
The Importance of Social Media: Towards a Healthy Marketing Mix

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As with all such ideas whose time has come, the reception was fabulous. Each of us has gotten countless texts, LinkedIn comments, DMs, and phone calls thanking us for saying what “needed to be said.” We can’t claim breathtaking originality here, only a good dose of common marketing sense.

In some ways that seemingly simple concept- common sense- is exactly what has been missing from the intersection of Marketing and Technology for the past decade. Too many companies overclaimed and underdelivered. Too few companies took the “Art and Science” approach to Marketing. Too many companies sought refuge in arcane marketing mathematics. Too few companies understood the math but avoided being beguiled by it.

In a complex world, with multiple channels, burgeoning technology platforms, intersecting audiences, and messages that traverse geographies, customer types, and industries, there are no silver bullets or magic potions, only creative and data-inflected best guesses. Such is the nature of complex systems.

A good Marketer must make peace with this reality but still strive to make herself better by learning, trying, testing, and taking risks. A good Marketer must also resist over-indexing on the brightest and shiniest new object. A good Marketer must understand data and understand ROI but not be shackled by either.

Social media and Social-mediated messages fall very neatly in this “mid-zone” between Art and Science. They are at once measurable but inexact. They are simultaneously hard-hitting and important but ethereal. They indicate propensities but no guarantees. They indicate short-term patterns but not long-term rigidities.

As such, Social media must be taken seriously, but, once again, as part of a larger mix of inputs and outputs. Social media platforms thus must be part of all marketing infrastructures but not the only part and not even necessarily the biggest part.

That something is part of a mix does not diminish its importance. But we must as a community of Marketers maintain our larger perspective.

Committing to a holistic view of Marketing is crucial. In this view, Social plays an important role.

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Written by Aseem Badshah

Aseem Badshah is a successful entrepreneur, marketing expert, and writer. He was a contributor to, where he focused on social media automation, digital marketing, and business growth strategies. is a platform that provides social media optimization, automation, and audience-targeting services for businesses. In this role, Aseem helped companies expand their online presence, increase potential clients, and improve sales performance.

Before joining Socedo, Aseem founded a digital marketing and social media strategy company called Uptown Treehouse. As the CEO, he was responsible for developing marketing strategies, establishing social media platforms, and offering diverse digital marketing services to clients.

Aseem holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. His unique insights into digital marketing, social media, and business development have made him a prominent figure in the field.