
How Travel Influencers Make Money: 9 Proven Strategies

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Have you ever scrolled through your Instagram feed and felt intense wanderlust looking at influencers traveling the world? And perhaps wondered—how do they pay for all that?

As a social media marketing expert who has worked with top travel bloggers and brands, I have an inside look at how influencers profit from creating captivating content across stunning destinations.

In this extensive guide, we’ll explore the 9 most common money-making strategies for travel influencers, income potential, and tips to turn your passion for globetrotting into a lucrative career…

Breaking Down the Travel Influencer Career

Before we dive into the inner workings of making an income from travel blogging, let‘s clarify exactly what constitutes an influencer in this space.

Travel influencers are content creators across social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and blogging sites who focus on:

  • Creating destination-specific content
  • Sharing travel tips, experiences and recommendations
  • Promoting travel-related products and services
  • Partnering with tourism boards, hospitality brands, airlines and more

They build devoted followings based on consistently producing inspiring and informative content centered around globetrotting adventures.

For travel and hospitality brands, partnering with niche influencers provides an authentic and effective way to market offerings, inspire future travelers, and sell travel products.

Now let‘s break down the 9 most common ways influencers actually generate income from wanderlust!

1. Score Big with Brand Partnerships

One of the most financially rewarding elements of being a travel influencer is securing lucrative brand partnership deals. These long-term sponsorships go far beyond the one-off #ad.

Popular partnerships include:

  • Sponsored travel content series
  • Long-term ambassador roles
  • Affiliate promotions

According to recent Mediakix data, here are average sponsored post rates across the travel space:

  • Nano influencers (1k followers): $100
  • Mid-tier (50k followers): $800
  • Macro influencers (500k+ followers): $3,000+
  • Mega influencers (1 million+ followers): $10,000+
  • Celebrity influencers (7 million+ followers): $31,000+

So while actual income varies dramatically based on following size, high-level travel partnerships can serve as primary or supplementary income stream.

Securing lucrative sponsorships involves:

  • Consistently creating premium content related to niche travel themes relevant to sponsor brands
  • Pitching yourself via an influencer media kit outlining key metrics and proof of concept
  • Establishing yourself as an authority on a specific destination or experience like family travel, adventure tourism, food and wine, budget adventures etc.
  • Aligning with brands that complement your niche, demographic, aesthetic and content style

Pro Tip: Use a managed influencer marketplace like AInfluencer to get discovered by relevant travel brands

2. Monetize Your Own Travel Blog

Establishing yourself as a niche expert via consistent blogging is the best way for aspiring travel influencers to kickstart their monetization.

By documenting your journeys, discoveries, mishaps and local tips from each destination, you position yourself as a trusted resource for fellow travelers. This makes charging for advertising, affiliates, gear promotions and brand sponsorships much easier.

Most successful travel blogs focus on particular themes like:

  • Couples retreats
  • Adventure backpacking
  • Solo female empowerment
  • Family vacations
  • Luxury escapes
  • Budget travel hacks
  • Food/wine tourism

Determine your specific niche, then create regular inspiring and helpful location-based content. Ensure you have plenty of high-quality photography and videography as visual storytelling is critical.

Here is a breakdown of average annual travel blogger salaries according to ZipRecruiter:

  • Average Annual Income: $63,173/year
  • Top 10% of Travel Bloggers Earn: $126,500/year
  • Bottom 10% of Bloggers Earn: $16,500/year

As you drive more traffic through search, social and shares, income earning potential dramatically increases through indirect sales like ads and affiliates as well direct offers like sponsored posts.

Quick Tip: Register your website with advertising networks like Google AdSense, MediaVine and Infolinks to easily monetize existing traffic while you build your following.

3. License Your Travel Photography & Footage

Visually showcasing adventure destinations through awe-inspiring imagery isn’t just integral for your influence. This artistic eye can translate into serious side income!

From sprawling landscapes to exotic cuisine, tourism boards and travel publications pay top dollar for unique, high-quality photos of popular locations.

