
The Complete Guide to Creating Effective Pillar Pages for SEO and Website Navigation

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Pillar pages are crucial yet often misunderstood elements of website architecture and SEO strategies. In this comprehensive 4,000+ word guide as an SEO expert and content geek, I‘ll share everything you need to know to craft stunning pillar pages that engage users and skyrocket organic search traffic.

What Exactly Are Pillar Pages?

Before we dive into creating pillar pages, let‘s make sure we have a solid foundational understanding of what they are.

Simply put, pillar pages are epicenter guides on a particular topic that anchor the content and navigation on your website. They target major high-volume primary keywords and thoroughly cover every related subtopic in an authoritative way.

For example, if "email marketing" was the core pillar page topic, the content would provide an ultimate guide on strategies, best practices, tips, and platforms for effectively marketing through email. No stone is left unturned in delivering insightful information structured around key subheadings.

Unlike a typical blog post narrowly focused on a sub-niche or single aspect of email marketing, pillar pages comprehensively explore the broader subject in an almost encyclopedic fashion. They become THE destination for users interested in learning more about the topic.

While packing extensive information, pillar pages also intelligently link out to supporting pages on your website that go much deeper on specific sub-elements. For email marketing, these could cover:

  • How to write effective email copy
  • Building email lists
  • Automating email workflows
  • Designing email templates
  • Improving email deliverability
  • Email marketing metrics

And so on. The pillar page acts as the mothership guide to the topic while still providing avenues for users to explore detailed nuances through your cluster content.

This structure establishes pillar pages as powerful navigational anchors for your site. Visitors can easily flow from a broad top-level overview on a topic to diving into the specifics they care most about.

And search engines LOVE this interconnected web of content. The internal links help crawlers better understand the organization of your pages and structure of knowledge. This strengthens your site‘s authority and boosts rankings potential.

That‘s the essence of pillar pages in a nutshell. Now let‘s explore how to create truly epic pillars that convert readers into loyal site visitors.

Crafting Pillar Pages: The Complete Step-by-Step Process

Creating a high-quality pillar page requires an intentional process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Select Your Pillar Page Topic

Without the right topic, your pillar page will crumble from the start. Use these criteria when deciding what to focus your pillar on:

  • High Search Volume: The topic should have substantial search volume indicating strong user demand. Tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, and Google Keyword Planner can quantify monthly searches.

  • High Difficulty: Choose topics that are challenging to rank for, with high competition. This lets your epic pillar fend off rivals. Easy-win keywords get you nowhere.

  • Site Relevance: Pick topics closely aligned with your brand, expertise and existing content. For example, an SEO agency would want pillars on link building, technical SEO, content strategy, etc.

  • Clear Intent: Avoid broad topics that span endless sub-niches. "Marketing" alone is too dispersed. "Content Marketing" is reasonably focused for a pillar page.

Start brainstorming list of potential topics, then validate search volume and difficulty using keyword research to identify your ideal pillar subject.

Step 2: Conduct Competitor Analysis

Find websites ranking well for your pillar page topic. Analyze what their pillar page covers along with supporting cluster content.

This competitive analysis uncovers subtopics, internal linking structures, content gaps you can fill, and inspiration for building your own superior pillar. Never create your pillar completely blind – always learn from the competition first.

Step 3: Develop an In-Depth Content Outline

Map out everything your pillar page will include. Create clear sections around subtopics. List types of visual assets to add like infographics. Identify internal and external resources to link out to.

Having this detailed outline ensures you craft comprehensive, well-structured content. It also facilitates collaboration if others will help write or design the page.

Step 4: Research Extensively to Create Authoritative Content

Conduct extensive research on both broad and niche aspects of your pillar topic. Compile relevant data points, statistics, expert perspectives, and historic context.

Immerse yourself fully in the subject to emerge as an authoritative expert able to provide unique insights and analysis beyond competitors. Well-researched content builds tremendous trust with readers.

Step 5: Write Killer Copy That Educates and Captivates

With research fresh, it‘s time to bring your pillar to life through words! Follow these copywriting tips:

  • Adopt an instructive, conversational tone as if teaching a friend about the topic. Avoid overly-formal language.

