
The Expert Guide to Virtual Payment Cards for Affiliate Marketing

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Hello friend! As a fellow affiliate marketer, I know how vital it is to have reliable payment cards that can avoid bans. The major advertising platforms have really cracked down hard on risky payments recently. Just last year, affiliate account bans due to payment issues surged over 30% industry-wide.

This trend has made virtual payment cards an essential tool for smoothly running ad campaigns. In this guide, I‘ll provide an in-depth look at expert techniques for avoiding payment bans.

Payments are the Lifeblood of Affiliate Marketing

First, let‘s recap why payments are so crucial in this business. As affiliates, most of our revenue comes from driving traffic and sales to advertiser offers. A 2021 study found that nearly 60% of affiliates rely on paid advertising to generate this traffic.

Of course, all those ads on Google, Facebook, TikTok etc. require payment cards to fund the accounts. Any bans or restrictions on our payment methods directly threaten our ability to run campaigns.

Virtual payment cards can provide a lifeline by avoiding the blacklist.

The BIN Blacklist: What You Need to Know

So how do these advertising platforms determine risky payments? Well, they look at the BIN or Bank Identification Number encoded in each card.

The BIN reveals useful statistics like:

  • First-time Transactions: High % can signal fraud risk.
  • Past Bills Paid: Low rates raise red flags.
  • Violation History: High disputes/chargebacks are concerning.

Cards with poor BIN stats get added to a blacklist. These untrusted BINs then trigger instant bans for "risk payment".

Here‘s a snapshot of benchmark BIN metrics:

BIN Metric Trusted Untrusted
First-time Transactions < 20% > 50%
Past Bills Paid > 50% < 20%
Dispute/Chargeback History < 0.5% > 2%

As you can see, trusted BINs demonstrate significant legitimate usage over time.

Avoiding Bans with Smart BIN Management

So how do we make sure our cards stay off the blacklist and avoid pesky bans? There are two basic approaches:

1. Blend into the Crowd with Big Bank BINs

Issued cards from major banks like Chase, Citibank, etc have tons of transaction data attached to their BINs. By essentially hiding amongst thousands of other user transactions, we can fly under the radar.

Pros: Established legitimate usage makes bans less likely.

Cons: Premium cards cost more. Still potential for restrictions or sudden closures.

2. Stay Unique with Fresh, Unused BINs

The other tactic is using virtual payment cards with brand new or rarely-used BINs. With sparse data, these unique BINs haven‘t triggered any red flags yet.

Pros: Avoid automatic bans since BINs are unknown. Low costs.

Cons: Can still get flagged if used heavily. Need constant supply of new BINs.

Many affiliates opt for a blended strategy using both types of cards. But it takes work to implement properly.

PST.NET – Your Ticket to Trusted, Unique BINs

This is where PST.NET comes in. Their virtual payment card service is purpose-built to provide trusted, unique BINs that avoid bans.

Some stand-out features:

  • Brand New BINs – Cards use fresh, unused BINs with zero transaction history. This allows them to pass anti-fraud checks when other cards trigger risk alerts.

  • Lightning Fast Provisioning – You get instant card issuance with no wait times. This enables pivoting quickly as campaigns evolve.

  • Unlimited Card Generation – Most services limit you to 1 or 2 cards. With PST.NET you can generate an unlimited number of virtual cards for all your advertising accounts.

  • Top-Ups with Crypto – Conveniently fund balances using Bitcoin or Tether. Low 2.9% fee.

  • Multilingual Support – Manage your account in your preferred language across 13 options including English, Chinese, Portuguese, Thai and more.

  • User-friendly Features – Administration made easy with intuitive dashboard, spending oversight tools, Telegram notifications bot, and more.

I put together this comparison to showcase PST.NET‘s advantages over competitors:

New BINs
Instant Issuance
Unlimited Cards
Crypto Top-Ups

The bottom line – PST.NET equips us with the Constantly changing supply of trusted, unique BINs needed to avoid bans.

PST.NET‘s Generous Rewards Program

Growing your affiliate business is all about scalability. PST.NET offers an appealing referral program to incentivize expansion.

You earn:

  • $5 for the first card issued to referrals
  • 30% commission on their 2nd and subsequent cards
  • 10% commission on the lifetime spend of referrals

With the traditionally high turnover in affiliate marketing, just a couple of referrals could snowball into a very lucrative passive income stream.

Say Goodbye to Payment Headaches

As a fellow affiliate, I hope this guide provides valuable insights into expert techniques for avoiding payment bans. The key takeaways are:

  • Understand how BIN blacklisting works and the metrics used to identify risky cards.

  • Employ smart BIN management strategies, like blending into major bank usage or using unique, unused BINs.

  • Consider PST.NET as an invaluable tool for obtaining virtual payment cards with trusted, fresh BINs that effortlessly pass anti-fraud checks.

  • Leverage PST.NET‘s generous referral program to boost your income.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to share insights on prospering in this industry.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.