
How to Log Out of Instagram on All Devices and Stop Account Hacks

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As a social media geek and digital security expert, I get asked this question a lot: "How do I log out of my Instagram account on all devices?"

People often reach out after noticing strange activity on their profile, like posts they didn‘t create or login notifications from unfamiliar locations. They know someone else has likely gained access to their account.

The good news is you can remotely log out of Instagram on any device, even ones you don‘t own. In this detailed guide, I‘ll explain multiple methods to sign out everywhere at once and stop account hacks in their tracks.

Here‘s what we‘ll cover:

  • How to spot if your Instagram was hacked
  • Logging out on the mobile app
  • Logging out on the web
  • Changing your password to log out everywhere
  • Enabling two-factor authentication
  • Adjusting your account privacy settings
  • Reporting unauthorized logins to Instagram
  • Revoking access for suspicious third-party apps
  • Avoiding account sharing going forward
  • Using strong, unique passwords
  • Regularly monitoring your login activity
  • Setting up account recovery measures
  • Extra security with specialized apps
  • Steps to take if your account is compromised
  • Tips to keep your Instagram secure

Let‘s get started securing your Instagram account!

How to Tell if Your Instagram Has Been Hacked

Before you can log out of hacked accounts, you need to confirm your Instagram was actually compromised. Here are 8 common signs to look for:

  • Suspicious posts or messages: Content you didn‘t create popping up is a red flag. Hackers often post spam or send odd DMs.

  • New followers you don‘t know: A sudden spike in unknown followers can indicate a compromised profile.

  • Forgotten conversations: Seeing replies to messages you never sent is a telltale clue.

  • Password reset you didn‘t initiate: Getting a notice to create a new password you didn‘t request means your account is at risk.

  • Logins from unfamiliar locations: Instagram notifies you when your account is accessed from new areas. Watch for logins from places you don‘t recognize.

  • The "Account Compromised" alert: This pops up when Instagram detects suspicious activity on your profile.

  • The "We‘ve made it easier to get back into your account" message: This means your password has likely been leaked in a data breach. Hackers can access your account more easily.

  • Two-factor authentication getting turned off: If two-factor gets deactivated without your knowledge, your account security has been compromised.

Checking your login activity is the best way to confirm unauthorized access. Let‘s look at how to find it.

How to View Your Instagram Login Activity

Instagram provides a login activity page showing everywhere your account has been accessed recently. To find it:

On the mobile app:

  1. Tap your profile picture
  2. Select the 3-line menu icon
  3. Choose "Settings" then "Security"
  4. Select "Login activity" to see your list of logins

On the web browser:

  1. Click your profile picture
  2. Select "Profile" from the dropdown menu
  3. Click the gear icon to access Settings
  4. Choose "Security" then "Login activity"

Scan for any unfamiliar devices or locations on your list. These are clear signs your account has been compromised by hackers.

Now let‘s go through how to log them out.

How to Log Out of Instagram on the Mobile App

If you spot suspicious logins on your activity list, here‘s how to log out of them on the Instagram mobile app:

  1. From your Login Activity page, locate unfamiliar devices.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu next to suspicious logins.
  3. Select "Log out" to remotely sign off that device.
  4. Repeat this for all unknown devices to log out hackers.

It‘s quick and easy to use Instagram‘s built-in remote logout feature. Just make sure to act fast before hackers do more damage.

How to Log Out of Instagram on a Web Browser

Maybe you let your coworker sign into your Instagram on their desktop as a prank. Here‘s how to log them out from a web browser:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click your profile picture and select "Profile."
  3. Click the gear icon to access your settings.
  4. Choose "Security" then "Login activity."
  5. Locate unrecognized devices on your list.
  6. Click the "Log out" icon next to suspicious logins to sign them out instantly.

With just a few clicks, you can remotely log out of unfamiliar sessions and secure your account.

Change Your Instagram Password to Log Out Everywhere

The nuclear option to log out all devices everywhere at once is changing your password. When you reset your password, Instagram will automatically sign you out on all actively logged in devices as a precaution.

Here are the steps to change your password and log out universally:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the 3-line menu and select "Settings."
  3. Choose "Security">"Password">"Change Password."
  4. Enter your current password if prompted.
  5. Type your new strong, unique password twice to confirm.
  6. Tap "Change Password."

Once you update your password, anyone attempting to access your Instagram will need to enter the new one. This instantly logs out everywhere simultaneously for instant security.

Turn On Instagram Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of login security beyond just a password. With 2FA enabled, you‘ll need to enter both your password and a special code to access Instagram.

To enable it:

  1. Go to Instagram Settings>Security.
  2. Select “Two-Factor Authentication">"Get Started."
  3. Choose text or authentication app for your second factor.
  4. Follow the setup instructions to enable and verify.

Now hackers need both your password AND access to your phone or authentication app to log in. 2FA makes your Instagram extremely hard to hack!

