on a qualifying platform A high engagement rate with your audience* Content that fits into eligible Amazon influencer categories like beauty, electronics, fitness among others.

How do I create my own Amazon storefront?

First ensure you meet the base requirements outlined above. Then:

  1. Login to your Amazon account
  2. Apply for the Amazon Influencer Program
  3. Get approved for an account dashboard to manage your storefront
  4. Customize your storefront name, images, product categories
  5. Curate products you want to showcase and recommend
  6. Share your storefront link with your followers!

Who can create Amazon storefronts?

Amazon storefronts are specifically reserved for approved sellers, Brand Registry members and Amazon influencer program participants. So having an established presence on Amazon already is key for eligibility.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.