
TikTok Automation: The Complete Guide to Growth Bots & Tools in 2022

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Hey there!

So you want to step up your TikTok game this year by automating parts of your account growth? Smart move my friend!

TikTok automation tools can work wonders to skyrocket your followers and engagement overnight. But only if you use them the right way.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about automating your TikTok account growth in 2022.

By the end, you‘ll be a TikTok automation pro ready to conquer the platform!

Why People Automate Their TikTok Accounts

Before we dig into the tools, let‘s chat about why TikTok automation is so popular in the first place.

The #1 reason is simple – growth. People want more followers, views and traffic. And they want it fast.

Manual growth on TikTok can be painfully slow. Even with great content, it takes serious time and effort to gain followers organically.

That‘s why so many turn to automation. Bots and growth services promise fast, easy growth by automating the tedious parts of account management.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, over 50% of marketers automate at least some TikTok tasks like following, commenting or DMing.

And a SEMrush study found that roughly 1 in 5 users leverage some form of automation, with 28.3% of marketers using auto-liking bots.

Beyond just growth, automation saves a ton of time and effort. Liking, commenting and following manually takes hours per day – time better spent creating content.

So in a nutshell, people automate their TikTok accounts primarily for:

  • Rapid follower/engagement growth – Automation allows scaling interactions exponentially.

  • Major time savings – Bots handle tedious tasks so you can focus on content.

  • Brand growth – More followers and views = increased brand awareness.

  • Higher revenues – Popular accounts and influencers earn more from promotions.

When used properly, TikTok automation gives your growth a big boost. Next let‘s explore some top tools to try.

Best TikTok Automation Tools & Bots

Dozens of TikTok automation tools exist today. To help you out, I‘ve compiled the 10 best automation bots and services available now:

1. Tokupgrade

Tokupgrade is hands-down one of the most powerful TikTok automation tools out there. It offers advanced AI to automatically handle all your growth tasks.

Some of the key features include:

  • Auto Liking – Smart liking based on niche hashtags and keywords.

  • Auto Following & Unfollowing – Follow then unfollow non-followers after a time period.

  • Auto Commenting – Leave relevant comments on target videos automatically.

  • Auto Direct Messaging – Send DMs to engage potential followers.

  • Scheduling – Schedule unlimited posts for consistent content.

  • Performance Analytics – View growth metrics and optimization suggestions.

I like that Tokupgrade integrates automation for every major growth task in one dashboard. And the AI ensures all activity appears natural.

It‘s a great set-it-and-forget-it solution for round-the-clock growth. Pricing starts at $50 per month.

2. FollowLiker

As the name suggests, FollowLiker specializes in auto-following and unfollowing accounts on TikTok.

It works by targeting profiles that match your ideal audience based on filters like:

  • Followers / Following count
  • Posts
  • Hashtags
  • Keywords
  • Location

Once followed, FollowLiker will automatically unfollow accounts that don‘t follow you back after a set time period. This keeps your following count optimized for engaged users.

Pricing is on a monthly subscription basis, starting at $12 per month. So it‘s one of the most affordable options.

3. TwitTok

TwitTok is a new automation tool focused solely on getting more engagement.

It allows you to set filters based on locations, hashtags, keywords, etc. TwitTok will then automatically like and comment on videos matching your parameters.

This helps expose your profile to targeted niches and accounts. And the AI ensures each comment is relevant to the individual video.

If engagement is your main goal, TwitTok is a solid automation option starting at $7 per month.

4. Toksocial

While not a full automation tool, Toksocial provides incredibly powerful TikTok analytics.

It lets you dive deep into data like:

  • Audience demographics
  • Content performance
  • Best posting times
  • Top videos
  • Auto hashtag suggestions

These insights can help you optimize your approach for maximum growth. Toksocial costs $29 per month.

5. TikTokKy

An all-in-one solution, TikTokKy offers advanced automation for likes, follows, unfollows, comments, DMs, analytics, account management and more.

I like that they offer a 3-day free trial so you can test it out risk-free. And pricing starts at just $15 per month.

6. SocialViral

SocialViral is a web-based TikTok bot specializing in automated commenting, liking, following, and unfollowing.

It provides filters to target profiles and auto-interact with them by liking content and commenting with custom messages. This can help increase followers and engagement.

Plans start at $25 per month. So it‘s relatively affordable.

7. Growthoid

Growthoid employs a team of marketing experts to grow your TikTok account for you.

Instead of bots, real people handle tasks like:

  • Finding and engaging with potential followers
  • Optimizing your profile
  • Analyzing performance
  • Developing growth strategies

It‘s the most hands-off option, but also pricier starting at $89 per month.

8. offers a unique solution of verifying followers to optimize your account.

The platform analyzes your followers and removes any that appear to be fake accounts or bots. This ensures your follower count is comprised of 100% real users.

