
How to Remove My AI on Snapchat – A Complete Guide

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Hey there! Have you been using Snapchat‘s new AI chatbot feature called My AI? It‘s pretty cool to have an AI assistant to chat with right in Snapchat. But some users are concerned about privacy and want to remove My AI entirely.

As a fellow tech geek, I get it – while AI chatbots are fun, they could collect your data. You want control over an AI having access to your info. Well, I‘ve got good news!

In this detailed guide, you‘ll learn how Snapchat Plus subscribers can remove My AI from their accounts. I‘ll walk you through:

  • What My AI is and how it works
  • Who can delete My AI
  • Step-by-step instructions to remove the bot
  • Clearing all your My AI data and conversations
  • Additional privacy settings for Snapchat Plus
  • What happens after you delete My AI
  • Answers to frequently asked questions

Let‘s start by looking at what this new AI feature actually is.

What is My AI on Snapchat?

My AI is Snapchat‘s version of ChatGPT – an AI chatbot you can converse with about pretty much anything right in your Snapchat app!

Here are some key facts about My AI:

  • It‘s powered by OpenAI, the creators behind ChatGPT technology.

  • My AI lives in your Snapchat Chat feed. You access it by swiping right from the Camera.

  • You can ask My AI questions, have conversations, get recommendations, and more.

  • It‘s quite advanced – My AI can understand context, provide follow-up, tell jokes, share fun facts, and hold natural conversations.

  • Both free and paying Snapchat users have access to My AI. Anyone can chat with the bot.

  • Snapchat Plus subscribers get more features like the ability to delete My AI (more on this below).

My AI makes use of OpenAI‘s powerful GPT-3 language model. This allows it to understand and generate human-like conversations on almost any topic.

For example, you could ask My AI questions like:

  • What‘s the weather today?
  • What should I watch on Netflix?
  • Tell me a funny joke!
  • How do I make pasta carbonara?

And My AI will provide thoughtful responses, recommendations, and answers. It can be super helpful!

But some privacy-focused folks are concerned about an AI viewing their chats and data. Next let‘s look at who can actually remove My AI.

Who Can Delete My AI on Snapchat?

Here‘s the deal – Snapchat says the current ability to remove My AI is only for paying Snapchat Plus subscribers.

Free Snapchat users cannot delete My AI from their Chat feed at this time. Here‘s a breakdown:

  • Snapchat Plus Subscribers: YES, they can fully delete My AI conversations and remove the bot from their Chat list. This is part of the early access Plus provides.

  • Free Snapchat Users: NO, regular Snapchat users cannot remove My AI right now. It remains permanently pinned to their Chat feed.

Snapchat Plus is Snapchat‘s $3.99 per month subscription that unlocks exclusive features like:

  • Removing My AI
  • Viewing Snap Map location history
  • Seeing who re-watched your Stories
  • Pinning a #1 Best Friend
  • Accessing more Lenses
  • Customizing your Bitmoji‘s wardrobe
  • Using multi-snap recording
  • Getting premium filters and reactions
  • More replay abilities

But for privacy-minded users like us, the ability to remove My AI is arguably the biggest benefit Snapchat Plus provides.

Now let‘s get into exactly how to delete this chatbot from your account.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing My AI

If you‘re subscribed to Snapchat Plus, you can fully delete My AI in just a few taps. Here are two methods to remove the AI bot:

Method 1:

  1. Subscribe to Snapchat Plus in the app or Snapchat‘s website.

  2. Swipe right on the Camera screen to open your Chat list.

  3. Press and hold your finger on the My AI chat.

  4. Tap "Chat Settings" from the menu.

  5. Select the “Clear from Chat Feed” option.

  6. Confirm that you want to remove My AI when prompted.

Method 2:

  1. Subscribe to Snapchat Plus.

  2. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner.

  3. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the top right.

  4. Scroll down and tap "Clear Conversations" under Privacy Controls.

  5. Tap the "+" icon next to the My AI conversation.

  6. Confirm that you want to delete My AI from your Chat feed.

And that‘s all it takes to fully remove the My AI chatbot from your Snapchat account!

Once removed, My AI won‘t appear in your Chat list or be accessible at all. You‘ve successfully opted-out of the AI bot.

But we still need to delete all the data you‘ve previously sent to My AI for complete privacy.

Clearing All My AI Conversations & Data

Removing My AI from your Chat list is an important first step. But for total peace of mind, you also need to delete all the conversations, images, and data you‘ve ever shared with My AI.

Luckily, Snapchat Plus lets you wipe all of that too. Here are two ways to clear your My AI data:

Method 1:

  1. Tap your profile picture, then tap Settings.

  2. Scroll down and tap "Clear Data" under Privacy Controls.

  3. Select the "Clear My AI Data" option.

  4. Confirm that you want to delete all My AI data.

Method 2:

  1. Go to Settings and tap your profile icon.

  2. Scroll down to the Account Actions section.

  3. Tap on "Clear My AI Data".

  4. Confirm that you want to erase all My AI conversations and info.

Once you clear data, all previous chats, messages, images, prompts, and anything else you‘ve ever sent to My AI will be permanently deleted.

