
Resetting Your Pinterest Feed: The Ultimate Guide to a Fresh Start

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Is your Pinterest feed feeling repetitive or irrelevant these days? As a hardcore Pinterest user myself, I know how frustrating it can be when your customized feed stops being helpful. The good news is you can take control and completely reset your Pinterest feed for a brand new start.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll provide all the insider tips and steps you need as a fellow Pinterest power user. Whether you want to fix issues with your current feed or crave a total revamp, let‘s dive in to refreshing your Pinterest experience!

Why Reset Your Pinterest Feed?

Before we get into the step-by-step details, let‘s discuss why you might want to reset your Pinterest feed in the first place.

Pinterest automatically customizes your feed based on factors like:

  • Recent searches and engagement
  • Boards and profiles you follow
  • Past and current interests

According to Pinterest, over 200 billion pins have been saved to more than 5 billion boards. With such a massive pool of content, Pinterest relies on algorithms and user data to curate your unique feed.

This works great…until your interests change. For example, say you went through a home decor phase and engaged heavily with DIY projects. Pinterest remembers this and keeps suggesting home pins even if you‘ve moved on.

I also see this issue with niche interests. As a tech geek, my feed gets crowded with gadget pins that aren‘t relevant anymore. Likewise, new parents often get overrun with baby pins after their kids grow up.

Based on Pinterest data, the average user spends 14.5 minutes per day on the platform. But what if you find yourself mindlessly scrolling because too many pins are irrelevant now?

Resetting gives Pinterest a fresh start on tailoring your feed based on current interests and goals. You maintain control over the content you see.

According to a Pinterest engineer, the platform is working on ways to identify long-term vs short-term interests based on user engagement. But resetting is still the best way to "teach" Pinterest what you like right now.

Curious how many others face this issue? One poll showed 32% of users feel their Pinterest feed needs an overhaul. So take heart, you‘re definitely not alone!

Now let‘s get into the details of overhauling your feed…

Step 1: Access the "Tune Your Home Feed" Page

The "Tune Your Home Feed" page allows you to modify Pinterest feed settings and preferences. Here‘s how to access it:

  1. Login to your Pinterest account, either on the website or mobile app.

  2. Click on the dropdown menu next to your profile icon.

  3. Select "Tune Your Home Feed" from the dropdown options.

This opens up the "Tune Your Home Feed" page with tabs for History, Boards, Topics, and Profiles. We‘ll use these tabs to reset different aspects of your feed.

Tip: On mobile, you may need to tap your profile icon first to open your side menu. Then scroll down and select "Tune Your Home Feed."

Step 2: Turn Off Viewing History

Let‘s start with the History tab. Here you‘ll see your recent pins, searches, clicks, and other activity.

Pinterest uses this viewing history to recommend relevant content. The problem is, if you‘ve been inactive or browsing irrelevant content lately, your history misrepresents your current interests.

To stop recommendations based on potentially outdated history:

  1. Click "Turn Off All" to disable your full history.

  2. Alternatively, toggle off individual pins if you want to be selective.

I recommend turning everything off for a complete reset. According to Pinterest, this removes the influence of your viewing history while rebuilding recommendations.

Pro tip: You can also clear your search history in Settings under "Recent searches." Pinterest uses your search terms to refine your feed, so removing these can help reset your focus.

Step 3: Disable Board Recommendations

Next up is the Boards tab. Here you‘ll see all the boards you‘ve created. By default, Pinterest suggests posts from boards you‘ve made and follow.

This made sense when you were actively pinning to certain boards. But interests change, and you might have old, abandoned boards suggesting irrelevant pins.

To stop this:

  1. Toggle off the "Recommend pins" switch next to each board.

  2. The switch will turn from blue to white when disabled.

Based on public Pinterest data, the average user has about 13 boards. As you disable recommendations from your boards, you remove another influence on your main feed.

Pro tip: Take this opportunity to review your boards and delete any that are outdated. You can always remake boards later that align with your current interests.

Step 4: Remove Followed Topics

Another aspect that shapes your Pinterest feed is the topics you follow. The Topics tab shows all your followed topics.

Back when you selected these topics, they aligned with your interests and goals. But if your passions have shifted, these stale topics may be skewing your pins.