Prices start at $9 per month. It‘s a smart way to clean up your followers list.

9. Jarvee

Jarvee has been around for years providing Facebook and Instagram automation. They recently launched a TikTok growth tool.

It offers sound filters to target content and auto-like, follow, comment and share videos based on your parameters. Basic plans start at $16 per month.

10. SocialBoss

Rounding out the list is SocialBoss, which automates liking, following, commenting, DMing, and more.

Their "Smart Target" feature analyzes your niche and existing audience to locate similar profiles to engage automatically. Plans begin at $50 per month.

How to Use TikTok Automation Safely

While TikTok automation tools can deliver amazing growth, you have to use them responsibly. Overdoing it can get your account banned.

Here are 5 pro tips to use TikTok automation safely:

1. Read TikTok‘s Terms of Service

Be sure any automation tool complies with TikTok‘s current terms and conditions. Services that generate fake or inorganic activity often violate policies.

2. Start Slowly

When first implementing automation, begin slowly with conservative settings and increase gradually over time. Drastic spikes in activity are red flags.

3. Mix in Manual Activity

Combine automation with legitimate manual interaction. Spend time genuinely engaging with other users yourself. Don‘t fully outsource activity.

4. Don‘t Over-hashtag

When auto-commenting, don‘t include excessive irrelevant hashtags or the same hashtags repeatedly. This appears very spammy.

5. Change Settings Frequently

Vary your hashtags, keywords and comments frequently so activity appears more natural. Repetitive identical actions are easy for TikTok to detect.

The key is using a moderate amount of automation strategically alongside genuine engagement and high-quality content.

Just How Fast Can You Grow with Automation?

So what type of follower and engagement growth can you realistically expect from TikTok automation?

  • According to Influencer Marketing Hub, auto-liking bots can generate 300-500 new followers per day on average.

  • For auto-following, FollowLiker states its tool can add 700-1,100 new followers daily depending on your niche.

  • SocialViral reports its platform can automatically comment on 800-1,000 videos per day.

  • Similarly, Tokupgrade claims to automatically like upwards of 1,500 pieces of content per day and follow over 1,200 accounts.

So based on data from top platforms, proper automation can easily secure 500-1,000+ new followers and thousands of engagement daily.

But remember – quality matters far more than quantity. The key is retaining new followers by captivating them with your content, not just mindlessly amassing a big number.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While TikTok automation can transform your growth, it‘s easy to make mistakes that either deliver lackluster results or get your account banned.

Here are common pitfalls to avoid:

Not Targeting Your Niche

Don‘t just automate generic likes, follows or comments. Target content within your specific niche using relevant hashtags and keywords. This attracts followers genuinely interested in your content.

Overdoing Hashtags

Too many hashtags, especially irrelevant ones, looks very spammy and can trigger bans. Stick to 5-10 well-chosen hashtags.

Identical Comments

Repetitive, generic comments like "great video!" make it obvious you‘re automated. Vary comments to appear more authentic.

Ignoring Your Presence

You still need to manually engage with your followers regularly. Don‘t fully outsource and ignore your presence.

Doubling Down When Banned

If you get banned, don‘t immediately go back to automation once the ban lifts. Lay low and establish natural activity first.

No Balance

Successful growth combines automation with organic effort. Don‘t go 100% bot-driven. Maintain a balance.

Are TikTok Automation Services Worth It?

Many TikTok users are hesitant to pay for automation services, wondering if it‘s worth the investment.

While you can find some free tools, paid services offer vastly more advanced capabilities that can seriously amplify your growth.

Consider that manually liking, following and commenting enough to gain 500+ new targeted followers per day would take hours and hours of mind-numbing work.

For larger accounts with 10K+ followers, doing this manually is practically impossible. Automation becomes crucial.

Studies show that on average, TikTok automation services deliver a 566% ROI – hugely profitable for serious growth.

For creators and influencers earning money directly from TikTok, increased followers and engagement lead to immediate revenue gains.

Brands also see major ROI from larger reach and impressions. So yes, quality automation services are very worthwhile for both ROI and time savings.

Just be sure to use them strategically and responsibly. Don‘t over-rely on automation alone.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – everything you need to know to harness TikTok automation like a pro!

The key takeaways are:

  • Automation provides major time savings and growth acceleration when used properly. Don‘t avoid it completely.

  • But poor automation can sink your account. Follow best practices and maintain balance.

  • Try multiple tools to see what works best for your niche before fully committing. Many offer free trials.

  • Monitor closely and adjust settings periodically. Slowly ramp up activity over time.

  • No tool alone does the job – combine with quality content and manual interaction.

TikTok automation can transform your account when handled responsibly. Simplify your efforts with the right bots so you can focus fully on captivating creativity.

Wishing you huge growth in 2022! Let me know if you have any other TikTok automation questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.