
Find your perfect Instagram username and shine on in 2023 with our collection of 1000 best ideas in different categories

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Your Instagram username acts as your unique identifier and brand on a platform used by over 1 billion people every month. Especially with over 500 million daily active Instagram Stories users in 2023, having a memorable handle allows you to effectively showcase your personality or business to new followers.

I‘ve been helping influencers and entrepreneurs optimize their Instagram presence for over 5 years. Trust me when I say taking the time to craft the right aesthetic, clever, or meaningful username makes a world of difference in standing out on Instagram.

Read on for my hand-picked collection of over 1000 on-trend, foolproof Instagram username ideas across all popular niches. I‘ll also share insider tips to help you zero in on the perfect username to make your Instagram account shine this year.

Different Instagram Username Ideas

From dreamy and whimsical aesthetic names tofunny handles guaranteed to bring smiles, browse specialized username suggestions in these 20+ categories:

Aesthetic Instagram Username Ideas

Beauty, style, and visual art influencers take note — choosing an aesthetic username helps you attract an audience who vibe with your overall feed look and feel.

Lean into soft, delicate vibes with names like:

  • DreamyWisteria
  • AuraStylist
  • PoetryInMotion
  • PastelParadise
  • PeacefulPalette
  • BotanicalBliss

Or take inspiration from vibrant hues and moods:

  • KaleidoscopicDreams
  • TechnicolorTown
  • VibrantLandscapes
  • MoodyHues
  • RainbowReverie

As you can see, aesthetic names often incorporate:

  • Evocative adjectives like "ethereal", "serene"
  • Words associated with color and light
  • Natural imagery like "flora", "fauna"
  • References to style and artistic domains

By picking an aesthetic username, you welcome followers into a world that engages the senses and fuels visual inspiration.

Classy Instagram Username Ideas

For influencers and personal brands aiming for an elevated, glamorous effect, consider a classy username like:

  • StyleMaven
  • LuxeLife**_
  • HauteCouture
  • GlamMode
  • PolishedPerfection
  • FiveStarStyle

Classy usernames imply sophistication, status, and an enviable lifestyle. Opt for names containing:

  • Descriptors like "chic", "posh", "refined"
  • Fashion terminology
  • References to luxury and glamor

In 2022, classy Instagram aesthetics surged in popularity, growing over 30% since 2020 according to Sprout Social. Hop on this momentum with the perfect refined username.

Cute Instagram Username Ideas

Want to add a touch of playful charm to your personal Instagram account? Cute username ideas include:

  • HappyGiggles
  • SugarSweetheart
  • UnicornsAndGlitter
  • SprinkleConfetti
  • ButterflyKisses

Cute names often incorporate:

  • Sweet foods like "SugarCookie", "Cupcake"
  • Endearing adjectives like “adorable”, “lovely”
  • Childhood nostalgia elements like "Sprinkles","Hopscotch"
  • Sweet alliteration and rhyme

A cute username puts followers at ease while scrolling through your happy, heartwarming Instagram life.

Cool Instagram Username Ideas

While over 2 million Instagram posts are hashtagged #cool per week, standing out from that crowded tag requires an truly cool username.

I suggest tickling followers‘ imaginations with names like:

  • MagicMike
  • RebelPony
  • HipsterMermaid
  • VinylVibes
  • WanderessWolf

Cool names often leverage:

  • Pop culture / musical references like "HipsterMermaid"
  • Badass persona descriptors like "rebel", "wolf" "bandit"
  • Interests like vinyl, motorcycles, surfing, sunsets

Put your intriguing passions and vibes on display with a cool Instagram name.

Lovely Instagram Username Ideas

For influencers spreading joy, inspiration, and community, reflect your uplifitng spirit in a lovely username such as:

  • InspiredWishes
  • HappyTales
  • KindnessMatter
  • SpreadGoodVibes

The loveliest Instagram names include:

  • Uplifing verbs like “delight”, “uplift”, “captivate”
  • Positive nouns like “joy”, “hope”, “harmony”
  • Community imagery like “ tribe”, “village”

By picking a pleasant, mood-boosting name, your page becomes part of followers‘ daily dose of inspiration.

Rare Instagram Username Ideas

With over 2 billion monthly Instagram users as of 2023, desirable short or common names get snatched up quick.

Gain an advantage with an uncommon find like:

  • PensiveMoonlite
  • CelestialMuse
  • DreamingOfAlaska
  • MagicOfTheNight
  • LostCitySeeker

To discover a 💎 rare username gem 💎 try:

  • Misspelling words ("Dreeming" vs "Dreaming")
  • Adding imagery like "moonlight", "celestial"
  • Using distinctive adjectives like "lost", "pensive"
  • Referencing mystical places like Shangri-La

Rare names intrigigue followers and imply you occupy a colorful, imaginative headspace.

Funny Instagram Username Ideas

Laughter truly builds connections — in one study, sharing laughter increased bonding between strangers by 20%. On Instagram, funny usernames like:

  • PunnyPam
  • MemeDreamz
  • IronicIzzy
  • SarcasmQueen
  • CartoonZombie

Harness the power of humor with names containing:

  • Puns using your name
  • Pop culture references
  • Snarky or self-deprecating irony
  • Surprise juxtapositions like "glitterzombie"

Amuse and delight new followers with a side-splitting Instagram handle.

