
Unlocking the Hidden WindowsApps Folder: An In-Depth Practical Guide

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As an IT pro and Windows power user, you may have come across the mysterious WindowsApps folder tucked away in the depths of your C: drive. This hidden system directory contains the files for all your installed Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps from the Microsoft Store.

While Microsoft deliberately hides WindowsApps to prevent tampering, legitimate reasons exist to access this folder. Clearing outdated app packages, debugging issues, modding, and more – by following some simple steps, we can uncloak this forbidden zone and seize full control.

In this guide, I‘ll provide you – my fellow Windows enthusiast – an insightful overview of the WindowsApps folder and a practical toolkit to unlock its secrets. We‘ll cover:

  • What exactly is the WindowsApps folder?
  • Valid reasons you may need access.
  • Step-by-step methods to reveal and take ownership.
  • Recommendations for safe modification of app files.
  • How to relock the folder when done.
  • Advanced alternatives with bonus tricks.

Let‘s get started on this exciting expedition to unveil one of Windows‘ best kept secrets!

WindowsApps: Microsoft‘s Walled Garden

The WindowsApps folder located in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps is the secluded home of apps installed from the Microsoft Store – known officially as Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. This includes popular apps like Netflix, Spotify, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Microsoft 365. Even Windows 11‘s new redesigned native apps like Mail, Calendar and Photos live here.

WindowsApps adopts an intricately layered permissions model to isolate these apps and their data into a sandboxed garden, hidden from prying eyes. Some key characteristics:

  • Granular ACLs restrict all access only to the mysterious TrustedInstaller account.

  • The folder remains invisible even with the File Explorer setting to show hidden files.

  • Only select Windows components like Windows Update can interact with the contents.

  • All apps run isolated with limited privileges via mechanisms like virtualization and containerization.

This walled garden approach aligns with modern OS architecture practices like the Principle of Least Privilege. App resources are shielded from each other, and from tampering by users (or even admins!).

But is such total exclusion necessary? Let‘s weigh some common scenarios where accessing WindowsApps could be justified.

3 Valid Use Cases for Unlocking WindowsApps

Though Microsoft‘s security rationale makes sense, the hidden WindowsApps design can be restrictive in some cases. Here are 3 common examples where directly accessing this folder could be helpful or required:

1. Removing Leftover App Data

Ever tried uninstalling a large UWP game you no longer play, only to find it barely frees any disk space?

WindowsApps houses the full installation packages for UWP apps, which can consume significant local storage. Uninstalling the app through Settings only removes links to the packages, leaving gigabytes of data behind!

Accessing WindowsApps allows manually purging these obsolete app packages, recovering precious SSD space.

Pro Tip: You can run apps like WizTree to map which subfolders under WindowsApps are consuming the most space.

2. Troubleshooting App Issues

UWP apps live in their own bubble, making fixes difficult when things go wrong. Accessing an app‘s personal data vault under WindowsApps can help troubleshoot strange issues.

Digging into logs may reveal error clues. Replacing corrupt files could repair a broken app. Tweaking configuration files may enable advanced settings.

This low-level troubleshooting is impossible unless you can directly inspect WindowsApps contents.

3. Modifying and Customizing UWP Apps

The WindowsApps sandbox normally prevents any customization or modding of UWP apps by design.

However, some tinkerers have discovered ways to unpack apps and inject modified code or assets by leveraging access to WindowsApps underlying files. This allows modding even restricted apps like Forza or Halo!

Of course, this advanced usage requires strong technical skills, so exercise caution.

Unveiling the WindowsApps Folder

Alright, time to slip past the WindowsApps security layers! Let‘s explore a couple methods to reveal this hidden gem and take back control as the admin.

Method 1 – Uncloak via File Explorer

The first step is to make the invisible visible. WindowsApps is tucked away even with the option to show hidden files enabled. Here‘s how to unveil it using File Explorer:

  1. Open File Explorer and click View > Options > Change folder and search options.

  2. Navigate to the View tab and check ‘Show hidden files, folders, and drives‘ under Advanced settings. Hit OK.

  3. Head to C:\Program Files. You should now see the mysterious WindowsApps folder!

Note you still can‘t access it, but the first veil has been lifted.

Method 2 – Uncloak via PowerShell

You can skip navigating the GUI and use PowerShell instead to unhide WindowsApps in one line:

attrib -h -s C:\Program Files\WindowsApps

This removes the hidden and system attribute flags, exposing the folder instantly. PowerShell provides direct access to such OS functions.

