
How to Turn On or Off Threads on Discord – The Ultimate 2022 Guide

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Hey there! If you‘re looking for the full scoop on how to enable or disable threads in your Discord server, you‘ve come to the right place.

As a long-time Discord power user and server admin, I‘ve been eagerly awaiting threads since they were announced back in early 2021. Now that threads are finally here, they‘ve proven to be an invaluable tool for organizing conversations in busy communities.

But I know threads can also seem a bit confusing at first. When should you use them? How do you turn them on or off? What settings should you configure?

Not to worry! In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about threads on Discord, including:

  • What threads are and how they work
  • The benefits of using threads vs regular channels
  • Step-by-step instructions to enable or disable threads
  • Tips for setting up the perfect thread configurations
  • Best practices for using threads effectively in your server

By the end of this guide, you‘ll be a threads pro ready to tame even the wildest of conversations on your Discord server!

Let‘s get started with a quick overview of what threads actually are.

What Are Threads on Discord?

Threads allow conversations on a Discord channel to branch off into separate feeds without leaving the channel. This keeps the main channel chat focused while still letting people have in-depth discussions.

Here‘s an example:

Let‘s say you have an #announcements channel where your moderators post updates about your community. Usually this channel gets flooded with conversations anytime new information is shared.

With threads, your moderators can now create a thread for discussions about each announcement post. All replies related to that announcement will be organized in the thread rather than the main #announcements feed.

The end result? Your #announcements channel stays focused and readable instead of getting overrun with conversations.

How Do Threads Work?

Threads have a few key features:

  • Anyone with permission can start a public thread by clicking the "Start a Thread" button on a message. This creates a sub-feed for replies.

  • Private threads can also be created to limit access for sensitive conversations.

  • After 24 hours of inactivity, threads are automatically archived but can still be viewed.

  • The thread list provides an overview of active threads and tools to jump between them.

  • Notifications and thread marks make it easy to track threads you care about.

With this basic structure, threads enable more organized conversations within a channel. Now let‘s look at why you may want to use threads versus regular text channels.

Threads vs Channels: Key Differences

Threads may seem similar to Discord‘s existing text and voice channels at first glance, but there are some important distinctions:

Threads Channels
Started within an existing channel Separate spaces for topic discussions
Keep conversations visible in the parent channel Conversations are siloed in that channel only
Help organize busy channels Useful for completely separate topics
More lightweight and temporary Permanent channels require management
Audio channels do not support threads Support both text and voice conversations

As you can see, threads are designed for temporary, topic-based discussions that branch off from a core channel. Channels are better suited for fully separate conversation spaces.

Here are some examples of effective thread usage:

  • Long-running support channel – Use one thread per support ticket rather than cluttering up the channel.

  • Event planning – Have specific threads for each event rather than one busy #events channel.

  • Feedback and ideas – Create a thread for each piece of feedback or proposal.

When used purposefully, threads can really help organize large servers without needing to create a bunch of niche channels.

Now let‘s get into how to actually turn threads on or off in your server settings.

How to Enable Threads on Discord

If your Discord server was created before August 17, 2021 and has the community feature enabled, threads will not be turned on automatically. As the server admin, you‘ll need to enable threads manually:

Step 1) Open Server Settings

On desktop, click the arrow next to your server name and select "Server Settings" from the menu.

Step 2) Go to Threads Early Access

From the left sidebar, choose "Community" then click on "Threads Early Access".

Step 3) Click "Enable Threads"

On this page you‘ll see a big blue "Enable Threads" button. Click it!

And that‘s it! Threads are now enabled for your community server.

By default, all members will be able to start public threads in text channels immediately. You can customize more settings like private threads and permissions next.

Important notes:

  • You must enable threads on the desktop app – mobile does not support this yet.
  • For non-community servers, threads are enabled by default.
  • All newly created servers will have threads on automatically.

Alright, let‘s move on to disabling threads next in case you change your mind later!

How to Turn Off Threads on Discord

If your community is not quite ready for threads, you can disable them through the server permissions:

Step 1) Go to Server Settings > Roles

From the left sidebar, choose the "Roles" tab.

Step 2) Edit Default Permissions

Under Roles, click the "Default Permissions" option. This is where you can edit permissions for the default @everyone role.

Step 3) Disable Thread Permissions

Scroll down to "Text Channel Permissions" section and turn off the toggles for:

  • Public Threads

  • Private Threads

With threads disabled for the @everyone role, members will no longer be able to start public or private threads.

Important notes:

  • You must disable threads on desktop – mobile does not support this.
  • You can also disable threads for specific roles rather than everyone.

And that‘s it! With two permission tweaks threads are now fully disabled in your server.

Now let‘s get into optimizing your thread settings.

Configuring Your Thread Settings on Discord

Once threads are enabled, take some time to review the thread settings available in your Server Settings > Community page:

Thread Auto Archive Duration

This determines when inactive threads will be automatically archived from the parent channel. Set anywhere from 1 hour to 7 days.

Tip: Start with 24 hours and adjust as needed. Too short may archive useful threads.

Who Can Start Threads

Choose from:

  • Everyone
  • Mods and admins
  • Specified roles
  • Only admins

Tip: More restrictive settings prevent thread spam.

Who Can View and Join Private Threads

Control who can see, join, and manage private threads.

These settings allow you to dial in the ideal thread permissions for your use cases. For example:

  • Support channel – Let everyone start threads but set mods to manage private threads.

  • Announcements – Restrict thread creation to mods and admins only.

Take time to carefully configure these options when you first enable threads. You can always change them later if needed.

Best Practices for Using Threads Effectively

Once you‘ve enabled and configured threads to your liking, here are some tips to use them effectively:

Give Threads Clear Names

Use specific thread names so they are easy to identify at a glance in the thread list. Avoid vague titles like "Question".

Pin Important Threads

Keep valuable threads pinned to the top of the parent channel for quick access.

Set Thread Notifications

Use notification settings and thread marks to know when threads need your attention.

Moderate Threads

Keep an eye on threads and moderate according to your server guidelines.

Use Thread Jumping

Quickly jump between threads using the thread list instead of scrolling endlessly.

Communicate Thread Changes

Let your members know about new thread expectations and etiquette.

Key Takeaways for Threads on Discord

And there you have it – everything you need to know to master threads on Discord!

Here are the key points:

  • Threads organize conversations into sub-feeds within a channel.

  • Enable threads in your Server Settings > Community if needed.

  • Disable threads by removing the public and private thread permissions.

  • Customize options like archive timing and permissions.

  • Use threads intentionally for focused discussions.

  • Optimize with clear names, pinning, notifications, and moderation.

With your newfound threads wisdom, you‘ll be ready to organize even the most hectic conversations on your Discord server.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow Discord admins and moderators.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.