
A WordPress Expert‘s Guide to Redirecting URLs

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Hey there!

Redirecting URLs may seem like a simple task, but it‘s an incredibly useful technique for any WordPress site owner. Whether you‘re consolidating content, changing permalink structures, or migrating domains, being able to seamlessly redirect traffic is crucial.

As an experienced WordPress user, I want to provide you with a comprehensive guide on the various methods for redirecting URLs, so you can choose the right solution.

First, let‘s quickly go over what a redirect actually does:

  • A redirect sends users from one URL to another URL.
  • This commonly happens behind the scenes, so the visitor won‘t notice they were redirected.
  • There are permanent 301 redirects as well as temporary 302 redirects.

Here are some of the most common reasons you may want to set up redirects for your WordPress site:

  • Consolidating Content – If you delete or merge pages, redirects allow you to keep all that valuable traffic and search engine juice from old URLs.
  • Changing Permalink Structure – When you alter your permalink settings, redirects ensure existing links don‘t break.
  • Migrating Domains – Redirects seamlessly funnel traffic from an old domain to a new domain.
  • Redirecting Individual Pages – Redirects let you swap out old URLs for new URLs on a granular page-by-page basis.

Now let‘s dive into the different methods for setting up redirects in WordPress:

1. Using a Redirect Plugin

By far the easiest method is using a dedicated redirect plugin like Redirection. The benefits include:

  • No coding or technical skills required
  • Handles all types of redirects via an intuitive UI
  • Lets you import/export redirects for migration

The downside is it‘s less flexible compared to editing .htaccess directly.

I‘d recommend a redirect plugin for anyone who wants a simple "set and forget" solution.

2. Setting up Redirects in cPanel

If your WordPress site is hosted on a cPanel server, you can directly add redirects in cPanel without touching any code.

The key steps are:

  1. Login to your cPanel dashboard
  2. Go to Redirects under the Domains section
  3. Choose 301 or 302 redirect
  4. Enter the old and new URL path

This is great for quick redirects if you‘re on shared cPanel hosting. However, it doesn‘t allow advanced redirect logic like plugins or .htaccess.

3. Using the .htaccess File

For advanced WordPress users, editing the .htaccess file allows for the most control and customization.

A few examples of redirect syntax:

Redirect 301 /old-page /new-page 

Redirect 302 /old-url /new-url

Redirect 301 /old-post
  • This works with any hosting type
  • Supports advanced redirect logic and conditions
  • Risk of breaking site if edited incorrectly

I‘d recommend .htaccess redirects for developers or anyone comfortable editing code. Be sure to back up .htaccess before making changes!

4. Managed Hosting Control Panels

If using a managed host like Kinsta or SiteGround, you can easily add redirects through their custom dashboard without touching code.

For example, in Kinsta MyKinsta:

  1. Go to Site Tools > Redirects
  2. Enter old URL, new URL, and type
  3. Save the redirect


  • No coding or technical skills needed
  • Previews redirect paths

Downside is it only works on that specific host platform.

5. Cloudflare Page Rules

For WordPress sites using Cloudflare, you can setup redirects by creating page rules:

  1. Go to Cloudflare Dashboard > Pages Rules
  2. Create new page rule
  3. Enter old URL and new URL

This is handy but only works if your site is using Cloudflare. There‘s no import/export feature either.

Choosing the Right Redirect Method

Now that you know the pros and cons of each approach, how do you decide which is best for your scenario? Here are my recommendations:

  • Use a redirect plugin if you want a simple, user-friendly option with no coding.
  • Try cPanel redirects for basic redirects on shared hosting.
  • Edit the .htaccess file for advanced users with coding experience.
  • Leverage a managed host control panel for easy redirects on that platform.
  • Utilize Cloudflare page rules if your site uses Cloudflare.

And there you have it! As a fellow WordPress geek, I hope this detailed guide gives you confidence in redirecting URLs on your site. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.