Check Your Instagram Account Privacy Settings

While you have your settings open, it‘s a smart idea to review your Instagram privacy options too:

  • Make your account private to limit visibility.
  • Limit story visibility to certain friends.
  • Disable activity status and read receipts.
  • Filter comments and disable tagging abilities.

Adjusting these makes it harder for hackers to access your content or data if they infiltrate your profile again.

Report Unauthorized Logins to Instagram

If your account was clearly accessed without your permission, make sure to report it:

  1. Tap your profile pic and choose “Report a Problem.”
  2. Select “Something‘s Wrong” > “Account Compromised.”
  3. Fill out the details about unauthorized logins.

Reporting sketchy activity tells Instagram where their security is lacking. Plus, it helps them locate compromised accounts faster.

Revoke Access to Suspicious Third-Party Apps

Here‘s another common Instagram hacking tactic: malicious third-party apps.

Some apps request your Instagram login info to work. Always reject these, and revoke access to any you don‘t remember approving:

  1. Go to Instagram Settings > Security.
  2. Select “Apps and Websites.”
  3. Locate unfamiliar apps and tap Revoke to remove access.

Limiting third-party app permissions can prevent hackers from stealing your data or account.

Never Share Your Instagram Password!

While it might seem harmless to share your Instagram temporarily, it makes your account extremely vulnerable.

Instead, add real friends or family as collaborators with the Close Friends feature if they need some account access.

But otherwise, keep your login details completely private, even from those closest to you. It‘s simply too risky.

Create a Strong, Unique Password

Here are my top tips for creating an ultra-secure Instagram password hackers can‘t crack:

  • Make it long and complex: Use at least 12 characters, mixing uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.

  • Avoid common words or phrases: Stay away from dictionary words, names, birthdays or other guessable info.

  • Don‘t reuse passwords: Your Instagram password should be 100% unique from all your other accounts.

  • Consider a passphrase: Combining random words together can create memorable passwords like " heterogeneousCrimeTrialMantaRay"

  • Use a password manager: Apps like LastPass generate and store super-strong passwords securely.

A password that‘s difficult to guess but easy for YOU to remember is key for locking out digital intruders!

Monitor Your Login Activity Regularly

Make checking your Instagram login activity part of your regular social media hygiene. Look for any new or unfamiliar sessions and quickly log out of anything suspicious.

You can also enable login notifications. Instagram will email or text you whenever your account is accessed from a new device or browser for the first time. This allows you to spot unauthorized logins instantly.

Staying vigilant about monitoring your logins allows you to catch hackers before they cause damage.

Set Up Your Instagram Account Recovery Options

In the worst-case scenario your account does get hacked, you need to be able to recover it.

Make sure your account recovery options are good to go:

  • Add a valid email and phone number to your profile. Instagram will reach out to these if you get locked out.

  • Set up trusted contacts and back-up codes in Security > Account Recovery. These provide emergency account access if you‘re unable to log in.

With recovery measures set up properly, you can regain access if your account ever gets taken over.

Use Additional Security Apps for Extra Protection

For added security, use third-party apps like LastPass or Dashlane to manage and protect your Instagram:

  • Password managers create and store super-strong passwords for every account.

  • They have tools to change passwords or log out everywhere in just one click.

  • Many provide real-time alerts whenever a new device logs into any of your accounts.

  • Some can even scan the dark web for your info and warn if your passwords become compromised.

Extra layers of app-based security give you serious advantages for locking down your Instagram!

What to Do If Your Instagram Has Been Hacked

If the worst happens and your account is already compromised, stay calm and take these steps to get it back:

  • Log out on all devices immediately using the methods above.

  • Reset your password ASAP to something entirely new and complex.

  • Review your posts and settings to check for malicious changes.

  • Scan your device for malware or spyware using security software.

  • Report the unauthorized access to Instagram right away.

  • Turn on two-factor authentication for enhanced future security.

With quick damage control, you can kick hackers out and reclaim your account safely. Don‘t panic!

Tips to Keep Your Instagram Secure

Here are my top tips for proactively protecting your Instagram account from being hacked:

🔑 Use super-strong, unique passwords everywhere. Consider a password manager!

🔒 Enable two-factor authentication for extra login security.

🔐 Monitor your login activity closely for unauthorized access.

🔐 Never share your password with anyone, even friends. Instead, use Instagram‘s collaboration features.

🔐 Review account privacy settings regularly and limit info sharing.

🔐 Revoke permissions for unused third-party apps. Only log into reputable services.

🔐 Set up account recovery measures like trusted contacts in case you get locked out.

🔐 Use security apps for extra protection and real-time hack alerts.

Staying cautious about account security takes some diligence. But putting safeguards in place now can prevent major headaches down the road if your profile is ever compromised.

With the steps in this guide, you can confidently log out of Instagram on all devices, stop account takeovers, and keep your profile safe from hackers. Just stay vigilant!

Let me know if you have any other Instagram security questions. I‘m always happy to help friends stay safe online.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.