Sexy Instagram Username Ideas

For Instagram influencers and online personalities tapping into their sensual side, spice up your username with names like:

  • SeductiveSunsets
  • PassionateSecrets
  • SpicyLikeSriracha
  • SweetLikeCinnamon

Steamy usernames often leverage:

  • Titillating imagery like “temptress” or “fantasy”
  • Sensory descriptors like “luscious”, “seducing”
  • Double entendres

Just remember Instagram‘s community guidelines prohibit overly sexual content — keep things playful and PG-13.

Clever Instagram Username Ideas

Stand apart from the pack with a smart, witty username like:

  • Thinkaholic
  • InventionConvention
  • SleuthingTruths
  • WonderWhizKid
  • IngeniousIdeas

Clever names feature:

  • "Smart" imagery – "mastermind" "brainy" "einstein"
  • Words bridging concepts incongruously
  • Your niche – "AccountingAha" "craftyeinsteins"

Flaunt your creative intelligence and make followers wonder "How do they come up with it?".

Educational Instagram Username Ideas

For teachers, tutors, schools, and educational influencers cultivating curious minds through Instagram, try names like:

  • PedagogyInspo
  • CreativeLearning Co
  • LessonsThatStick
  • EduGrammar
  • ProfTeach

Great education-focused handles include:

  • Educational shorthand terms like "edtech","pedagogy”
  • Verbs like “enlighten”, “empower” “motivate”
  • Your niche expertise – MathMontessori, LitTips4Kids

Whether showcasing art lessons or calculus tips, position yourself as a trusted learning leader with your username.

Instagram Username Ideas for Brands

When naming an Instagram business account, keep your brand identity and target demographic front-of-mind.

For example, lifestyle company names could include:

  • EcoEthicalCo
  • MindfulHomemaking
  • TheSustainableEdit

While jewelry companies may opt for:

  • GemstoneGlamour
  • CustomJewelryBoutique
  • LuxeTrinkets

No matter your industry, excellent brand names often incorporate:

  • Your company name – "CustomJewelryBoutique"
  • Target values and aesthetics – “EcoEthicalCo”
  • Key product benefits

Choose wisely — your distinctive brand name attracts your ideal audience.

Instagram Username Ideas for Boys

Young men aiming to express their passions and personalities through Instagram should consider vibrant names like:

  • CreatorKidDave
  • BasketallBobbyHoops
  • NatureNinja
  • SupercoolScienceDude

Other winning username formulas include:

  • [Your name] + descriptive terms—"WallaceWickedGamer"
  • Interests + personalized imagery —"BasketballBobbyHoops"
  • Evocative descriptors — "EpicTreeClimber"

No need for dull when expressing yourself on Instagram…pick a name brimming with life.

Instagram Username Ideas for Girls

For young women establishing their presence on Instagram, cute and quirky username suggestions include:

  • HappyDoodlerJess
  • KristiKPopStar
  • EmmaTheExplorer
  • JulieTheJeweler

Additional approaches include:

  • [Your name] + hobby — "EmmaTheExplorer"
  • Initials + persona — "KKpopStar"
  • Aspirational descriptors — "DancingDiva"

Spark imagination and convey your one-of-a-kind spirit with a fun username.

Instagram Username Ideas for Couples

Capture romantic essence or playful partnership with coupledom names like:

  • CarleyAndCooper
  • KimAndJames
  • AmandaHeartAaron
  • TwoPeasPod
  • BetterTogether

Great tactics include:

  • Both first names
  • One name + descriptor — "AmandaHeartAaron"
  • Cute coupley clichés —"TwoPeasPod"

For joint accounts, broadcast your special Instagram union with the perfect pairing username.

Instagram Username Ideas for Pets

Cat parents, dog devotees, and fellow pet lovers — help fur babies flaunt their fluffy uniqueness with names like:

  • CocoTheCuddleKitty
  • AdventurePupLuna
  • GucciTheGoldendoodle
  • DarlingDexterTheDogue

Pet-perfect Instagram monikers often incorporate:

  • Their name + animal type — "CocoTheCuddleKitty"
  • Their personality + species — "AdventurePupLuna"
  • Descriptive nicknames — “DarlingDexterTheDogue"

Let your pet’s one-of-a-kind essence shine through a custom username.

Tips for Choosing an Instagram Username

Beyond browsing these 1000 username examples for inspiration, keep these expert tips in mind:

1. Determine Your Niche and Goals

Define your niche, interests, and the audience you want to attract. A travel blogger needs different names than a makeup guru.

Also consider your goals. Business owners need recognizable brand names while meme creators can play with humor.

2. Check Availability

Brainstorm 5-10 name ideas then check availability by:

  • Trying to create accounts
  • Searching names on Instagram
  • Using third-party username generators

Ideally choose a name without numbers/underscores and under 15 characters.

3. Align With Your Personality and Brand

Stay authentic to your personal or company essence. A sky diving company called “PeacefulCloud” sends mixed messages.

4. Be Memorable and Distinct

Stand out amidst the Instagram crowds with intuitively spelled, one-of-a-kind names rooted in your passions.


Your Instagram username acts as your digital calling card — make a stellar first impression with a creative, brand-aligned name.

Hopefully these 20+ username categories sparked inspiration for the perfect username to make your Instagram account shine.

Remember, the username you choose now will represent your brand for years to come. So take a chance with something enjoyable and authentic rather than defaulting to your formal name.

Stay true to your niche, establish availability, and align names with your goals, passions and audience. With an awesome name in place, you’re ready to create Instagram magic.

Best of luck picking your new moniker…and happy Instagramming!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.