  • Employ strategic formatting with bullet points, numbered lists, bolded keywords, and ample paragraph breaks for scanability.

  • Use active voice and second-person ("compile your research" vs. "research can be compiled") to directly engage readers.

  • Share actionable takeaways so readers gain concrete advice for applying your guidance. Pillars educate beyond surface-level information.

  • Insert relevant stories and analogies to help concepts resonate. Creative writing flair makes pillars pleasurable reads.

Step 6: Strengthen Content with Visuals and Media

Bolster your words with:

  • Infographics: Visualize key data, concepts, or the step-by-step process covered in your pillar.

  • Charts/graphs: Display trends, comparisons, or growth of related concepts over time.

  • Videos: Educate and engage visitors through demonstrations of tips in action. Short 1-3 minute videos work best.

  • Photos: Use high-quality, eye-catching photos relevant to your topic to reinforce concepts.

Images allow skimmers to quickly grasp your pillar page‘s key points. Infuse these generously within your content.

Step 7: Optimize Page Elements for SEO

Make your pillar page search engine-friendly by:

  • Using your primary keyword in the page title and H1 header.

  • Including secondary keywords within H2 and H3 headers throughout the content.

  • Employing a meta description that makes the page enticing in search results.

  • Adding alt text to images with relevant keywords.

  • Using schema markup to identify key data like reviews, events, etc.

These help search engines understand your content and rank it higher when crawled.

Link out to related posts in your content ecosystem using keywords as anchor text where appropriate. This strengthens the interconnectedness between your pillar and clusters.

Be judicious though – only link to posts that truly expand on a subtopic. Avoid forcefully cramming in excessive links.

Step 9: Promote Your New Pillar Page

Launch your brilliant pillar into the world! Promote it through:

  • Social media: Share snippets and graphics on relevant platforms.

  • Email lists: Alert current subscribers about your new, helpful pillar page.

  • Influencer outreach: Contact leaders in your niche to see if they would share your pillar page as a resource with their audiences.

  • Link building: Pursue backlinks to your pillar page from websites eager for authoritative content.

Don‘t create amazing pillars then keep them a secret! Promotion brings traffic.

Step 10: Track Performance and Refine Over Time

Use Google Analytics to monitor pillar page traffic, engagement metrics, keyword rankings, and conversion performance.

Adapt and enhance your pillar by adding fresh information, new media, inclusive examples, and timely statistics to continually improve its value. Update broken links.

Refine underperforming pillar pages by strengthening on-page elements, building links, or refreshing content. Pillars require nurturing to thrive long-term.

That‘s the full game plan for developing awe-inspiring pillar pages from start to finish. Let‘s explore why exactly pillars deserve such TLC.

5 Powerful Benefits of Investing in Pillar Pages

You may be asking: "Why dedicate all this effort to pillar pages instead of regular blog articles?" Glad you asked!

Pillar pages deliver tremendous ROI through:

1. Increased Organic Traffic

The expansive nature of pillar pages allows them to contend for high rankings around sought-after keyword searches. One pillar page can attract droves of visitors interested in your topic but exploring a variety of related questions.

For example, an in-depth "Working Remotely Guide" pillar could accumulate search traffic for "remote work tips", "best jobs for telecommuting","how to collaborate remotely", and more. Pillars are traffic magnets.

2. Improved Website Navigation

Interlinking pillar pages with cluster content forms a web that structures your site‘s navigation far better than disjointed blog posts ever could.

When pillars organize information into digestible categories, it‘s extremely clear for visitors (and search engines!) to flow through your content architecture.

3. Stronger Authority and Trust

Publishing incredibly thorough guides to topics communicates expertise and establishes authority. When people associate your brand with authoritative educational content, it builds tremendous trust.

Your site becomes a respected destination readers rely on as a knowledge leader – not just another content farm. Pillar pages make you an authority.

4. Higher Engagement

Pillars keep visitors invested and engaged with your website. When content extensively explores a topic while linking to resources for learning more, readers stick around and dig in rather than quickly bouncing away.

Higher engagement metrics indicate to search engines your content offers value. Google rewards sites that inspire active exploration.

5. Increased Backlinks

As comprehensive resources, stellar pillar pages earn links as other sites reference them as knowledge authorities and link out to share your advice.

