
How to Link Your Instagram and Facebook Accounts: The Complete Guide

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Hey there! If you‘re reading this, you probably want to know how to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts. Well, you‘ve come to the right place!

Linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts can be super beneficial, whether you‘re looking to manage a personal profile or a business page. By connecting these platforms, you can easily share content between them, gain valuable insights into your audience, and streamline your social media management.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly how to link your Instagram and Facebook accounts. I‘ll provide step-by-step instructions for both personal profiles and business pages.

By the end, linking your accounts will be a breeze!

But first, let‘s talk about why you should connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts in the first place.

Here are the top reasons to link these platforms together:

Effortless Cross-Posting

Linking your accounts allows you to seamlessly share content from Instagram to Facebook or vice versa. For example, when you post a new photo on Instagram, you can auto-share it to your connected Facebook page with just a few clicks.

This saves you a ton of time spent reposting content across different platforms!

Unified Insights

With connected accounts, you get a complete view of your audience and content analytics across both Instagram and Facebook.

You can view engagement rates, top-performing posts, follower demographics, and more in one centralized dashboard. This gives you unparalleled insight into your brand and audience.

Simplified Ad Management

Running ads and promotions across Instagram and Facebook is a breeze when your accounts are linked.

You can create ads on either platform and manage them from one unified ad interface. This makes cross-channel marketing campaigns seamless and hassle-free.

Enhanced Security

Connecting your accounts adds an extra layer of login security. If you ever have trouble accessing your Instagram or Facebook, you can use the linked account to request login links.

Linking also helps verify that you legitimately own both accounts, preventing potential issues.

Consistent Branding

Linking allows you to sync profile info between platforms, making your branding consistent across Instagram and Facebook.

For example, when you update your Instagram bio, the changes will automatically apply to your connected Facebook page too. This keeps your messaging and aesthetics cohesive.

Clearly, connecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts has tons of benefits! Now let‘s get into the step-by-step process.

Linking Personal Instagram & Facebook Accounts

If you want to connect your personal Instagram profile to your personal Facebook profile, the process is quick and painless.

Here‘s how to link your personal Instagram and Facebook accounts:

From the Instagram Mobile App

  1. Open up the Instagram app on your phone and go to your profile page.

  2. Tap the menu icon with 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner.

  3. Go to ‘Settings‘ > ‘Security‘ > ‘Linked Accounts‘.

  4. Tap ‘Link Account‘ next to Facebook.

  5. Log into your personal Facebook account when prompted.

That‘s it! Your Instagram account is now linked to your Facebook profile. You‘ll see a confirmation message on the screen.

From Instagram‘s Website

You can also link your personal accounts directly from Instagram‘s website:

  1. Go to and log into your account.

  2. Click your profile picture in the top right corner and select ‘Settings‘ from the menu.

  3. Under ‘Connected Accounts‘, click ‘Connect Account‘ next to Facebook.

  4. Log into your Facebook account when prompted.

  5. Accept the permissions to share info between accounts.

  6. You‘ll receive confirmation that your accounts are connected.

Done! As you can see, linking your personal Instagram and Facebook profiles is a super quick and easy process.

Linking Business Instagram & Facebook Pages

Linking a business Instagram account to a Facebook Page follows a similar process, but with a couple extra steps.

Here‘s how to connect your business Instagram and Facebook accounts:

From Instagram‘s App or Website

To link business accounts from Instagram‘s side:

  1. First, convert your Instagram account to a Business Profile if you haven‘t already. This unlocks more analytics and the ability to link to Facebook.

  2. Go to your Instagram profile, tap the menu icon, and select ‘Settings‘.

  3. Tap ‘Linked Accounts‘ or ‘Add Accounts‘ under Connected Accounts.

  4. Enter the login details of the Facebook Page you want to link to.

  5. Accept the permissions to share info between accounts.

Done! Your business Instagram account is now connected to your Facebook Page.

A few notes:

  • You need to be an admin of the Facebook Page to connect to it.

  • Your Facebook and Instagram business accounts must use the same email address.

From Facebook

You can also initiate the link from your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click ‘Settings‘ in the left menu.

