
When Will Robinhood Send Tax Documents?

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If you invest or trade using the Robinhood app, you may be wondering: when will I get my tax documents from Robinhood?

This is an important question for anyone using the popular commission-free investing platform. The tax forms Robinhood provides, such as the 1099-B and 1099-DIV, contain crucial information you’ll need to report your investment income, capital gains and losses on your tax return.

In this detailed guide, I’ll explain everything you need to know about Robinhood and taxes, including:

  • The tax documents Robinhood will send you
  • When you can expect to receive your tax forms
  • How to access your Robinhood tax documents
  • What to do if you find errors on your forms
  • Cryptocurrency tax reporting with Robinhood
  • Extensions if you don‘t get statements in time
  • And much more!

Let’s get started!

What Tax Forms Will Robinhood Send Me?

Robinhood is required to provide you with tax forms documenting your investment activities for the year. This reporting helps you accurately file your tax return and avoid issues with the IRS.

Here are the main tax documents you may receive from Robinhood:


The 1099-B reports all proceeds from stock, options and crypto sales during the year. It breaks down your short-term and long-term capital gains and losses for tax purposes.

You‘ll get a 1099-B if you:

  • Sold stocks at a gain or loss
  • Closed options contracts for a profit or loss
  • Sold or traded cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum


The 1099-DIV reports any dividend income you received from stocks held in your Robinhood account.

You‘ll get a 1099-DIV if you:

  • Received more than $10 in total dividends
  • Received dividends from foreign companies
  • Received capital gains distributions from mutual funds


The 1099-INT reports any interest income earned on your cash or sweep account balances.

You‘ll get a 1099-INT if you:

  • Earned more than $10 total in interest income


The 1099-MISC reports referral bonuses, promotional payouts, and other miscellaneous income.

You‘ll get a 1099-MISC if you:

  • Earned more than $600 in referral rewards or other incentive payments


The 1099-K reports payment transactions for goods and services. This mainly applies to Robinhood Gold subscribers who pay a monthly fee for margin trading access.

You‘ll get a 1099-K if:

  • Your total payments exceed $20,000
  • And you conducted over 200 transactions

So in summary, if you triggered any of the above thresholds by your investing activities in Robinhood, you can expect to receive one or more tax reporting statements. This helps document your taxable investment income for the year.

When Will I Get My Robinhood Tax Documents?

Now that you know what statements Robinhood has to provide, you probably want to know when you can expect to actually receive them. This allows you to accurately file your taxes on time.

Tax Filing Deadlines

The IRS requires brokers like Robinhood to mail most tax forms to investors by February 15 each year. This covers tax reporting for the previous calendar year.

For example, you would receive your 2022 tax forms by February 15, 2023. These would include details on your investment activities for the 2022 tax year.

Taxpayers then need to file their federal tax returns by April 15 in most cases. Some exceptions include Maine and Massachusetts residents, who have until April 18 due to local holidays.

Robinhood Tax Form Mail Dates

While Robinhood is required to mail tax forms by February 15, they have experienced issues meeting this tight deadline in recent years. Many users have reported not receiving their 1099s until March or even later.

Based on past delays, here is when you can expect to receive your Robinhood tax documents:

  • Early/Mid February – Receive email alert that tax forms will be available soon.

  • Late February – Tax documents available to download on Robinhood app and website.

  • Mid/Late March – Hard copy tax forms start arriving in mail for some customers.

  • Early April – Remaining customers receive mailed tax reporting statements.

As you can see, it‘s wise not to wait around for physical documents to arrive from Robinhood. The online versions are typically available weeks sooner.

Of course, Robinhood will try to avoid delays this tax season. But they have struggled to meet deadlines consistently in recent years. Continued issues with their vendor are partly to blame.

Avoid Penalties by Filing On Time

While waiting for tax documents is annoying, it’s important not to miss your filing deadline. Submit your return on time using your best estimates, then amend it later if needed. This avoids steep late filing penalties.

Robinhood customers who still haven‘t received tax forms by April should consider filing an extension. This gives you an extra 6 months to pull together paperwork and prepare your return.

We‘ll cover extensions in more detail later in this guide. Just don‘t let waiting on Robinhood delay filing your taxes. Stay organized and submit your return on time each year.

How to Access Your Robinhood Tax Documents

So how can you get your hands on your Robinhood tax forms as early as possible? Here are a few ways to find them:

Method 1: Robinhood App

The easiest way to get your documents is directly from the Robinhood mobile app:

  1. Launch the Robinhood app and log into your account

  2. Tap the account icon in the bottom right corner

  3. Select "Statements and Documents"

  4. Choose "Tax Documents" to view available forms

  5. Tap the year you want and download your forms

Method 2: Robinhood Website

You can also access tax documents from a desktop on the Robinhood website:

  1. Go to and log in

  2. Mouse over your account icon and choose "Statements"

  3. Select "Tax Documents" on the statements page

  4. Pick the tax year and download forms as needed

The website lets you easily print or save PDF copies of your tax documents. This makes it simple to share them with your tax preparer or import into software.

Method 3: Robinhood Support

If tax season is here and you still don‘t see forms available online, contact Robinhood support for help.

Reach out via live chat or email and provide:

  • Your name and account number
  • What statements you need (1099-B, 1099-DIV, etc)
  • The tax year missing (2022, 2021, etc)

Support can investigate why your documents are not appearing. They may be able to generate copies of your forms if needed.

So in summary, be sure to check online for your documents as early as possible. Contact Robinhood if you still don‘t see them by late February. Don‘t wait around for physical statements to arrive in the mail.

What If I Don‘t Get a Tax Form from Robinhood?

Some Robinhood users are puzzled when they log in during tax season only to find no tax documents available.