Benchmark Photo Licensing Rates:

  • Instagram Travel Photo: $25 – $125
  • Facebook Cover Shot: $250 – $500
  • YouTube Destination Video: $500 – $3,000
  • Premium Stock Photo Site: $100 – $250
  • Print Magazine Feature Spread: $1,000 – $5,000+

Set up an online photography portfolio featuring your most share-worthy images. Actively pitch your services to prospective buyers like hotels, tour companies, STOCKIMO and even your existing brand sponsors.

Pro Travel Photog Tip: Capture destinations from seldom-seen vantage points showcasing hidden gems vs main attractions to increase licensing value.

4. Cash in Through Affiliate Marketing

As you establish trust around your recommendations, incorporating affiliate offers earns easy commissions from relevant suggestions.

No extra work required! Just share the honest guidance you already provide followers.

The top travel affiliate programs include:

  • Airbnb – $65 average booking commission
  • – Up to 35% commission rates
  • Tripadvisor – $20-$100 average commission
  • VRBO Vacation Rentals – $50-$100+ average booking commission
  • Amazon Travel Gear – 4-10% product commissions
  • Travel Insurance – $10-$30 per policy

When followers click your links and complete actions like hotel bookings or gear purchases, you pocket a healthy percentage.

Pro Tip: Seamlessly incorporate affiliate links into content centered around recommendations vs blasting followers with 100 links.

5. Cash in on Display Advertising

Once you’ve grown a popular travel blog and multi-channel social presence, you can leverage all those hard-earned visits, views and impressions into advertising income.

Common travel blog monetization strategies include:

  • Display ads – Google AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine
  • Sponsored Content – brand sponsorships & dedicated posts
  • Affiliate links – sharing partner brands
  • Your own product line – travel gear, photography presets
  • Influencer storefronts – teespring, print-on-demand

Cost per thousand impressions (CPM Rates) range wildly based on niche and monthly site traffic. But as a benchmark, here are average earnings:

  • Niche site with 10k monthly visitors: $10-$20 RPM
  • Major site with 50k+ monthly visitors: $50-$100 RPM

With 500,000 ad impressions per month, you could easily net $25,000-$50,000/year from display units alone!

Focus on finding advertisers and affiliate partners synergistic with your niche so the experience aligns seamlessly for your audience. This prevents ad fatigue which destroys engagement and click-through rates.

Sponsored Travel Content

We’ve touched on sponsored content already regarding brand sponsorships. But dedicating entire blogs, vlogs or videos to specific travel promotions also offers immense income potential.

Popular types of dedicated travel promotions include:

  • Resort and destination campaign videos
  • Tourism board content partnerships
  • Testing and reviewing gear
  • Documenting tour group experiences
  • Themed mini-series around food, culture, retreats etc

For example, travel blogger @stopandgo_travel creates dedicated hotel review videos across her channels:

sponsored hotel review

Sponsored Hotel Review By @stopandgo_travel

Average starting rates for sponsored travel content:

  • Micro travel influencers: $1,000+
  • Mid-tier influencers: $3,000
  • Macro-influencers: $7,000+
  • Celebrity influencers: $15,000+

Choose sponsorships that genuinely provide value around destinations/offers followers will appreciate. Stay on brand while benefiting from paid gigs!

6. Launch Online Travel Courses

Cashing in on your extensive travel knowledge goes beyond influencing. Compiling expertise into digital courses presents recurring income even on days you aren’t globe-hopping!

While 182 million+ people dream of travel influencing according to Skyscanner, very few know how to turn passion into profit.

You have rare insider access into this world. Package your secrets to succeed into online classes!

