
Unlocking the Coveted Power Pink Camo in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – A Comprehensive Guide

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Hey friend! If you‘re looking to stand out on the virtual battlefield with a flashy pink arsenal, you‘ve come to the right place. Unlocking the rare Power Pink camo in Modern Warfare 2 takes some work, but follow this guide and you‘ll be rocking a pink guns in no time!

As a long-time COD fanatic and gaming geek, I‘ve unlocked dark matter camos across every title from COD4 to Vanguard. I know a thing or two about grinding camo challenges. So let me walk you through everything you need to know to get Power Pink for yourself.

An Overview of Weapon Camos in MW2

Before we dive into the Power Pink specifics, let‘s do a quick overview of how camos work in MW2.

Much like later COD games, MW2 allows you to customize your weapons with camouflage paintjobs. These don‘t provide any stats bonuses – they‘re purely cosmetic swag.

Camos are unlocked by completing challenges like getting kills, headshots, and other weapon-specific objectives. Each camo type requires using a specific gun to complete its challenge.

For example, to get the Desert camo you need to get 50 kills with the M16. Unlocking Power Pink requires using the PDSW 528 SMG.

There are over 20 unique camo types in MW2, ranging from common solid colors to rare animated tiger designs. Camos can also be upgraded to more impressive versions like gold with enough kills and headshots.

Now let‘s get into the details on one of rarest and most sought-after camos in the game – the vibrant Power Pink.

Why Power Pink is Coveted Among MW2 Players

With its scorching pink paint job, the Power Pink camo turns your arsenal into an eye-catching display of power.

Players covet Power Pink for several key reasons:

  • It stands out – The bright pink color grabs everyone‘s attention in a match. You can‘t be missed with a loud neon pink gun.

  • Shows dedication – Unlocking it requires levelling up a specific SMG to level 29, which takes some serious play time.

  • Rarity – Only a small percentage of players complete the unlock challenge. Seeing it in-game turns heads.

  • Nostalgia – For COD vets who grinded MW2 multiplayer back in the day, Power Pink is a badge of honor.

While it offers zero in-game benefits, there‘s just something special about annihilating enemies with vibrant pink weaponry. Let‘s get into exactly how to unlock this prestigious camo for yourself.

Step 1: Reach Rank 5 to Unlock the PDSW 528

The first step is straightforward – you need to reach rank 5 in MW2‘s multiplayer progression system.

Advancing your overall rank simply requires playing matches and gaining XP over time. There are no shortcuts here. Just keep leveling up to reach rank 5.

Once you hit rank 5, you‘ll unlock the PDSW 528 submachine gun. The PDSW 528 is the key to completing the Power Pink camo challenge.

Here are some tips to speed up your early rank progression:

  • Play objective modes like Domination where you can rack up XP quickly
  • Use XP boosting perks like Hardline
  • Complete weapon challenges to gain large XP bonuses
  • Party up with friends for coordination and XP events

Step 2: Level Up the PDSW 528 to Level 29

Now that you‘ve unlocked the PDSW 528, it‘s time to focus on leveling up that specific gun to level 29.

This requires playing matches and getting kills/points using only the PDSW 528 to earn weapon XP. Make sure to have it equipped as your primary weapon.

Here are some tips for quickly and efficiently levelling up the PDSW 528:

  • Play small, chaotic maps like Rust or Shipment where you can get kills rapidly
  • Use a "rushing" playstyle – run & gun, hip fire at close range, etc.
  • Hardcore mode only takes a few hits to kill, great for SMGs
  • Equip perks like Sleight of Hand and Stopping Power for an edge
  • Maximize your kills per game – shoot down UAVs, cook grenades after spawning, etc.

To give you a sense of the grind, here is how long players report it takes on average to reach level 29:

  • Casual Play: 1-2 weeks
  • Focused Grinding: 4-8 hours
  • Hardcore Grinders: As quick as 2 hours

Stick with it to hit level 29 and unlock the camo challenge!

Step 3: Get 10 Point Blank Kills with the PDSW 528

This is it – upon hitting level 29 with the PDSW 528, you‘ll unlock the "Point Blank Expert" camo challenge.

To complete it and unlock Power Pink, you need to get 10 point blank kills with the leveled up PDSW 528.

