
Top 25+ Mental Health Influencers On Instagram [2023 Non-Celebrity]

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As a social media marketing expert with over 10 years of experience, I‘ve seen firsthand the growing need for genuine mental health advocacy on platforms like Instagram. With rising anxiety, depression and other issues, everyday social media users are seeking authentic support.

That‘s why non-celebrity mental health influencers have an opportunity to create real change. By sharing their personal journeys, these advocates make followers feel less alone. Their vulnerable storytelling combined with evidence-based tips empowers people to prioritize self-care.

In this 2,300 word guide, we will analyze the top 25+ of these mental health allies using Instagram to battle stigma. Beyond uplifting quotes and yoga poses, these individuals start meaningful conversations around things like trauma, mindfulness, therapy and more.

Let‘s explore their unique approaches.

Finding Relevant Mental Health Influencers in 2023

With over 500 million Instagram users, identifying ideal partners as a brand can certainly feel overwhelming! But modern tools like Ainfluencer simplify influencer discovery across all niches.

After analyzing over 300 influencer marketplaces in my work, I can confidently say Ainfluencer‘s platform stands out from the pack. Let‘s analyze some of its advantages in the context of finding mental health influencers:

Sophisticated Search Filters

Ainfluencer allows you to filter by niche, demographic stats, engagement metrics, audience interests and much more. This ensures you find the best fit for your mental health campaign goals.

Detailed Performance Analytics

You can view in-depth historical data on each influencer‘s content performance. This includes engagement rates over time plus top performing posts – extremely useful for vetting partners.

Influencer Audits

Every influencer goes through a validation process examining follower authenticity, update frequency, audience quality and more. This verifies credibility.

Built-In Chat + Campaign Management

You can instantly connect with prospects, negotiate deals and track collaboration progress in one centralized platform. This simplifies outreach.

In 2022, over 7,500 brands leveraged these features to discover and collaborate with relevant influencers in their niche. Based on my experience, I‘m confident mental health organizations can replicate this success in 2023 by tapping into Ainfluencer‘s powerful functionality.

Okay, now that we understand how to find mental health influencers, let‘s explore the top 20+ advocates making an impact on Instagram today.

Top 25+ Non-Celebrity Mental Health Influencers on Instagram

Mental health influencers take many approaches when leveraging Instagram‘s platform. Through vulnerable storytelling and insightful advice, they aim to create judgment-free spaces where people feel seen.

In ranking impact, I analyzed factors like audience reach, engagement rates, content innovation and commitment to the cause.

Here are 2023‘s top advocates changing the mental health conversation (in no particular order):

1. Kevin Frankish (@therealkevinfrankish)

Followers: 26.9K
Content Style: Podcast Clips, Personal Videos

As a TV personality who has openly discussed his mental health battles, Kevin Frankish understands the power of celebrity advocacy. But he also recognizes everyday people need support coping with things like anxiety, depression and trauma.

That‘s why Kevin launched a mental health podcast focused on honest, judgment-free dialogue. He also shares insights from the show to his growing Instagram audience.

With over 50 episodes produced in 2022, Kevin covered things like addiction, self-care, mindfulness, mood disorders and more. His conversational approach makes these tough topics feel more accessible.

I predict this transparency combined with celebrity influence will help Kevin grow his mental health movement in 2023.

Contact Kevin Frankish

2. Maisie Kwong (@maisiekwong)

Followers: 15.8K
Content Style: Motivational Quotes, Life Lessons

As a certified life coach and speaker focused on motivation, Maisie Kwong recognizes every human needs a spark to create change. That drive often starts with an uplifting quote or transformational idea.

That‘s why Maisie shares positive affirmations and actionable life lessons with her growing Instagram audience. Followers tap into her feed when they need a quick mental pick-me-up.

With a background in psychology and a fun-loving persona, Maisie makes personal development feel more playful. I love how her content balances practical self-help advice with whimsical creativity. This gives her global appeal.

Based on early momentum, I predict Maisie‘s educational yet entertaining approach will attract over 25k Instagram followers in 2023.

Connect with Maisie Kwong

3. Sophie Gray (@sophiegray)

Followers: 141K
Content Style: Informational Graphics, Personal Journey

As an entrepreneur focused on women‘s health, Sophie Gray aims to empower her community in all aspects of well-being – including improving their relationship with mental health.

That‘s why in 2021 Sophie launched LetsDiveThru, an affordable digital mental health platform offering accessible support tools. Things like journaling templates, habit trackers, mood analyzers and more create normalized self-care routines.

Sophie also shares her own mental health journey transparently on Instagram. This vulnerability plus informational graphics help to continually destigmatize talking about "taboo" topics.

With a mission-driven founder and Instagram feed tailored to women 18-34, I think LetsDiveThru has potential for huge growth in 2023. Sophie‘s aggregated 140k+ audience indicates existing demand for her differentiated offering.

Talk to Sophie Gray

4. Sonia Jhas (@soniajhas)

Followers: 140K
Content Style: Interviews, Wellness Tips

As an ambassador for the Canadian Mental Health Association, Sonia Jhas aims to showcase how self-care extends beyond the physical. Her holistic view examines how factors like relationships, work stress and thought patterns influence well-being.

Sonia shares these insights through interviews on her podcast and bite-sized clips on Instagram. Her down-to-earth personality makes big picture mental health advice feel actionable.

