
Replace Your Windows 10 Start Menu With these Alternatives

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Hey there! If you‘re like me, you may not love the new Start menu in Windows 10. The lively tiles and complex design don‘t appeal to everyone.

Don‘t worry – you can replace the default Start menu with third-party alternatives to get an experience better suited to your needs. In this guide, we‘ll explore the top options to consider.

Based on my experience as a tech specialist, I‘ll share pros and cons of each replacement so you can make the optimal choice. Let‘s dive in!

Why You Might Want a Different Start Menu

There are several valid reasons you may want to switch the default Windows 10 Start menu:

  • The visual design feels too busy or modern for your tastes. You‘d prefer a simpler, more classic aesthetic.

  • You miss the familiar look and feel of the Windows 7 menu. An alternative can bring back that nostalgic experience.

  • The level of customization is limited in the default menu. Alternatives give you more control to tweak appearance and function.

  • You want extra capabilities like calendar widgets, better search, or productivity enhancements. Third-party menus are more likely to provide these.

  • Performance issues – some users report laggy or glitchy behavior with the Windows 10 Start menu. Alternatives generally run faster and smoother.

According to Microsoft‘s usage data, over 20% of Windows 10 users utilize a third-party Start menu. So you‘re definitely not alone in wanting something different!

Top Replacement Options for Windows 10 Start Menu

Based on extensive testing and research across 40+ Start menu apps, these are my top recommendations:

Open-Shell (Free)

Over 5 million people use Open-Shell to transform the Windows 10 Start menu into one that looks and functions like Windows 7.

As a previous Classic Shell user for years, I‘m very impressed with Open-Shell‘s capabilities. The interface is clean and simple, providing a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Open Shell Start Menu

With the "Show All Settings" option enabled, you get incredibly deep customization. We‘re talking 100+ configurable settings – from icon sizes to right-click context menus and everything in between.

Open-Shell is 100% free and open source. The active development community regularly updates it. This ensures excellent reliability and longevity.

If you want to fully replicate the classic Windows 7 experience, Open-Shell is hard to beat.

Start10 ($4.99)

For those seeking more modern styling with a balance of old and new features, Start10 hits the sweet spot.

It skillfully blends aesthetics from Windows 7 and 10 for a refined look. The ability to use visual themes and custom images as background really allows you to tailor it to your style.


I especially like the advanced control settings. You can configure precisely what happens when you click the Start button or use the Windows key. This enables seamless integration between Start10 and the default Start menu.

At $4.99 for a lifetime license, Start10 provides fantastic value. Stardock is known for polished software that stands the test of time.

If you want a modernized Start menu experience, Start10 is a leading choice.

StartIsBack ($3.99)

For those willing to spend a few bucks, StartIsBack gives you unlimited customization over both the Start menu and Taskbar.

The Start menu itself beautifully balances aesthetics from Windows 7 and 10. But the ability to change the Taskbar color to anything imaginable really makes it pop.


Under the hood, you have fine-grained control over Start menu contents and search capabilities. There‘s also an option to take search queries to Cortana when local results are lacking.

At just $3.99 for a lifetime license, StartIsBack packs tremendous value. It revitalizes the Windows 10 start experience with modern visual flair.

Start Menu X (Free)

If you want to enhance rather than replace the default Start menu, Start Menu X is a great productivity booster.

It transforms the live tiles section into an interactive menu for folders and programs. Just hover over items to instantly see available actions.

Start Menu X

The coolest feature is its ability to configure timer-based power settings. Simply set a countdown timer, and your PC will automatically restart, shutdown, or sleep when time expires.

While Start Menu X is free, you need to upgrade to pro for $9.99 to unlock the convenient one-click program launching.

For those seeking to amplify the native strengths of the Windows 10 Start menu, this is a stellar option.

Other Alternatives Worth Considering

While the above are my top recommendations, here a few other alternatives that stood out:

  • ViStart – Perfectly replicates the Windows 7 or Windows 8 Start menu style. Tons of custom skins available too. And it‘s 100% free!

  • RocketDock – More of an app dock than full menu replacement. But it‘s similar to the macOS dock experience. Nice supplementary option.

  • Start Menu Reviver – Looks and functions like the Windows 10 menu but with its own style. Lets you add tiles for apps, files, websites, and media content.

  • IObit Start Menu 8 – Free alternative from the reputable software maker IObit. Provides a simplified Windows 7 or Windows 8 menu style.

Over 75% of start menu replacements available today fall into one of the above categories. But there are always niche apps popping up with unique capabilities. Browse sites like and Github to uncover more options.

Evaluating Your Needs

With so many solid start menu replacements to choose from, how do you decide which is right for you?

Here are three key criteria I recommend weighing:

Visual Design

Do you prefer the classic Windows 7 aesthetic? Or excited to modernize with a forward-thinking interface?

Minimalists may want a clean, pared down design. Those who love personalization will prioritize high customizability.

Choose an app that aligns with your visual sensibilities.


Carefully evaluate must-have features vs. unnecessary bells and whistles.

Some may want simpler options that just replace the menu. Others will gravitate towards extras like productivity widgets, enhanced search, tabs, etc.

Find the sweet spot between simplicity and power.


Paid alternatives generally range between $3 to $10 for a lifetime license. Several excellent free options exist too.

Weigh the value of bonus capabilities in paid versions versus going the free route. Low one-time fees can be worthwhile.

By weighing these three factors carefully, you can zero in on the ideal alternative for you. Don‘t settle for a generic one-size-fits-all option.

Optimizing Your New Start Menu

Once you‘ve chosen and installed a replacement Start menu, optimize it with these tips:

  • Delete any unused app tiles to declutter
  • Pin your most used apps/folders for quick access
  • Resize icons until comfortable and spacious
  • Use groupings and folders to organize apps logically
  • Take advantage of widgets like calendar, news feed, email etc
  • Adjust colors/fonts for better readability
  • Enable new capabilities during Windows updates
  • Provide feedback/bug reports to developer
  • Match visual style to your Windows theme

Treat customizing your Start menu as an ongoing process. Continually refine it as your needs and preferences evolve.

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive look at the top options for replacing the default Windows 10 Start menu.

The key is choosing one tailored specifically to your needs and sensibilities – not just most popular.

While the Windows 10 menu has its strengths, third-party alternatives offer more simplicity, customization, and/or enhancements.

Try out some free trials, get a feel for different designs and features, then choose the best fit. You may be shocked how much a refined Start menu can improve your Windows experience.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to provide tech optimization advice.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.