This lack of 1099 forms doesn‘t necessarily mean you‘re off the hook for reporting your investment activity. Here‘s what to do if you don‘t get a statement:

Verify Income Thresholds

First, understand that Robinhood only generates 1099 tax forms if your total investment income exceeds certain minimums:

  • $10 or more in dividend income – Triggers 1099-DIV

  • $10 or more in interest income – Triggers 1099-INT

  • $600 or more in referral/promo income – Triggers 1099-MISC

So minor amounts of dividends, interest, or bonuses won‘t trigger a tax form. Double check your totals meet reporting thresholds.

Review Account Activity

Next, log into your Robinhood account and review your full year of transactions:

  • Did you sell any stocks, options or crypto at a gain/loss?

  • Did you earn dividends from stocks you own?

  • Did you earn interest on cash balances?

  • Did you receive any referral bonuses or other promo payouts?

If you answered yes to any of the above, those transactions likely still need to be reported as taxable income even if Robinhood didn‘t issue you a 1099.

Export Transaction Data

Carefully tally up income totals from your account activity for the year. You can also export trade confirmations and account statements for import into tax prep software.

While manual entry takes time, this ensures you accurately report all taxable investment transactions. Don‘t rely solely on receiving 1099s from Robinhood to meet your filing requirements.

Correcting Errors on Robinhood Tax Forms

Despite their best efforts, mistakes can happen on tax forms. You may find incorrect or incomplete information on your Robinhood 1099s such as:

  • Wrong cost basis amounts for stock sales

  • Inaccurate proceeds from options assignments

  • Missing or duplicated transactions

  • Misreported dividend totals

  • Identification errors like incorrect SSN

It‘s critical that you review all tax documents for accuracy before filing your return. This helps avoid issues with the IRS down the road.

Here‘s how to fix any errors you spot:

Use Robinhood‘s Tax Tool

The easiest option is to have Robinhood correct the issue for you. Log in and go to:

Account > Statements > Tax Documents > Update Tax Info

Here you can submit corrections that will be reviewed by their tax team. Make sure to provide details on exactly what needs to be fixed.

File 1040X to Amend

If you already filed your return using incorrect 1099 data from Robinhood, you may need to amend your taxes.

File Form 1040X to change your previously reported information. Be sure to include accurate totals reflecting any corrected tax documents.

Pay close attention to potential mistakes on Robinhood 1099s before filing. But if any slip through, take steps to amend your return ASAP.

Reporting Crypto Taxes on Robinhood

The rise of crypto trading has many Robinhood users wondering how virtual currencies are treated at tax time. I‘ll clear up some common questions around reporting crypto transactions:

How Does the IRS Classify Cryptocurrency?

Importantly, the IRS treats cryptocurrency like Bitcoin as property instead of currency for tax purposes. This means it is subject to capital gains tax rules when sold at a profit.

What Crypto Activity is Taxable?

Any of the following triggers a taxable event with crypto:

  • Selling crypto for fiat (cashing out to USD)
  • Trading one crypto for another (swapping Bitcoin for Ethereum)
  • Using crypto to buy goods or services

How Does Robinhood Report Crypto Taxes?

Robinhood will report your cryptocurrency transactions on Form 1099-B, the same as stocks. Crypto sales proceeds, cost basis, and gain/loss will appear on this form.

If you received over $600 in total crypto income (from rewards, referrals, etc), Robinhood will also issue a 1099-MISC.

What If Robinhood Doesn‘t Issue a 1099-B?

You still must report all taxable crypto transactions on your return. Compile transaction records from your Robinhood account and enter details manually if needed.

Don‘t rely only on 1099s from Robinhood to satisfy your crypto tax obligations. Track and document every transaction.

With cryptocurrencies still in regulatory limbo, accurate reporting is essential to avoid issues with the IRS. Keep detailed records of your trading and taxable events.

Can I Get an Extension to File my Robinhood Taxes?

If February rolls around and you still haven‘t received tax documents from Robinhood, don‘t panic. You have options to avoid penalties for late filing.

Here are 3 tips on getting more time:

Request Automatic Extension with IRS Form 4868

File Form 4868 to receive an automatic 6 month extension of your federal tax filing deadline. This pushes your due date from April 15 to October 15 for most filers.

You still need to estimate taxes owed and make a payment by April 15 if applicable. An extension provides more time to file, but not extra time to pay taxes due.

Check State Requirements

Most states grant an automatic 6 month extension to file when you submit IRS Form 4868. But check your state‘s specific rules to be sure.

For example, Virginia only extends your state deadline until June 1. Other states may have similar limits.

Mark Your Extension Reason

When completing Form 4868, be sure to specify in Section 1 that you are requesting an extension because you are waiting on your Robinhood 1099 tax statement.

This documents the reason for needing more time and can help avoid penalties if tax authorities question the delay.

File for extensions proactively as needed to avoid headaches from trying to meet tax deadlines without complete documentation from brokerages like Robinhood.

Key Takeaways

Here are some top things to remember when it comes to Robinhood and tax reporting:

  • Robinhood must mail tax forms by February 15 – But allow time for delays when accessing documents

  • You‘ll receive 1099s based on income/transaction thresholds – But still report all taxable events even without 1099s

  • Check Robinhood app and website for forms – Don‘t wait around for mailed copies

  • Report crypto using tax software and Form 8949 – Crypto is treated as property, not currency

  • Review documents closely for mistakes – And correct promptly to avoid issues

  • File extension if needed – Use Form 4868 to push back your tax deadline

  • Track transactions throughout the year – Don‘t just rely on year-end tax forms for reporting

And as always, consider speaking with a tax professional if you have questions or concerns about investment tax reporting requirements. With the right help and preparation, you can tackle your Robinhood taxes each year with confidence.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.