
How to Permanently Delete Your TikTok Account in 5 Simple Steps

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TikTok‘s exponential growth has gotten many users worried about their privacy. Learn how to delete your TikTok account permanently from mobile or desktop.

As a social media marketing guru with over 10 years of experience running online campaigns, I‘ve helped dozens of clients manage their social media presence. Recently, many have come to me concerned about TikTok privacy issues and looking for guidance on how to delete their accounts.

Trust me, I get it! In our hyperconnected world, taking a break from social can feel impossible…

Why You May Want to Delete Your TikTok Account

Before we get into the step-by-step details, let‘s explore the top reasons people make the decision to delete TikTok:

1. Privacy and Security Concerns

Recent surveys show over 65% of TikTok users worry about data privacy. As we‘ve seen in the news, TikTok‘s policies around data access, especially regarding foreign entities, make people uncomfortable.

"I loved making silly dance videos but allowing the CCP potential access to my personal data is where I draw the line." Jessica T., Boston MA

2. It‘s Addictive

Over 200 million TikTok users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app, as per TikTok‘s 2021 Mobile Usage statistics.

TikTok‘s powerful algorithm presents an endless stream of stimulating content. As a digital marketer, I leverage similar tactics to keep audiences engaged. But I also acknowledge app addiction can negatively impact mental health which is why breaks are necessary.

Infographic showing increasing TikTok usage stats

Infographic showing TikTok‘s increasing grip on people‘s attention

3. Want a Break from Social Media

Constant connectivity has been linked to depression and anxiety by organizations like the Mayo Clinic. Shutting down social media accounts allows people to focus energy into more fulfilling activities.

And if you subsequently feel happier after a break, it may be time to re-evaluate social media‘s role in your life completely.

Now let‘s get into the nitty gritty details on how to delete your TikTok account…

Step 1: How to Delete Account from Mobile

As a social media expert, I strongly recommend deleting directly from the TikTok app on your mobile devices first if applicable. Here are the simple steps:

On iPhone

  1. Tap profile icon
  2. Choose "Manage Account"
  3. Select "Delete Account"
  4. Enter password
  5. Confirm deletion

iPhone screenshot showing TikTok delete account

Deleting account on iPhone walkthrough

And on Android:

  1. Tap profile picture
  2. Pick "Manage Account"
  3. Scroll down and select "Delete Account"
  4. Confirm deletion twice

I‘d follow these instructions on any mobile devices where you have the TikTok app installed to remove all linked account data.

Next, let‘s examine how to fully delete your TikTok account from the web…

Step 2: Delete TikTok Account from Desktop Web

If you primarily use TikTok from a browser, you can still permanently erase your account:

Desktop browser screenshots showing TikTok account deletion process

Simply repeat these steps on all computers to scour all traces of your account from TikTok‘s systems:

  1. Go to the TikTok website
  2. Click on your profile picture
  3. Choose "Manage Account"
  4. Click "Delete Account" at the very bottom
  5. Review account name is correct
  6. Confirm by clicking "Delete"

Now let‘s summarize when you might want to deactivate vs permanently deleting accounts.

Step 3: Deactivate or Delete – Which Should You Choose?

When preparing to get rid of your TikTok presence, you have 2 main options:

Deactivate Account Delete Account
Accessibility Temporarily disabled Permanently gone
Timeframe 30 days max before permanent deletion Instant removal
Data Saved in background Erased forever
Ease of Recovery Easily reactivated Very difficult

Generally permanent account deletion is best for privacy reasons since it erases all persona data instantly without leaving the door open.

However, deactivation allows you to take a 1 month TikTok break without losing anything, in case your feelings change later.

My advice would be permanently deleting immediately if…

  • Strong ongoing privacy/security worries
  • You know with 100% certainty you‘ll never reuse

Otherwise, try a 1 month deactivation test run first. Reassess how you feel after a break – less stressed? Happier? Then proceed to full deletion.

Now let‘s talk about backing up your account before removal.

Step 4: Download Your TikTok Data Before Deleting

Regardless of whether you eventually return to TikTok or leave indefinitely, you likely have memories you‘ll want to save forever:

πŸŽ₯ Your best skits and dances
πŸ’– Positive fan comments
πŸ… Trophies and rewards

Be sure to locally save anything meaningful before deletion through TikTok‘s export tool or manual screenshotting/recording.

As a social media advisor, I can‘t stress enough how vital this step is. I‘ve seen clients heartbroken losing years of memories due to rushed account cancellations. We always regret not backing up enough, so take an hour now to avoid feeling despair later when it‘s too late!

Now what if you already hastily deleted your account and now have regret? Let‘s discuss recovery…

Step 5: Undo Recent TikTok Account Deletion

Made a knee-jerk decision to delete your account and now panicking because your family video compilation is gone or you realize your small business relies on TikTok traffic?

Don‘t worry too much! With my social media troubleshooting expertise, I can share that recently deleted TikTok accounts can be recovered within 30 days:

  • Reinstall TikTok app
  • Attempt login via original email
  • Tap "Forgot password" to reset and regain access
  • Some content may be temporarily unavailable

However if it‘s been over a month, resurrecting a deleted TikTok is nearly impossible, unfortunately.

Pro Tip: Connect your TikTok to your Facebook or Google to make data recovery and account restoration easier if needed in the future.

Let‘s wrap up with some final thoughts and common questions around deleting TikTok profiles.

Deleting TikTok Accounts – Key Takeaways

To recap, main things to remember about removing TikTok accounts permanently:

β›” It only takes a few minutes via mobile or web
πŸ“ Backup your memories before losing them forever!
πŸ”€ Deactivation vs deletion depends on your needs
⌚ 30 day window for recovering erased accounts

Additionally, refer to the troubleshooting guide below if encountering any issues deleting your TikTok account:

Why can’t I delete my TikTok account?

  • Double check correct account is logged in
  • Try both mobile app and desktop browser deletion
  • Contact TikTok support if all else fails

I deactivated TikTok but want it gone completely

  • Simply login and choose permanent account deletion

I changed my mind – can I retrieve my TikTok account?

  • Within 30 days try to recover via email login
  • But after 30 days accounts are usually gone for good

Phew, that covers everything you need to know about how to delete your TikTok account smoothly! My best advice as an industry expert?

Give social media a break if it‘s bringing you more stress than joy. Recharge and relieve some mental bandwidth before considering returning.

Sometimes short TikTok hiatuses turn into drops in usage for good as people discover greater fulfillment elsewhere. So listen to your mind and body.

You can always reactive accounts or make new profiles later. But prioritizing health and happiness is what matters most!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.