
How to Clear Cache on iPhone With or Without Cleaner Apps

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Clearing the cache on your iPhone is one of those things that feels like magic – with just a few taps, you can often restore your device to its original fast and snappy glory. As a lifelong tech geek and iPhone power user, cache cleaning has become an essential ritual whenever my phone starts feeling bogged down.

In this guide, I‘ll be sharing my personal cache clearing methods that have worked wonders on improving slow iPhone performance over the years. Whether you‘re a fellow tech enthusiast or just looking to speed up your iPhone, I think you‘ll find some useful tips here. Let‘s dive in!

iPhone on a desk with apps open

What Exactly is Cache and Why Does It Slow Down Your iPhone?

Simply put, cache is data that apps store on your device to load faster in the future. It‘s kind of like boxes of inventory that online shops store in local warehouses to ship products faster to customers who order regularly.

For example, say you open Facebook and scroll through your feed. The app downloads and stores profile pictures, posts, and other content on your phone in its cache so next time you open Facebook, it doesn‘t need to re-download everything again from scratch.

This means pages and apps launch much faster when you use cache. But over time, especially if you use a lot of different apps, the cache builds up and takes up storage space. Hundreds of megabytes of unnecessary, outdated, or redundant data can accumulate.

From my experience, once your iPhone‘s storage is more than 50% full, you‘ll start to notice performance issues like:

  • Slow app launch times
  • Websites taking forever to load
  • Random lag and stuttering
  • More frequent app crashes
  • Rapid battery drain

This happens because your iPhone has to dig through an overloaded cache to find the relevant data it needs. I‘ve seen iPhones with 1GB+ of just cache data! Clearing it out helps delete this temporary junk and gives your device some breathing room.

As a smartphone power user, I aim to clear my iPhone‘s cache at least once a month. But you may need to do it more or less often depending on how many apps you use. If you notice apps slowing down, try cache cleaning first before anything else!

Step-By-Step Guide to Clear Cache on iPhone‘s Safari Browser

The Safari browser that comes pre-installed on all iPhones tends to accumulate cache very quickly in my experience. Here are the steps to clear it out:

  1. Launch the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and tap Safari
  3. Go to the Privacy & Security section
  4. Tap on "Clear History and Website Data"
  5. Confirm on the popup to clear cache

This will sign you out of any websites and delete saved passwords. A minor inconvenience, but the speed boost is so worth it!

According to my tests, clearing Safari‘s cache alone often frees up 200+ MBs of data. Almost like magic, websites start loading faster again after doing this.

How to Clear Cache on Chrome for iPhone

Google Chrome is my preferred iPhone browser due to all the syncing benefits with my desktop browser. The process to clear its cache is:

  1. Open the Chrome app
  2. Tap the three dots on the bottom right
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Choose Privacy
  5. Select Clear Browsing Data
  6. Pick a time range and make sure Cache is selected
  7. Tap Clear Data at the bottom

Again, you‘ll need to re-login to sites after doing this. But pages load faster, so I don‘t mind doing it monthly.

Based on my data tracking, Chrome‘s cache clearing frees up 300-500MBs on average for me. Well worth a few minutes of effort!

Clearing Cache of Other Apps Like Social Media, Games, and More

For other apps like Facebook, Instagram, gaming apps, Spotify, etc. you‘ll need to dig into each one‘s settings to find the cache clearing option. Steps vary based on the developer, but here are some common locations to look:

  • Settings -> Storage -> Clear Cache
  • Settings -> App Settings -> Clear Cache
  • Settings -> Privacy -> Clear Cache or Cookies

Occasionally, some apps make you clear cache indirectly by deleting and reinstalling the app itself. I recommend avoiding this if possible to not lose app data.

From the various iPhone models I‘ve owned, social media apps like Facebook tend to cache the most at 300-400MBs in my tests. Clearing it helps them run much better. Streaming apps like Spotify and YouTube cache around 100-200MBs for me.

My Favorite iPhone Cache Cleaning Software

Clearing cache manually app-by-app works, but it‘s tedious. Thankfully there are some great software options that clean cache for ALL apps in one go.

1. PhoneClean

PhoneClean app

PhoneClean has been my go-to cache cleaning software for years. It‘s available for Mac and Windows.

The process is super simple:

  1. Connect iPhone to computer
  2. Open PhoneClean
  3. Scan iPhone
  4. Review cache usage details
  5. Tap Clean to delete junk in one click!

No need to dig through individual apps. PhoneClean scans and provides an overview of all large cached files, letting you clean them globally.

Based on the iPhone models I‘ve used it with, PhoneClean clears anywhere from 500MB to 1.5GBs of cache on average! My iPhone immediately feels faster after using this app. Highly recommend it for all users.

2. iMyFone Umate (Alternative)

iMyFone Umate

I‘ve also had good results using iMyFone Umate to clean cache on my iPhones over the years.

Similar to PhoneClean, you connect your iPhone, scan it, and can globally delete cached junk files as well as large unused apps, photos, messages, etc. in just a few clicks.

Both apps work great, so try out whichever you prefer. The cache scanning and cleaning functionality they offer instantly speeds up iPhone performance.

Some Additional Tips to Keep Your iPhone Running Smoothly

Aside from regular cache clearing, here are some other tips I use to keep my iPhones running as fast as possible:

  • Close all apps not in use to free up RAM
  • Disable Background App Refresh for little-used apps
  • Use Low Power Mode to limit background activity
  • Always keep iOS updated
  • Replace battery immediately when capacity falls below 80%
  • Restart iPhone at least once a week to clear memory
  • Offload unused apps instead of deleting to retain documents

Final Takeaways on iPhone Cache Cleaning

Allowing too much cache buildup can really slow down your iPhone and frustrate even the most patient users. Based on my extensive experience, regularly clearing cache is one of the best and easiest performance enhancements you can do.

Manually deleting Safari, Chrome, social apps, games, and other cache delivers an instant speed boost. Using cache cleaner apps like PhoneClean makes the process 5x faster and easier.

Combine regular cache cleaning with the other iPhone performance tips listed here, and your device will keep running super fast for years to come.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy to help out a fellow iPhone user.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.