  2. Select ‘Instagram‘ from the left column.

  3. Next to the Instagram account you want to link, click ‘Connect Account‘.

  4. Enter the login details of the Instagram account.

  5. Accept the permissions prompts.

  6. You‘ll receive confirmation that the accounts are linked.

And that‘s all there is to it! Your business Instagram account is now connected to your Facebook Page.

Step-by-Step Instructions with Screenshots

If you‘re a visual learner, here are some step-by-step screenshots walking through the account linking process:

To link personal accounts from Instagram‘s app:

  1. Open your Instagram profile and tap the menu icon.

  1. Go to Settings > Security > Linked Accounts.

  1. Tap Link Account next to Facebook.

  1. Log into your Facebook account when prompted.

To link business accounts from Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click Settings.

  1. Select Instagram from the left menu.

  1. Click Connect Account next to the Instagram you want to link.

  1. Enter the Instagram login info and accept permissions.

I hope these visual guides help explain the process! Let‘s move on to why connecting your accounts is so worthwhile.

Why Linking is Worthwhile for Businesses

If you manage social media for a brand or business, linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts provides some major benefits.

Seamless Cross-Promotion

Posting across platforms is a breeze when your business accounts are linked. You can easily share Instagram posts to your Facebook feed and Facebook posts to your Instagram feed.

This allows you to cross-promote content and expand your reach exponentially.

According to Sprout Social, cross-promoting an Instagram post to Facebook can boost engagement by:**

  • 2x more reactions
  • 14x more comments
  • 53x more shares

Clearly, tapping into both platforms is valuable!

Unified Ad Campaigns

With linked accounts, you can seamlessly manage and track advertising campaigns across Facebook and Instagram.

You can create ads on either platform and run them across both channels, capturing wider audiences with each campaign.

Facebook reports that cross-platform ad campaigns receive:**

  • 10-30% lower cost per result
  • 20-40% lower cost per conversion

This demonstrates serious value for your ad spend!

Enhanced Analytics

Linking Instagram and Facebook unlocks unified analytics and insights across both platforms.

You can view metrics like:

  • Follower demographics
  • Content engagement rates
  • Top performing posts
  • Traffic sources
  • Sales conversions

In one easy-to-use dashboard. This allows you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your social strategy.

With linked analytics, you can determine the best times to post, top engaging content types, ideal audience targeting, and more!

Here are the key steps to recap for linking your business Instagram and Facebook accounts:

  1. Convert your Instagram account to a Business Profile (if it isn‘t already).

  2. Go to your Instagram or Facebook settings and select the option to connect, link, or add accounts.

  3. Enter the login details for the account you want to link to.

  4. Accept the permissions to share info between accounts.

  5. You‘ll receive a confirmation that your accounts are linked!

And remember – you need to be an admin of the Facebook Page and use matching emails on both business accounts.

That‘s the complete walkthrough! As you can see, linking your business accounts is straightforward but highly valuable.

Unlinking Your Accounts

If you ever decide you want to disconnect your Instagram and Facebook accounts, the process is easy:

  • From Instagram: Go to your profile, open account settings, tap the connected Facebook account, and select Unlink.

  • From Facebook: Go to your page settings, click Instagram, and choose Unlink next to the connected account.

Your accounts will instantly become disconnected. You can always re-link them again at any time!

Instagram-Facebook Linking FAQs

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about linking Instagram and Facebook accounts:

No, you can only link one Instagram account per Facebook account. You cannot merge multiple Instagram accounts together.

Unfortunately no. Each Instagram account can only be connected to one Facebook Page or Profile at a time.

When you unlink accounts, it simply disconnects them. Your accounts will continue to function normally as separate entities.

Is linking my accounts safe and secure?

Yes, the account linking process is very safe and does not compromise your account security. Instagram and Facebook use thorough permissions and encryption.

Facebook requires your linked Instagram account to be a business profile to ensure it‘s legitimately associated with your business brand.

And that covers some of the most common questions around linking Instagram and Facebook accounts!

Key Takeaways

Linking your personal Instagram and Facebook profiles is quick and easy. But connecting business accounts takes a few more steps:

  • Convert your Instagram to a business profile

  • Link accounts from either platform‘s settings

  • Use the same email address on both accounts

  • You must be an admin of the Facebook Page

  • Take advantage of cross-posting, unified analytics, and simplified ad management

  • You can unlink the accounts anytime

Connecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts provides a seamless social media experience for both personal and business use.

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of how to link these accounts! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.