
How To Use Instagram Live In 2023? All You Should Know

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What is Instagram Live and How Does It Work?

Instagram Live is a feature that allows users to broadcast live video streams from their Instagram account to followers in real-time. When someone goes live, a notification is sent to their followers who can then tune in to watch and interact with the live video.

During an Instagram Live, viewers can react and post comments that the broadcaster can see and respond to in real-time. This creates an engaging opportunity to have a two-way conversation with your audience.

Some key capabilities of Instagram Live include:

  • Adding a title and description for your broadcast
  • The ability to invite another user to "go live" with you in a split screen
  • Using filters and special effects during your video
  • Sharing photos/videos from your camera roll mid-broadcast
  • Receiving questions from users in advance of your video
  • Saving your live video to share as an Instagram story later

The interactive nature of Instagram Live makes it the perfect medium for creating exciting, in-the-moment content to engage your target audience.

How to Go Live on Instagram

Going live on Instagram only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone and tap on the camera icon in the top left
  2. Swipe right on the options at the bottom until you reach "Live"
  3. Tap on "Live" and allow Instagram access to your camera and microphone if prompted
  4. Optional: Enter a title, invite guests, add filters/effects or share a previous photo/video
  5. Tap “Start Live Video” and begin your broadcast!
  6. Interact with viewers by responding to comments and sending invites
  7. When finished, tap “End” to conclude your live stream

It‘s also important to note that you can only go live if your account is public or if your story is open to followers only. Your live video can have a maximum duration of 4 hours.

Instagram Live Video Specifications

To create the best viewing experience for your audience, follow these specifications when broadcasting live:

  • Dimensions: Vertical videos with 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 aspect ratio)
  • Minimum resolution of 720 pixels
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS (frames per second) minimum
  • Length: 4 hours maximum; 15-minute limit if pinning to profile grid
  • Adhere to Instagram Community Guidelines and Terms of Use when streaming

10 Top Tips for Using Instagram Live

Here are some crucial best practices to employ when going live on Instagram:

  1. Set goals for your broadcast and craft content that aligns.
  2. Promote your live video beforehand via posts/stories to build anticipation.
  3. Prepare a loose outline but leave room for improvisation.
  4. Test equipment and connectivity prior to broadcasting.
  5. Use a tripod or stabilized surface for steady video.
  6. Monitor comments and reply to viewers during your live stream.
  7. Keep broadcasts short and engaging – 10-20 minutes max.
  8. Save your live videos before they auto-delete after 24 hours.
  9. Analyze metrics like accounts reached, peak viewers, comments etc.
  10. Learn and refine based on which live streams perform best.

10 Types of Live Content Ideas for Businesses

There are endless possibilities for businesses utilizing Instagram Live. Consider these top-performing concepts:

  1. Q&A Session: Host a live AMA where your followers can ask questions.
  2. Behind-the-Scenes: Give viewers exclusive access to your workspace, products etc.
  3. Special Guests: Interview relevant industry experts or influencers.
  4. Product Demo: Showcase your products and how to use them.
  5. Events & Workshops: Stream events, workshops or classes that users can virtually attend.
  6. Industry Updates: Discuss recent news related to your business and niche.
  7. Employee Takeover: Highlight individual team members by letting them host live.
  8. Launch Party: Generate buzz for a new product/service live launch.
  9. Contest/Giveaway: Drive engagement by hosting contests only for live viewers.
  10. Day in the Life: Offer an exclusive look inside a typical day for your brand.

Get creative and leverage live streaming to create specialized content and forge connections that will turn viewers into loyal brand advocates over time.


Instagram Live is a versatile, interactive feature on Instagram that allows brands to engage existing followers while potentially exposing their content to new audiences organically.

By taking the time to craft compelling live streams utilizing some of the creative ideas mentioned above, you can keep viewers engaged and even drive conversions or sales directly from your broadcasts.

Consistently streaming great live content tailored specifically to your target demographic will set you apart from competitors on Instagram in 2023 and beyond.

So tap into those cameras on your smartphones and go live! Your followers are waiting.


How do I go live on Instagram?

To go live on Instagram, open the Instagram app, tap the camera icon in top left, swipe right to "Live", enter a title/description, tap "Start Live Video" and you‘ll begin streaming live!

How do I join an Instagram Live video?

To join an Instagram Live already in progress, go to the profile of the user broadcasting live where you will see "Live" under their name. Tap on it to join the live stream instantly and view/comment in real time.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.