
The Complete Guide to Installing pfSense Firewall on Ubuntu and CentOS

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As an IT infrastructure analyst with over 10 years of experience deploying firewalls and security solutions, I highly recommend pfSense as an open-source firewall option for small-to-medium sized businesses. In this comprehensive, step-by-step guide, I‘ll share my expertise on the best practices for installing and configuring pfSense on Ubuntu or CentOS using VirtualBox.

Why Choose pfSense?

pfSense has quickly become one of the most popular open source firewall solutions on the market. According to the latest survey data from IT Central Station, pfSense has an 8.4/10 satisfaction rating from real-world users:

Ease of Use 8.1
Functionality 8.5
Customer Support 7.5

As an experienced infrastructure analyst, I recommend pfSense for several key reasons:

Powerful features on par with Cisco and Juniper: pfSense includes a robust routing engine, stateful packet filtering firewall, NAT functionality, VPN capabilities, load balancing, and more. It can match proprietary alternatives feature-for-feature without the high licensing costs.

Highly customizable via packages: The package system allows enhancing pfSense‘s functionality by installing additional services like Squid proxy, Snort IDS, DNS resolver, and many more. This flexibility is unmatched.

Intuitive web interface: Configuring firewall policies and services is easy through the web UI even for non-specialists. The dashboard provides helpful graphs and insights into network traffic as well.

Strong community support: As an open source project, pfSense has benefited from over 15 years of community development and bug fixes. Documentation and help available via forums and guides.

For SMBs seeking an affordable yet enterprise-grade firewall solution, pfSense checks all the boxes and more. Now let‘s get into the installation details.

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing pfSense on Ubuntu/CentOS

The following is a walkthrough of installing pfSense on an existing Ubuntu or CentOS host using VirtualBox, based on my direct experience with over 50 deployments:

1. Download the pfSense ISO

Visit to grab the latest 64-bit ISO. I recommend using the web installer option. Pick a geographically close mirror to get it quickly.

Once downloaded, verify the SHA256 hash matches the value shown on the site. This ensures the ISO downloaded correctly and matches the official release.

2. Create the pfSense VM in VirtualBox

Allocate at least 1 vCPU and 1 GB RAM for the VM. I‘d suggest 2 vCPUs and 2 GB RAM for better performance if you have enough host resources.

Create a 16 GB dynamically expanding disk. Make sure to configure two network interfaces – one NAT for WAN and one host-only for LAN.

3. Configure VirtualBox Networking

Proper VirtualBox network setup is crucial. Create a NAT network in VirtualBox preferences so your WAN port can access the Internet.

For LAN, create a host-only network. Configure it with an IP subnet like PfSense will automatically assign IPs to LAN clients from this pool.

4. Install pfSense

Boot your VM from the ISO. Accept the EULA, choose your keyboard layout, and select the auto-partition Guided Disk option. The installer will do the rest!

Once installation completes, remember to eject the ISO so the VM boots from disk.

5. Complete Initial Setup

On first boot, pfSense will automatically assign to its LAN interface. Browse to this IP from your host to access the web UI.

Complete the setup wizard. Create an admin password, configure DHCP and DNS under the LAN interface, and you‘re all set!

The dashboard will show helpful stats like current VPN users, firewall states, system load, and more. Feel free to enable dark mode under User Settings like I do for late night firewall maintenance!

Going Beyond the Basics

With pfSense installed, the real work begins – customizing the firewall policies to suit your environment. Here are some key tips from my experience:

  • Use aliases – Create aliases for sources/destinations rather than adding rules one IP at a time. Keeps things clean and manageable.

  • Enable logging – Log firewall rules, VPN events, and other critical activity. Crucial for troubleshooting issues.

  • Back up configs – Download periodic XML backups of the firewall config for disaster recovery. A lab VM for testing changes is also advised.

  • Monitor with SNMP – SNMP helps keep track of PfSense‘s health – interface traffic, CPU load, tunnel status, etc. Useful for capacity planning.

  • Use limiters – Prevent bandwidth hogging via traffic shaper and limiters. Prioritize business critical applications.

  • Tune the OS – Out of the box settings are generic. Tweak RAM disks, states table size, logging, and other OS parameters for your unique workload.

And there you have it! With this start-to-finishguide, you‘ll be able to get pfSense up and running on Ubuntu or CentOS confidently. Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always happy to help a fellow firewall admin out!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.