
How to Unfollow Users on Instagram Who Don't Follow You Back

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Do you find yourself constantly annoyed by the Instagram users who don‘t follow you back? You follow them expecting reciprocity, but they never return the favor.

I‘ve been there too. As a social media manager and Instagram power user, I regularly prune my non-reciprocal followers to curate a high-quality following list.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain everything you need to know about unfollowing users on Instagram who don‘t follow you back.

You‘ll learn:

  • Why it‘s important to unfollow non-followers
  • How to accurately identify them
  • The safest methods for mass unfollowing
  • Tips to avoid getting action blocked
  • Alternatives to rapidly grow your followers

Let‘s dive in!

Why Should You Unfollow Instagram Users Who Don‘t Follow You Back?

Unfollowing non-reciprocal followers may seem petty, but it‘s a vital social media growth tactic. Here are 5 key reasons why you should regularly prune non-followers from your following list:

1. Improve Your Follower-to-Following Ratio

One of the top metrics for measuring an Instagram account‘s influence is its follower-to-following ratio.

Accounts with a high ratio (more followers than follows) appear more popular and authoritative. But accounts with more follows than followers look less desirable to new followers.

For example, let‘s say your account has:

  • 6,000 follows

Your ratio is 5k/6k = 0.83. Anything under 1.0 looks weak.

However, if you unfollow 1,000 non-followers, your ratio becomes a far healthier looking 5k/5k = 1.0.

Pruning non-followers puts you back in control of your ratio.

2. Remove Inactive and Fake Accounts From Your Following List

The brutal truth is that many of your non-reciprocal followers are inactive accounts or fake bot accounts.

These inactive accounts will never engage with your content. So why let them clutter up your following list?

Unfollowing these ghost accounts keeps your following list relevant and filled with real, active users.

3. Stop Supporting Follow/Unfollow Abusers

Some Instagram accounts use shady "follow/unfollow" tactics to artificially inflate their followers.

Here‘s how it works:

  1. They follow hundreds of accounts per day hoping for follows back.
  2. As soon as you follow them back, they instantly unfollow you.

By aggressively unfollowing the accounts using these spammy tactics, you remove their incentive to keep exploiting others for follows.

4. Focus on Your True Supporters

The accounts who follow you back are more likely to enjoy and engage with your content. After all, they made the choice to hit that Follow button.

But the silent non-followers cluttering up your following list clearly aren‘t interested in your brand.

Pruning these non-followers refines your audience to only your true supporters.

5. Regain Control Over Your Feed

When you follow too many accounts indiscriminately, your feed gets filled with random content. Much of it ends up being irrelevant to your interests.

By unfollowing accounts that don‘t follow you back, you‘re likely unfollowing many accounts posting content you don‘t care about.

This curation gives you greater control over tailoring your feed around topics you truly want to see.

How to Identify Instagram Users Who Don‘t Follow You Back

Now that you‘re convinced of the benefits of unfollowing non-reciprocal followers, it‘s time to identify them.

You have a few options:

Manual Checking

The most direct way is to manually scroll through your following list, and cross-reference it with your followers list to see who isn‘t following back.

But this approach quickly becomes unscalable if you follow more than a few hundred accounts. Way too time-consuming!

Check Instagram‘s Following Tab

Instagram‘s Following tab under your profile shows all the accounts you follow in chronological order.

Scroll through this list and click on any profiles that look unfamiliar. If you see a Follow button, it means they aren‘t following you back.

However, this still requires manually clicking through hundreds of profiles, which isn‘t an ideal solution.

Use Third-Party Instagram Analytics Apps

By far, the fastest way to identify your non-reciprocal followers is using a third-party Instagram analytics app.

Many great options exist, both free and paid. I routinely use three apps:


Crowdfire (free plan available) has a "Who Don‘t Follow Back" feature showing non-followers, plus insights on ghost followers, loyal followers, and more.

Social Blade

Social Blade is a popular social media analytics tool with a free Instagram follower checker. It displays users who don‘t follow you back.