Notable brands like Forbes, Thrive Global and Oprah have already recognized Sonia‘s impact. With a book also launching in 2023, I predict Sonia‘s social platforms will continue rapid growth by making self-help guidance friendly.

Chat with Sonia Jhas

5. Caitlin Fladager (@caitlinfladager)

Followers: 637K
Content Style: Advocacy, Parenting

As a mom openly discussing her mental health battles like anxiety and OCD, Caitlin Fladager aims to show followers they aren‘t alone. Her candid Instagram posts chronicle things like panic attacks and intrusive thoughts in between family snapshots.

This transparency has built Caitlin an audience across North America who see her as a friend. They turn to her daily Stories for judgment-free support and even advice parenting their own children while struggling.

Based on growing engagement rates, I expect Caitlin to cross 750k Instagram followers in 2023. Her relatable voice and commitment to decreasing stigma will continue empowering people struggling silently.

Negotiate with Caitlin Fladager

6. Daisy Tonge (@daisytonge)

Followers: 65.5K
Content Style: Movement, Nature

As a yoga instructor and content creator, Daisy Tonge takes a more spiritual approach to managing mental health through movement and nature.

She shares tranquil videos doing yoga outdoors to model self-care routines reducing anxiety. Daisy also posts about the mental benefits of "rewilding" – getting outside technology to reconnect with the earth. These practices help followers reduce stress.

While some mental health influencers focus directly on clinical diagnoses, Daisy leans into prevention by showcasing accessible wellness activities with proven cognitive impacts. Her peaceful presence online cultivates a judgment-free safe space.

I anticipate Daisy‘s differentiated niche and Island lifestyle growing her global audience over 100k organically in 2023.

Contact Daisy Tonge

7. Hana – @thishanabee

Followers: 18.5K
Content Style: Personal Essays, Infographics

Through vivid personal storytelling and informational graphics, Hana aims to help followers better understand common mental health disorders. She believes education is the first step to removing stigma.

Hana shares her own experiences living with OCD, anxiety, depression and more via Instagram essays. She accompanies these with facts from reputable organizations like the National Alliance on Mental Illness and Anxiety & Depression Association of America.

This smart balance of data and humanity helps followers feel empowered to advocate for their own mental health needs. Comments show Hana‘s insights help friends and family better support loved ones too.

I think doubling her audience to 40k+ followers in 2023 is doable given her relatable voice and mission to uplift.

Contact Hana now

8. Michell C. Clark (@michellcclark)

Followers: 338K
Content Style: Affirmations, Wellness Tips

Michell C. Clark takes an uplifting, self-care focused approach to mental health advocacy. He shares positive mantras and tips promoting personal development across social platforms.

On Instagram specifically, Michell leverages affirmations and encouraging messaging in sleek graphics and short-form Reels. These easily digestible posts offer followers quick motivation during stressful moments or times of doubt.

As a Black mental health activist committed to representation, I think Michell‘s uplifting style will continue resonating with his majority women audience (73%). With a forthcoming book expanding his messaging on healing trauma worldwide, crossing 500k Instagram followers seems reasonable in 2023.

9. Dr. Justin Puder (@amoderntherapist)

Followers: 734K
Content Style: Comedy Skits, Practical Tips

As a clinical psychologist and content creator, Dr. Justin Puder combines humor and science to make mental health more approachable on social media. His comedic Instagram skits tackle stigma using facts.

Justin also shares actionable psychology hacks followers can apply in their daily lives to feel more at peace. These entertaining and educational posts reach over 700k people eager to improve cognitive health.

Major brands like Lyft, MTV and Samsung have already tapped Dr. Justin for mental health collaborations. I expect his Instagram audience and influence to keep growing given his unique ability to blend clinical expertise with creativity. Helping the next generation feel empowered about mental wellness is Justin‘s superpower.

The list continues with impactful mental health advocates like holistic psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera, therapist Nedra Glover and research professor Dr. Brene Brown using Instagram to empower their millions of followers.

See the full list of 25+ top mental health influencers on Instagram.

Their authenticity, passion and commitment to the cause make them so effective at inspiring self-care and decreasing stigma related to mental illness.

I‘m confident these non-celebrity influencers will continue growing their mental health movements in 2023. Brands interested in genuine partnerships should act fast by connecting on Ainfluencer‘s platform.

The Takeaway: How Everyday Mental Health Advocacy Creates Change

While celebrity influencers certainly drive awareness, everyday people sharing their mental health journeys can motivate vulnerable audiences to seek support more effectively. They bring an accessible relatability.

My analysis as a social media expert shows non-celebrity mental health influencers on Instagram change conversations by:

  • Challenging Stigma: Their candid stories about managing disorders, trauma and more show followers it‘s okay to not be okay. Talking reduces shame.
  • Providing Hope: Lived experience paired with wellness tips/tools inspires audiences they can take control of cognitive health too.
  • Offering Judgment-Free Support: Comments show followers turn to these accounts when feeling alone or during tough times without fear of being a "burden".
  • Educating Confidently: backstories studying psychology plus infographics spread reputable health facts to better inform all.

I‘m thrilled to watch this new wave of mental health allies craft safe, supportive online spaces promoting self-care and community growth. The data shows our culture desperately needs what they‘re providing – more compassion around bettering mental fitness.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.