Taking Ownership of WindowsApps

Great, the hidden WindowsApps folder is now visible! But attempting to open it results in an access denied error. This is due to the restrictive permissions isolating the folder.

To gain full access, you need to take ownership – essentially transferring control from TrustedInstaller to your admin account.

Let‘s look at two options to enable full read/write privileges.

Option 1 – Take Ownership in File Explorer

  1. Right click WindowsApps > Properties > Security tab > Advanced > Change owner.

  2. Enter your admin username and check ‘Replace owner…‘. Click OK.

  3. Confirm taking ownership when prompted. Full access granted!

This method utilizes the intuitive File Explorer interface to reassign ownership.

Option 2 – Take Ownership in PowerShell

For a quick one-liner, use the PowerShell takeown command:

takeown /f "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /r /d y

The /r flag applies the ownership change recursively to all subfolders and files. Much faster!

Either method works – use your preferred interface. Now check out some ways we can leverage full WindowsApps access.

Safely Modifying WindowsApps Contents

With great power comes great responsibility! Here are some tips for safely handling our newfound access:

  • Don‘t modify files willy-nilly. Research first and create backups.

  • Deleting packages may break apps – test thoroughly.

  • Tweak config files in small increments. App corruption can occur.

  • Malware can abuse WindowsApps access – restore restrictions after use.

  • Customizing Microsoft apps can violate your license agreement.

Proceed carefully and keep regular file backups. You may also wish to enable Controlled Folder Access in Windows Security for added protection.

Let‘s explore some example operations now safely permitted with unlocked WindowsApps access:

Selectively Deleting Packages

You can manually remove specific app packages under WindowsApps to recover wasted disk space after uninstall.

Use the WizTree utility to identify which subfolders are consuming excess space first. Then securely delete only those targets.

Backing Up and Restoring App Files

Access to WindowsApps allows easily backing up your installed UWP apps, preserving preferences and licenses.

Simply copy the app subfolders to an external drive. Later you can restore them to a fresh Windows install or new PC.

Troubleshooting Corrupt Apps

If a UWP app behaves oddly or won‘t launch, you can now inspect its files for clues.

Check logs, re-register packages, replace damaged files, or reinstall the app by copying a working backup. Resolving without reinstalling Windows!

Tweaking and Modding Apps

With technical expertise, you could unpack apps and directly edit their code or assets for modding.

Access also permits modifying configuration and registry files to enable hidden app features.

Resetting Permissions

Once done, use tools like icacls or Windows Explorer to reset WindowsApps permissions to default for security:

icacls "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /reset /t /c /q

This prevents regular users from deleting critical system files.

The world is your oyster now – be smart! Next let‘s re-lock this treasure chest.

Restoring Restricted Access to WindowsApps

Leaving WindowsApps forever accessible allows untrusted users and malware potential access. Let‘s look at restoring permissions:

Reset Ownership in File Explorer

  1. Right click WindowsApps > Properties > Security > Advanced > Change owner.

  2. Enter TrustedInstaller and uncheck ‘Replace owner…‘. Click OK.

Access denied for everyone again!

Reset Ownership in PowerShell

takeown /f "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /r /d n 
icacls "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /reset /t /c /q

First command sets the owner to TrustedInstaller, second resets access rules to default.

With these handy command-line tools, we can re-restrict access in seconds. But what if you need to regularly access WindowsApps?

Ongoing Access with Sysinternals AccessChk

The AccessChk utility from Sysinternals allows easily viewing and modifying folder permissions when needed:

AccessChk.exe -dqv "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps"

AccessChk.exe -dacl "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" "Users:<YourUser>" "F"

First command checks permissions. Second grants your account Full access.

No need to take ownership – just run AccessChk commands to temporarily unlock WindowsApps!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – an in-depth guide to unveiling the hidden WindowsApps folder while staying safe. Take your time, tread carefully, and have fun exploring!

Some parting tips:

  • Back up critical system files before modifying WindowsApps.

  • Follow a principle of least privilege – access only when needed.

  • Disable inherited permissions where possible for security.

  • WindowsApps mods can violate licensing agreements.

  • Reset permissions after performing admin tasks.

Hopefully these tricks help empower you to take control of Windows for legitimate purposes. But remain responsible – with great access comes great security risks if mishandled!

Let me know if you have any other sneaky tips for accessing restricted parts of Windows. Happy tinkering my friend!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.