Followers Analysis for Instagram

This app is available for iOS and Android mobile devices. It offers one-tap access to see your non-reciprocal followers.

The key benefit of these third-party apps is convenience. In seconds, you can see exactly who isn‘t following you back.

However, it does require sharing your login credentials with these apps, which some users understandably aren‘t comfortable with due to potential security risks.

Proceed with caution if choosing a third-party app. Only use reputable apps, and revoke access when you‘re done using them.

Check Instagram Insights Analytics

If you don‘t want to use any external apps, Instagram does provide basic analytics under Insights that can help identify non-followers.

Go to your profile, open the menu, and select Insights > Followers. This shows your follower growth over time.

Look for plateaus or drops during periods when you were actively following new accounts. These likely indicate losing followers after they didn‘t follow back.

For example, if you followed 500 new accounts over a week but your follower count stayed flat, a good portion likely didn‘t reciprocate.

Checking Insights requires more guesswork than third-party apps, but it lets you gauge non-followers without any external tools.

How to Safely Unfollow Users Who Don‘t Follow You Back

You‘ve identified the non-reciprocal followers on your list. Time to prune them!

But before you go on a rapid unfollowing spree, two warnings:

Don‘t Mass Unfollow All at Once

Unfollowing hundreds or thousands of accounts in rapid succession looks like bot activity to Instagram. You risk being flagged for spammy behavior and getting action blocked (more on that later).

Don‘t Unfollow Too Fast

Even unfollowing just 10 accounts within the span of a minute or two could trigger an action block. You need to space out unfollows to appear human.

Here are some best practices for smoothly and safely unfollowing non-followers:

Unfollow in Small Batches

Only unfollow about 30-60 users per hour as a conservative baseline. Some experts recommend limiting it to 15-20 per hour.

Space out these batches over multiple sessions over several days or weeks. Don‘t try to power through them all at once.

Vary the Timing Between Unfollows

Don‘t unfollow multiple accounts within the same minute. Instead, wait at least 60-90 seconds between each batch of 5 unfollows.

Adding randomness also helps. After unfollowing 10 accounts, wait 5 minutes before the next batch. Keep Instagram guessing.

Prioritize Unfollowing Inactive Accounts First

Focus first on pruning inactive accounts and obvious bots from your following list. These likely won‘t notice or care that you unfollowed.

Don‘t Unfollow All Non-Followers

Maintain a small buffer of accounts that don‘t follow you back. Why? Because some may have initially followed you, checked your profile, then unfollowed after realizing your account wasn‘t relevant to them.

Gracefully allowing some of these accidental unfollows reduces the chances of offending users who actually did intend to follow you originally.

Use Instagram‘s Confirmation Prompt

When you tap Unfollow on someone‘s profile, Instagram asks "Are you sure?" Always use this confirmation screen to prevent accidentally unfollowing accounts you want to keep.

Selectively Re-Follow Abandoned Accounts Later

If you regret unfollowing someone who later starts posting great content, don‘t be afraid to refollow them. Just be selective about who you let back into your feed.

Avoid Being Action Blocked by Instagram

Now, let‘s talk about action blocks – the tricky part of unfollowing users on Instagram.

If you unfollow accounts too aggressively, Instagram will suddenly block your ability to unfollow anyone else. You‘ll see an error saying "Action Blocked" if you try.

Getting action blocked derails your efforts to prune non-followers. Here are some tips to avoid it:

  • Unfollow no more than 60 accounts per hour as a baseline. More conservative limits are 30-40 per hour.

  • Wait 1-2 minutes minimum between batches of 5 unfollows. Don‘t rapidly chain them together.

  • Avoid using automation tools for unfollowing unless you deeply understand Instagram‘s blocking mechanisms. They often over-optimize in unsafe ways.

  • Vary the times of when you unfollow, instead of the same time window every day. Don‘t be predictable.

  • Mix normal Instagram activities like posting, commenting, and liking between your unfollow sessions. Don‘t make unfollowing the only thing you do.