Referral traffic stemming from mentions of your pillar content expands your reach tremendously. Pillars truly amplify and distribute your brand.

Those are significant benefits for investing time in pillar pages. But what if you already have existing content? Let‘s explore how to evolve it into pillar-level guides.

Transforming Existing Content Into Pillar Pages

If you already have blog posts covering aspects of a broader topic, those can provide a launching pad for evolving into a full pillar page.

Here are tips for metamorphosing your existing content into enhanced pillar resources:

  • Audit old posts around a unified topic and identify ones with traction that could become pillars. Look for posts covering foundational concepts.

  • Expand superficial posts into 2,000 – 5,000 word guides by digging deeper into lightly touched on areas. Add new sections around missing subtopics.

  • Weave in new visual assets like charts, videos, and infographics to demonstrate expertise while breaking up dense text.

  • Incorporate links to other internal posts as clusters that provide additional detail on the topic. Strengthen the interconnection.

  • Craft engaging headlines to pique searchers‘ interest. Optimize for SEO opportunities.

  • Refresh outdated information with current, authoritative data points and references. Pillars must stay relevant.

  • Audit for broken links and repair them. Replace outdated sources with respected recent references.

  • Enhance on-page SEO with meta descriptions, alt text, faster load speed, etc. Modernize the technical side.

Even existing content takes work to evolve into a pillar page. But it still saves time versus creating fresh guides from scratch. Repurposing evergreen posts into pillars helps maximize their value.

Now that we‘ve covered a complete game plan for building brilliant pillars, let‘s explore examples of brands rocking pillar pages.

Pillar Pages Done Right: Real Examples from Leading Sites

The best way to wrap our brains around pillar pages is seeing how effective ones look in the digital wild. Here are some stellar examples worth modeling:

The Muse – Remote Work

The Muse uses pillar pages to establish themselves as an authority on key workplace topics. Their pillar guide on remote work covers an extensive range of subtopics in a single resource:

They link out to their cluster content like advice on working asynchronously, leading remote meetings, collaborating across time zones, and more. It demonstrates how pillar pages act as content hubs.

Shopify – Starting an Online Store

Shopify develops pillar pages around ecommerce topics to strengthen their expertise. Their guide on starting an online store comprehensively explores diverse elements like selecting products, building a brand, photography tips, etc:

They interlink related Shopify ecommerce resources while also embedding external references to provide well-rounded guidance.

Neil Patel – SEO Content Strategy

As an SEO thought leader, Neil Patel leans on pillar pages to teach complex digital marketing topics from the ground up. His SEO content strategy pillar guide covers compiling keywords, optimizing content, promotion tactics, and more:

He structures his pillars clearly around section headers, making it simple to navigate and digest. The pages highlight his expertise.

Backlinko is a popular SEO blog. Their expansive pillar page on link building tactics explores outreach templates, link-worthy content formats, guest post opportunities, and additional resources:

It provides a definitive overview of effective strategies for earning high-quality backlinks. The page has over 500 social shares exemplifying its value.

These diverse but consistently epic examples of pillar pages in action offer inspiration for developing your own remarkable guides that capture search traffic and demonstrate thought leadership.

Key Takeaways: Principles for Pillar Page Success

Let‘s recap the core fundamentals for crafting winning pillar pages:

  • Select topics with significant search volume and difficulty to target. Research is crucial.

  • Create 4,000+ word definitive guides packed with insights and media. Go deep.

  • Use strategic headers anchored around keywords to structure your content.

  • Link pillar pages to related cluster content improve navigation and SEO.

  • Promote new guides heavily through outreach, social media and advertising.

  • Continuously refine pillar pages based on performance data and user signals.

  • Repurpose evergreen posts into evolved pillar pages by expanding upon their content.

  • Optimize on-page elements with SEO and UX best practices.

By dedicating energy to researching and publishing remarkable pillar pages, your site becomes an authoritative destination that visitors rely on to explore topics in-depth.

The determination required to build truly great pillar pages pays dividends for years through elevated organic search traffic, stronger brand recognition, lower bounce rates, and loyal site visitors who return again and again to explore your knowledge ecosystem.

Now get out there, do your research, and start crafting some awesome pillar pages! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.