To fully reset your feed:

  1. Click "Remove" on each followed topic to stop seeing related suggestions.

Removing every followed topic evens out your feed by resetting Pinterest‘s understanding of your interests. You can follow new topics later that better fit your current hobbies and needs.

For context, Pinterest has over 1000 topics spanning home, fashion, travel, recipes, DIY, and more. So even removing all topics still leaves a ton of content you can discover.

Step 5: Unfollow All Profiles

Finally, it‘s time to address who you follow on Pinterest. Visit the Profiles tab to see everyone you currently follow.

The pins you see are heavily influenced by the people you follow, especially power pinners and brands. For example, if you follow a popular fashion blogger, you‘ll likely see a lot of style and outfit pins.

To reset this influence:

  1. Click "Following" on every followed profile to unfollow them.

According to Pinterest, the average user follows 89 profiles. So take the time to fully unfollow every single one to unlock your feed.

Don‘t worry, you can refollow profiles later! Use the search tool to find fresh accounts posting content relevant to your current interests.

Pro tip: Sort profiles by recent to easily see who you‘ve interacted with most lately. The newer follows likely reflect your current interests best.

Troubleshooting a Stale Feed After Resetting

Okay, you‘ve completely reset your Pinterest feed! Now begins the fun process of shaping your new customized feed.

Here are some troubleshooting tips if your feed still feels stale or irrelevant after resetting:

  • Engage frequently with pins you like by saving, clicking, commenting, etc. The more you interact, the quicker your feed improves.

  • Follow new profiles and boards posting content that inspires you now. Pinterest will pick up on these signals.

  • Use precise keywords in searches to find fresh, targeted content to engage with. This teaches Pinterest your new interests.

  • Create new boards around current hobbies and topics you want to see pins for.

  • Use the "Not interested" option to further tune the recommendations you receive.

  • Be patient! It can take 1-2 weeks for your renewed engagement to fully personalize your feed.

Think of resetting as a clean slate and opportunity to shape your ideal Pinterest destination. The more precise your engagement, the better your new tailored feed will become.

Resetting Your Feed on Mobile

What if you mostly use Pinterest on your phone and want to reset your feed? The process is very similar:

  1. Open the Pinterest app and tap your profile icon.

  2. Select "Settings" from your side menu.

  3. Tap "Tune your home feed" under the Account basics section.

This will open up the History, Boards, Topics and Profiles tabs just like on desktop. Follow the same steps above to turn off history, disable boards, remove topics and unfollow profiles.

The main difference is that the mobile interface is condensed into a vertical scroll view. But the tabs and controls are the same – you can fully reset your feed through the mobile app.

Pro tip: Use the search bar at the top to quickly find and unfollow people or locate new profiles to follow within each tab.

Optimizing Your New Pinterest Feed

Congratulations, your Pinterest feed has been completely reset! Now begins the fun of shaping your new personalized feed around current interests.

Here are a few tips to populate your feed with great pins fast:

  • Follow at least 50 new profiles such as creators, brands, influencers who align with your interests. Their frequent pinning will quickly get your feed going.

  • Interact heavily with pins you like for the first few weeks by saving, clicking, leaving comments, etc. This trains the algorithm.

  • Pin fresh content to new boards aligned with your interests so Pinterest has new signals.

  • Tap into trends by including relevant hashtags in your board names and pin descriptions.

  • Refine searches using keywords that reflect your current passions and hobbies. Then engage with those pins.

Within a couple weeks, you should notice a dramatic improvement in relevance as your renewed engagement customizes your feed. Enjoy the process of shaping your ideal Pinterest destination!

Take Control With a Pinterest Feed Reset

As your interests evolve, don‘t settle for a stale Pinterest feed that no longer fits your needs. Take a few minutes to completely reset your preferences and start fresh.

Follow this guide to turn off history, disable boards, remove topics and unfollow profiles. In no time, you‘ll have a clean slate to take your Pinterest account in exciting new directions.

The renewed sense of discovery and inspiration from a tailored, personalized feed is worth the effort. Here‘s to more scrolling delight and way fewer pins that miss the mark!

What strategies have worked for resetting your Pinterest feed? Share your experiences and advice in the comments below!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.