Types of digital courses aligned with the travel space:

  • Becoming A Pro Travel Influencer
  • Launching A Thriving Travel Blog
  • Going Viral on Instagram
  • Optimizing Your Social Strategy
  • Getting Paid For Travel Content
  • Budget Travel Hacks
  • Travel Videography Masterclass
  • Photo Presets & Mobile Editing

Benchmark course pricing on platforms like Kajabi:

  • $200-500 for a multi-week class
  • $800+ for a premium course

With just 100 course sign-ups, you can pocket up to $50,000 in more passive income based on your adventures and expertise.

Pro Tip: Offer payment plans to boost signups & retention!

7. Monetize Your Way With Words

Leveraging your voyages into profitable writing gigs allows you to reap income remotely while preparing for the next adventure.

Every travel experience fuels endless stories and publishable content–from quirky cultural observations to insider secrets that save readers money.

Repackage your wildest, awe-inspiring adventures into:

  • Feature Blog Posts – $150+ each
  • Web Page Service Pages – $100-500
  • Location-Specific Guides – $300-500
  • Custom Hotel & Resort Content – $300+ per piece
  • "Day in the Life" Magazine Features – $1,000+
  • Coffee Table Photo Books – $10,000+

Consider ghostwriting travel memoirs for other influencers or notable CEOs adventuring overseas. This leverages your expertise through weaving and shaping content behind the scenes for healthy five figure checks.

Set up writing samples and pitch your services both to your existing sponsors and publications like:

  • Travel + Leisure
  • Culture Trip
  • Matador Network
  • The Points Guy
  • Adventurist Backpacker
  • TripSavvy

8. Unlock Recurring Revenue Through Consulting

You possess hard-won insider understanding of the travel space that brands crave–from tourism development to content best practices. Consulting packages this prized expertise into lucrative services.

Types of travel consulting offerings include:

  • Tourism Development Plans
  • Social Media Management
  • Influencer Partnership Strategy
  • Destination Branding Guide Creation
  • Emergent Travel Trend Reports & Forecasting
  • Travel Campaign Analytics Audits & Optimization
  • Niche Travel Package Design

Common consulting fee structures range $100-$500 per hour or monthly retainer, depending on scope & client budget. Most consultants bill between 10 – 25 hours weekly.

Think you lack adequate experience? Every stamp in your passport builds unique storytelling and boosts the value brands will pay for your insider access and lessons learned.

Quick Tip for Getting Started: Outline key achievements, niche insights and past campaign results in an authority-establishing influencer media kit to provide proof of expertise when pitching clients!

What’s the Realistic Earning Potential?

So what income benchmarks can travel influencers actually achieve by diversifying across these 8 monetization strategies?

According to Hopper’s 2022 Instagram Rich List, these elite jet-setting influencers cash in big time:

  • Murad Osmann – $185K per sponsored post
  • Jessica Stein – $108K per sponsored post
  • Madalina Ioana Ursu – $108K per sponsored post

Factor in ad revenue, affiliates, photography licensing, speaking gigs and consulting—top tier influencers easily clear over $1 million per year from their passion for travel and wanderlust!

But even establishing niched followings starting around 50k fans can net mid 5-figures annually frommixing sponcon, affiliates, your own products and advising/coaching packages.

The key is consistency cultivating community and high-quality content centered around destinations and experiences followers crave. This earns influence and authority to monetize through diverse income streams.

Hopefully this extensive guide provided helpful inspiration into how ordinary travelers transform globe-hopping adventures into 7-figure careers!

Dream jobs blending travel combined with photography, writing and partnerships absolutely exist. Treat your passion as a business. Slowly layer in affiliates, advertisers, sponsors and paid side-gigs between trips.

Stay laser focused on creating value for followers vs chasing Income. Allow your hard-won expertise to build cachet consulting brands desperate for your insider access and lessons learned.

Soon loyal followers, recurring course sales, and excited sponsors eagerly funding your next excotic voyage create true lifestyle freedom!

The lucrative world of travel influencing awaits. Grab your passport, camera gear and laptop to start manifesting your best life–wherever your heart wanders next!

Questions on kickstarting the travel influencer career you crave? Let‘s chat!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.