
The Complete Guide to Accepting Payments on WordPress Sites

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Hey there! Choosing the right payment plugin for your WordPress site is crucial. I should know – I‘ve helped thousands of businesses implement payment systems over the years. A subpar plugin can hurt sales, while an excellent one provides a smooth experience that fosters customer loyalty.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share my insider knowledge to help you find the perfect payment solution.

Why Payments Matter

Let‘s start with why you even need a payment plugin in the first place:

  • Maximizing revenue: A study by Adobe found that optimizing checkout to be fast and simple can increase conversion rates by up to 21%. That‘s serious money you could be leaving on the table without a good plugin.

  • Global audience: The right payment plugin allows you to accept transactions from customers worldwide. This significantly expands your market reach.

  • Customer experience: Frictionless payments keep customers happy and likely to return. Forrester reports that improving CX leads to a 15% boost in sales.

  • Data insights: With the right integration, your payment plugin provides valuable analytics into shopper behavior and sales patterns.

So in short – a payment plugin supercharges your ability to turn site visitors into paying customers. The immediate boost it provides to cash flow and conversion rates is incredible.

Top WordPress Payment Plugins for 2022

Now that you‘re convinced you need a payment plugin, let‘s explore the top options on the market today:

1. WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay is the leading choice for fast and flexible payment acceptance without requiring an external shopping cart.

Over 16,000 businesses globally trust WP Simple Pay to handle their transactions. It‘s frequently recommended for:

  • Service businesses like consultants, coaches, agencies
  • eCommerce stores with simple needs
  • Churches, nonprofits, and organizations collecting donations

Key Benefits

  • No shopping cart needed – quick and easy payments on any site.
  • Mobile optimized – 50% of purchases now happen on mobile devices.
WP Simple Pay Conversion Increase
Mobile optimization Up to 23%
Custom coupons Up to 17%
  • Coupon codes – create discounts and promotions to boost sales. Studies show coupons increase conversions by up to 17%.

  • Subscriptions – offer recurring billing and memberships. Recurring revenue is the gift that keeps on giving!

  • 2% transaction fees – very competitive rates, removed with inexpensive Pro upgrade.

WP Simple Pay strikes the perfect balance of ease-of-use with powerful features for small to mid-sized businesses. The quicker you can start accepting payments, the sooner the cash starts flowing in!

2. Stripe Payments

Stripe Powers payments for millions of the world‘s most innovative companies, including Salesforce, Amazon, Lyft, and more. Their WordPress plugin brings enterprise-level payment capabilities to your site.

Stripe Payments is frequently used by:

  • High-traffic web stores and digital merchants
  • Platforms selling products or services globally
  • Companies already using Stripe for payments

Key Benefits

  • Global audience – supports over 135 currencies and localization in 7 languages.

  • Fraud protection – uses machine learning to detect suspicious transactions. Identifying frauds can save you thousands in lost revenue.

  • Wide payment methods – Apple Pay, Google Pay, cards, SEPA, and more. Give customers options tailored to your market.

  • Customizable – tailor checkout, subscriptions, invoices, and more. The flexibility is unparalleled.

  • Scalable – easily handles high-volume transactions from enterprise clients.

Stripe Payments does charge transaction fees, but for high-traffic sites the enterprise-grade capabilities make it worthwhile. You gain fraud analysis, global reach, and other premium features.

3. WP Full Stripe

WP Full Stripe makes implementing Stripe payments on WordPress easy and affordable.

It‘s a friendlier alternative to Stripe‘s more complex plugin, offering a simplified all-in-one payment management system.

WP Full Stripe is a great solution for:

  • Smaller sites wanting an easy Stripe integration
  • Businesses with straightforward needs
  • Anyone looking to avoid monthly fees

Key Benefits

  • One-time cost – just $89 for the Premium version and no monthly fees.

  • Easy customization – customize buttons, forms, and pages without coding.

  • Saved payment methods – customers can pay in one click after initial purchase. This increases repeat purchases by around 30%.

  • Discount codes – create unlimited coupons right from your WordPress dashboard.

  • Site-wide sales reporting – track revenue and payments from your admin.

For medium traffic sites, WP Full Stripe provides an affordable way to start accepting Stripe payments without the complexity. A true "set it and forget it" solution.

4. GiveWP

When it comes to accepting donations, GiveWP is the gold standard. Over 100,000 nonprofits and charities use GiveWP to easily collect payments online.

It offers donation-specific features tailored to the unique needs of:

  • Nonprofits and charities
  • Crowdfunding campaigns
  • Religious institutions and churches
  • Other donation-driven organizations

Key Benefits

  • Donor management – provide profiles, comments, and customized experiences for supporters.

  • Goal tracking – set financial goals for campaigns and see contribution progress in real-time.

  • Robust reporting – Make data-driven decisions using GiveWP‘s detailed reports.

  • Easy theming – match GiveWP exactly to your brand with CSS customization.

  • Recurring donations – schedule repeating donations for sustainable funding. Recurring givers donate 40% more over their lifetime!

GiveWP will empower your organization or cause to easily raise funds online. Its flexibility works for basic to high-volume needs.

5. Braintree for WooCommerce

Braintree offers seamless integration with the WooCommerce ecommerce platform, which powers over 15% of online stores.

It‘s specifically designed for existing WooCommerce merchants who want a tailored payment solution that ties directly into their existing workflows.

Key Benefits

  • Native WooCommerce functionality – no need for extra plugins. Payment management lives directly in your WooCommerce dashboard.

  • Flexible options – pay with credit/debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. Offer choices tailored to your customers.

  • Streamlined checkout – customers never leave your site, creating an uninterrupted purchasing experience.

  • Stored payment methods – Returning WooCommerce shoppers can checkout in a single click by saving their preferences.

  • WooCommerce extensions – even more features like subscriptions and pre-orders available.

For any WooCommerce user, Braintree offers the smoothest possible integration with robust payment tools optimized specifically for this platform.

Expert Tips for Choosing Your Plugin

Here are a few insider tips for selecting the right WordPress payment plugin:

Know your business model

Your business model and revenue streams impact the type of payments functionality you need.

  • eCommerce stores benefit from saved customer profiles and integrated shopping carts. Try WP Full Stripe.

  • Global sellers need multi-currency, localization, and global payment methods. Consider Stripe Payments.

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses require subscription management and recurring billing – features WP Simple Pay can provide.

Keep it simple (to start)

I recommend most new businesses use a simple plugin like WP Simple Pay at first. Get your basic payment acceptance up and running quickly – you can always switch or upgrade later once established.

Consider your tech skills

Your team‘s technical abilities also matter. Plugins like Stripe Payments offer more customization but require developer skills. Less technical businesses may prefer "plug and play" solutions like WP Full Stripe.

Mind the fees

Transaction fees quickly add up, so try to minimize them. WP Full Stripe and WP Simple Pay are great fee-saving options.

Read user reviews

Checking reviews can reveal usability issues and pitfalls. I always check the plugin ratings and feedback before recommending.

Go with recognizable brands

Opt for trusted platforms like Stripe and PayPal with an established reputation. This provides peace of mind for you and customers.

Start Accepting Payments Today

I hope this breakdown of the top WordPress payment plugins has helped you narrow down the ideal solution for your website and business model.

Remember – the quicker you implement fast, simple payments, the faster new sales and revenue will start flowing in.

Most of these plugins offer free trials and demo versions so you can "try before you buy". Take one for a test run, and let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to offer my payment integration expertise.

Here‘s to growing your business and making your website profitable. Take that first step, and get your payments up and running ASAP. You‘ve got this!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.