Your entire My AI history is wiped clean from Snapchat‘s servers. It‘s like your conversations with the bot never happened!

Be sure to use both steps for full removal – deleting My AI from your Chat list, AND clearing My AI data under Privacy Controls. This ensures the chatbot and your personal info are gone for good.

Additional Privacy Controls With Snapchat Plus

On top of letting you remove My AI, Snapchat Plus subscribers get a bunch of extra privacy superpowers. Here are some of the top privacy features Plus unlocks:

  • Delete Conversations – Permanently remove one-on-one or group chats from your feed. Helpful for eliminating embarrassing or sensitive conversations.

  • View Privacy Settings – Check exactly which friends can see your Stories, contact you, view your location on Snap Map, and more. Very useful info!

  • Limit Location Sharing – Select specific friends you want to share your location with on Snap Map, or disable location sharing completely for ghost mode.

  • Set Chats to Delete – Make your Snaps and chats expire after being opened or at a custom interval you specify. Great for privacy.

  • Remove Subscribers – Take back friend subscriptions so certain friends can‘t view your public content or Stories.

  • Block Friends – Fully block friends from contacting you or viewing your Stories without notifying them.

These premium controls let you customize your privacy settings and digital footprint within Snapchat. Having the ability to remove My AI is just one piece of the enhanced privacy Plus offers.

What Happens When You Delete My AI on Snapchat?

When you permanently delete My AI as a Snapchat Plus user, here‘s exactly what happens:

✅ The My AI chat disappears completely from your Chat feed.

✅ You can no longer access or converse with My AI.

✅ All previous conversations you had with My AI are erased.

✅ Any images, videos, or data you shared with My AI is deleted.

✅ My AI can no longer view or access your personal information.

✅ You cannot recover or restore any deleted My AI data. Removal is permanent.

Basically, it will be as if My AI never existed! The chatbot and your chat history will vanish from your account.

However, keep in mind:

❌ My AI remains available for all other Snapchat users. Only you lost access.

❌ You can re-add My AI by swiping right on the Camera. But your old data is gone forever.

❌ Removed chats only impact your account. Friends you messaged with still have the conversation.

So in summary – removing My AI only deletes it from your personal Snapchat account and data. The My AI bot itself continues running for everyone else. You‘ve simply opted out of its availability.

Hope this helps explain exactly what happens when you remove My AI using Snapchat Plus. Next let‘s go over some frequently asked questions.

FAQs About Deleting My AI on Snapchat

Here are answers to some common questions about removing Snapchat‘s My AI chatbot:

Can I restore my My AI chats after deleting the bot?

No, all previous My AI conversations and data are permanently erased when you delete the chatbot. There is no way to retrieve or backup this info once removed.

What if I change my mind – can I re-add My AI after deleting it?

Yes, you can add My AI back by swiping right on the Camera screen at any time. However, none of your old chats or data will be restored. You‘ll have to start fresh conversations as if it‘s your first time chatting with My AI.

Does removing My AI cancel my Snapchat Plus subscription?

Nope, deleting My AI does not cancel or impact your Snapchat Plus subscription in any way. You‘ll remain subscribed with access to all other Plus features.

Can free Snapchat users remove My AI at this time?

Unfortunately no. Only paying Snapchat Plus subscribers currently have the ability to fully delete My AI from their Chat feed and conversations.

What happens to group chats containing My AI after I delete it?

Group chats with My AI will remain visible in your friends‘ Chat feeds, but will disappear from your personal view. Your side of the conversation will be erased, but friends in the group chat will still see the discussion.

Is My AI totally gone from Snapchat after I delete it from my account?

No, My AI still exists on Snapchat and is usable by all other Snapchat users. Removing My AI only deletes it from your personal account and conversations. The bot remains active and accessible for everyone else.

Can I remove My AI without subscribing to Snapchat Plus?

There is currently no way for free Snapchat users to delete or remove My AI conversations and data. Upgrading to Snapchat Plus is required to get access to removing My AI.

I hope these answers help clear up some common questions around deleting this chatbot!

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, while My AI is a cool new way to chat with an AI assistant in Snapchat, privacy is important. We should have control over our data and who can access it.

Luckily, Snapchat Plus subscribers do have the ability to fully remove My AI from their accounts, deleting the bot itself and any past conversations.

Removing My AI is permanent and can only be done by Snapchat Plus users at this time. But having options like this gives paying customers more control over their privacy. Plus it shows the extra value a premium Snapchat subscription provides.

So if you‘re looking to delete My AI entirely for privacy reasons, I hope this guide gave you the steps and info you need! Let me know if you have any other Snapchat questions. And as always, stay secure out there!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.