  • If you notice issues with some of your remaining unfollows failing, that may be an early clue you‘re getting close to a restriction. Pause for a few days.

  • If you do get action blocked, immediately stop all unfollows. Wait 24-48 hours before cautiously resuming at a slower, more conservative pace.

The key is blending in with normal human behavior. Don‘t trigger the spam signals in Instagram‘s algorithms.

Yes, unfollowing is tedious and time-consuming when done manually. But it‘s the only safe way to avoid getting penalized by over-optimization.

Should You Pay for an Instagram Unfollower App?

Dozens of paid and free third-party apps promise to automate identifying and unfollowing non-reciprocal followers. Are they worth using?

Here are some key things to evaluate when assessing these unfollower apps:

  • Free versions severely limit how many unfollows you can do per day, making you upgrade.

  • Paid versions will aggressively unfollow hundreds per day, increasing your risk of getting blocked.

  • Sharing your login raises potential account security issues. Revoke access afterwards.

  • Manual unfollowing is safer long-term. These apps provide convenience but aren‘t essential.

  • Focus on quality over quantity of followers. Great content matters more than gaming your ratios.

My recommendation would be to avoid the broad automation that third-party unfollower apps provide. The machine-like speed drastically amplifies your chances of getting restricted.

If you do use an unfollower app, only use the manual unfollow features conservatively. But ideally, just stick to manual unfollowing on your own which is 100% safe.

Alternative Ways to Gain Followers on Instagram

While pruning non-followers helps optimize your account, staying focused on gaining new followers is equally important.

Here are some of my favorite organic tactics for growing your audience:

1. Optimize Your Profile

Ensure your Instagram bio and profile details clearly communicate:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Your unique value and perspective

This makes it obvious at a glance whether visitors should follow you.

2. Post Consistently

Post new content at least a few times per week, ideally once per day. Consistency keeps you top of mind and builds habit-forming engagement.

3. Use Relevant Hashtags

Include a mix of popular and niche hashtags so your content surfaces in front of interested audiences who can discover and follow you.

4. Comment Thoughtfully

Commenting on others‘ posts, especially influencers and leaders in your industry, sparks reciprocal interest in your profile.

5. Collaborate on Content

Teaming up on co-created content, social media takeovers, and other collaborative initiatives exposes you to new audiences.

6. Run Contests and Giveaways

Who doesn‘t love winning something? Contests and giveaways incentivize follows.

7. Advertise Strategically

Investing even a small budget into ads on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc. accelerates growth. Target followers of brands similar to you.

A blend of these organic tactics, along with occasionally pruning non-followers, will build a tailored audience that engages with and enjoys your content.

Should You Just Buy Instagram Followers?

You‘ll sometimes see promotions for services that sell fake followers – don‘t fall for these!

Buying followers leads to an account with high follower counts, but minimal authentic engagement. It ends up backfiring rather than helping you.

Stick to organic growth tactics for real, active followers that actually care about your brand. Quality over illusory vanity metrics!

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

Let‘s recap the core advice from this guide:

  • Unfollow Instagram users who don‘t follow you back to refine your audience, boost your ratio, remove inactive accounts, and focus on true supporters.

  • Leverage Instagram‘s Following tab, your followers list, third party apps, or Instagram Insights to identify non-reciprocal followers.

  • Unfollow non-followers in moderation – no more than 60 per hour, with delays between each batch.

  • Avoid getting action blocked by spacing out unfollows and blending them with normal usage.

  • Consider trying organic growth tactics like optimizing your profile, engaging with your audience, and running contests alongside your unfollowing efforts.

Now it‘s time to put these tips into practice! Start pruning your non-reciprocal followers to take back control of your account‘s growth.

Just remember to always stay above board and within Instagram‘s limits so your unfollowing efforts don‘t get derailed by sudden action blocks. Patience and moderation are key.

Here‘s to cutting through the clutter and curating an engaged audience tailored to your brand! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.