
How to Make a MetaMask Wallet – A Detailed Guide

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MetaMask is one of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets used to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. With MetaMask, you can securely send, receive, and store Ethereum and other ERC-20 tokens as well as connect to dApps right from your browser.

In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, you will learn everything you need to know about creating a MetaMask wallet from setting up the browser extension to backing up your secret recovery phrase. By the end, you’ll have a fully functional MetaMask wallet ready to use on the blockchain.

Introduction to MetaMask

Before diving into the wallet creation process, let’s first understand what exactly MetaMask is and why it’s useful:

  • MetaMask is a cryptographic wallet that allows you to store, send, and interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It’s available as a browser extension on Google Chrome, Brave, Firefox as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

  • It serves as a bridge between your browser and the Ethereum blockchain by injecting the Ethereum API into your browsing environment. This allows websites to read from the blockchain and lets you securely manage your identity and ETH transactions.

  • With MetaMask, you can buy, store, send and swap tokens as well as interact with dApps and DeFi platforms like Uniswap, Opensea, Aave etc. It’s like a crypto wallet and Web3 browser built into one.

  • Your private keys are secured with a 12-word secret backup phrase and stored locally so you have full control over your funds instead of relying on a centralized entity.

  • MetaMask also supports hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor for added security. You can connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask for enhanced protection of keys.

  • It’s completely free to use. MetaMask makes money by charging a small fee when swapping tokens or performing transactions on the Ethereum network.

Now that you understand what MetaMask is let’s look at how to actually create a wallet.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a MetaMask Wallet

Follow these 9 steps to easily set up a new MetaMask wallet from scratch:

1. Install the MetaMask Browser Extension

The first step is to install the MetaMask browser extension on your desktop browser if you haven’t already. MetaMask supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Brave Browser and Edge.

For this guide, we’ll focus on Google Chrome. Here’s how to install the extension:

2. Click on the MetaMask Icon to Open the Extension

Once installed, click on the orange and white MetaMask icon to open the extension popup. This will bring up the MetaMask welcome screen.

If you don’t see the icon, click on the Puzzle icon next to your profile icon and pin MetaMask for easy access later.

3. Click on "Get Started"

On the welcome screen, click on the prominent blue “Get Started” button to begin setting up your wallet.

4. Choose "Create a Wallet"

This will take you to the “New to MetaMask?” page. Here, click on “Create a Wallet” to set up a brand new wallet.

If you already have a MetaMask wallet set up elsewhere and simply want to import it, you can click “Import with Secret Recovery Phrase” instead.

5. Agree to the Privacy Notice

Next, you’ll need to accept MetaMask’s privacy notice to continue. Read through the notice and click “I Agree” if you consent to share anonymized usage data with MetaMask to help improve their product.

6. Create a Secure Password

You’ll now be asked to create a strong password for your MetaMask wallet.

  • Your password should be at least 8 characters long and contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols.

  • Avoid using a password you’ve already used elsewhere or something that can be easily guessed.

  • Make sure to create a password you can remember or store it very securely in a password manager.

Once done, re-confirm your password and click “Create”.

7. Backup Your Seed Phrase

Arguably the most important step in setting up your MetaMask wallet is backing up your seed phrase. This is a 12 or 24-word phrase that gives you access to your wallet.

  • MetaMask will generate a random seed phrase for you. Click the eye icon to reveal the words.

  • Get a pen and paper and carefully write down or copy these words somewhere safe. Do not store them digitally.

  • Treat this phrase like a master password to your wallet. Anyone with access to your seed phrase can take control of your funds.

  • Never share your seed phrase with anyone, not even MetaMask support. No one should ever ask you for your seed phrase.

Once you’ve securely stored your seed phrase offline, click “Next”.

8. Confirm Your Seed Phrase

On the next screen, MetaMask will ask you to confirm your seed phrase to check that you have backed it up correctly.

  • You‘ll see a set of random words, out of order, from your seed phrase.

  • Click on each word and put them back in the correct order according to your original seed phrase.

  • Take your time and be careful while selecting the words in order. Double check your seed phrase if needed.

  • Once all words are in the right order, click “Confirm” to complete backing up your seed phrase.

9. Explore MetaMask!

Congratulations, your MetaMask wallet is now fully set up and ready to use!

The next screen introduces some of MetaMask’s key features. Take some time to explore all that MetaMask offers:

  • Buying crypto with Apple/Google Pay right from the wallet.

  • Browsing and connecting with dApps.

  • Sending, receiving and swapping tokens.

  • Viewing your transaction history and crypto balances.

  • Changing network between Ethereum Mainnet and testnets.

  • Setting up advanced security features like 2FA.

And much more! Feel free to personalize MetaMask as per your preferences.

Important Security Tips

Here are some key security tips to keep your new MetaMask wallet and crypto assets safe:

  • Never disclose your seed phrase or private keys to anyone. MetaMask will never ask you for them.

  • Store your seed phrase somewhere secure like a password manager or physical safe. Have multiple copies across different locations.

  • Enable transaction signing on MetaMask for an extra layer of security.

  • Be cautious of phishing sites and links. Always double check you‘re on the legitimate site.

  • Use a strong, unique password for your MetaMask wallet that you don‘t use elsewhere.

  • Consider connecting a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor for maximum security.

  • Always log out of MetaMask when not using it. Avoid using MetaMask on public computers.

  • Keep your devices and antivirus software up-to-date. Use a reputed VPN service for added privacy.

  • Frequently backup your Secret Recovery Phrase in case you ever lose access to your wallet.

Restoring Your MetaMask Wallet

If you ever lose access to your MetaMask wallet, you can easily restore it using your Secret Recovery Phrase. Just follow these steps:

  • Install MetaMask on the browser you want to restore to.

  • Click on “Import Wallet” instead of “Create a New Wallet”.

  • Enter your 12 or 24-word Secret Recovery Phrase in order.

  • Set a new strong password.

  • Just like that, your original MetaMask wallet will be restored with all your crypto assets and transaction history intact.

This is why backing up your seed phrase securely is so important. As long as you have the phrase, you can always recover your funds.

Moving Your Wallet Across Devices

Another advantage of MetaMask is that you can easily move your wallet across devices. Simply follow these steps:

  • Install MetaMask on the new device you want to move to.

  • On your existing device, open MetaMask > Settings > Security & Privacy > Reveal Seed Phrase.

  • Note down or copy the seed phrase.

  • On the new device, restore your wallet using the seed phrase.

Once restored, you can securely access your MetaMask wallet from the new device with all your crypto intact. Just don’t forget to delete MetaMask from old unwanted devices.


That concludes our guide on setting up a MetaMask wallet from A to Z, including backing up your seed phrase and restoring your wallet. MetaMask offers a user-friendly gateway to the world of DeFi, NFTs and dApps on Ethereum.

We highly recommend taking security seriously right from the start. Follow best practices like enabling 2FA and transaction signing in MetaMask. Avoid accessing your wallet from public PCs.

Start small and take time to understand different blockchain transactions before transferring large crypto funds.

As MetaMask warns, they can never recover or reset your seed phrase. You are entirely responsible for safely backing it up. So be very careful and double check your Secret Recovery Phrase is correct.

With its versatility and robust security features, MetaMask has become the wallet of choice for many in the Ethereum ecosystem. Now that you have your own wallet, you can begin your journey into the world of decentralized apps!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.