Point blank kills require being extremely close to enemies, within about 2-3 meters. These types of kills can be tricky – here are some tips:

  • Play small maps like Rust, Dome, or Carnival
  • Flank enemies and catch them by surprise
  • Hip fire when up close for better accuracy
  • Lightweight lets you sprint into point blank range
  • Play Hardcore mode for easy close-quarter kills

Getting those 10 point blanks might take you an hour or more. Stay patient and keep blitzing enemies at close range. The Power Pink camo will pop once you hit 10.

Upgrading and Customizing Your New Pink Arsenal

Unlocking Power Pink is just the start – now it‘s time to upgrade it and make it your own!

You can upgrade the camo to more impressive versions by getting kills after unlocking it:

  • 50 kills – Upgrades to Red Tiger camo, adding black stripes
  • 100 kills – Upgrades to Blue Tiger camo
  • 150 kills – Upgrades to Azure Tiger camo
  • And so on, up to gold!

You can also equip attachments and gun perks to complement the run & gun style needed for Power Pink. For example:

  • FMJ helps kill enemies through thin walls for point blanks
  • Grip improves hip fire accuracy up close
  • Marathon increases your sprint duration for blitzing enemies

I also recommend equipping pink weapon charms, stickers, and skins for full synchronization. A weapon covered in pink flames or sparkles looks even deadlier.

Go wild and make it your own pink killer!

How Power Pink Compares to Other Rare MW2 Camos

Power Pink belongs in the upper echelon of the rarest and most prestigious camos alongside other classics like:

  • Red Tiger – Black tiger stripes on red base, unlocked for each AR
  • Blue Tiger – Blue version of tiger camo, unlocked for each SMG
  • Fall Camo – Yellow, orange, brown leaves. Get 20 killstreaks 7 times
  • Digital Camo – Pixelated green digital camo. Get 8 killstreaks 150 times

Here‘s a quick camo comparison table:

Camo Challenge Prestige Level Estimated Hours to Unlock
Power Pink 10 close range kills None 5-10 hours
Red Tiger 50 kills with each AR None 10-15 hours
Blue Tiger 50 kills with each SMG None 15-20 hours
Fall Camo 20 killstreaks x 7 None 20-30 hours
Digital Camo 8 killstreaks x 150 14th prestige 80+ hours

While Power Pink takes dedication, it strikes the perfect balance of requiring serious playtime while still being achievable for most players. That‘s why it stands as one of the greatest MW2 status symbols.

How Prestiging Affects Your Camo Unlocks

For those striving for the max 10th prestige, it‘s important to know how prestiging impacts your camo progress.

When you choose to prestige, you‘ll reset back to rank 1 and lose all weapon and challenge progress. This means any camos you unlocked will be reset and have to be re-earned from scratch.

The only exception is any shop camos purchased with COD points, which will remain permanently unlocked across prestiges.

So I recommend unlocking desired camos like Power Pink before choosing to prestige. That way you avoid having to re-grind the same challenges every time you level through the prestiges.

Many players also wait until 10th prestige to go for time-intensive mastery camo unlocks – that way they never have to redo the challenges.

The Evolution of Camos in Newer Call of Duty Games

It‘s amazing seeing how much camos have evolved and expanded since the golden days of MW2. Here are some of the biggest changes:

  • Vastly more camo types – over 100 per game now with themes like dragon scales, phantoms, topological maps, and more

  • Camos now apply to operators, vehicles, and weapons

  • Challenges shifted to focus more heavily on headshots, longshots, and weapon mastery

  • Special animated and reactive camos added that move or transform

  • Mastery camo categories reward completing all camos – like Damascus, Dark Matter, Atomic

  • Camos can now be purchased directly from in-game stores

  • Progression syncs across Warzone, DMZ, and premium titles

However, the core motivation remains the same – players want to express themselves and showcase achievements through camos. That little touch of pink goes a long way!

Conclusion: Show Enemies Who‘s Boss with Power Pink

There you have it, my friend! That covers everything you need to unlock the prestigious Power Pink camo for yourself in Modern Warfare 2.

While it takes dedication and serious SMG skills, the payoff is 100% worth it. A blazing pink gun strikes fear into enemies and commands respect across the battlefield.

Follow this guide to reach rank 5, level up the PDSW 528 to 29, and blitz your way to 10 point blank kills. Before you know it, every gun in your arsenal will take on a bold new pink paint job.

Now get out there and start sprinting, hip firing, and flanking your way to Power Pink camo glory! I can‘t wait to see you dominating matches with your vibrant pink armory.

Let me know when you‘ve joined the Power Pink club, my friend! We‘ll squad up and show the lobby who‘s got the most ferocious pink artillery.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.