
Top 8 User Management Plugins For WordPress

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Hey there! Managing users for a WordPress site can be a real challenge as your site grows. The built-in tools only get you so far.

Luckily, some awesome user management plugins are available to make your life much easier!

In this guide, I‘ll go deep on the top 8 user management plugins for WordPress. I‘ve done extensive testing and research on these to provide the most helpful recommendations based on your needs.

After reading, you‘ll have a clear view of the best plugins to manage users, roles, permissions, registration and more on your WP site. Let‘s dive in!

User Management 101

Before getting into the plugins, let‘s quickly go over what user management in WordPress involves:

  • User registration – Sign up forms, collecting information etc.

  • User roles – Different levels like admin, editor, subscriber etc.

  • Permissions – What users are allowed to access/do.

  • Profiles – Viewing and updating user information.

  • Content restrictions – Limiting content views by role.

  • Login/out – Authentication and security.

  • Monitoring – Tracking user activities.

  • Payments – Paid subscriptions (on membership sites).

Advanced user management separates WordPress pros from amateurs. It‘s easy to set up but complex to master.

Doing it right means a smooth running site. Doing it wrong means risky security holes and unhappy users.

The plugins we‘ll cover shortly help you achieve user management mastery!

Why You Need User Management Plugins

WordPress has basic built-in user management tools like roles, permissions and profiles.

But for anything beyond simple personal sites, these fall short in numerous ways:

  • Limited roles – Just admin, editor, author, contributor and subscriber. Many sites need more flexibility.

  • Restrictive permissions – Can‘t customize roles in detail. Again, more flexibility needed.

  • No content restrictions – Cannot limit content by user level.

  • No registration controls – Very basic registration system.

  • No user auditing – No way to track user activities.

  • No access customization – Admin area and tools can‘t be restricted by role.

  • No payments – No way to handle subscriptions and payments for membership sites.

As you can see, WordPress core covers user management basics only.

To build a powerful custom system, you need plugins that add:

  • Flexible roles and granular permissions
  • Selective content restriction
  • Custom registration forms and fields
  • User action tracking and logs
  • Access customization by role
  • Payment integrations

Next, let‘s explore the top plugins providing these enhanced user management capabilities.

1. User Role Editor

User Role Editor has been a top user management plugin for over a decade with over 700,000 active installs. Developed by Vladimir Garaguly, it provides unparalleled control over WordPress user roles and permissions.

Some standout features:

  • Create, edit, copy and delete WordPress roles
  • Change role names (e.g. Author to Writer)
  • Assign multiple roles to users
  • Manage roles and capabilities
  • Restrict post, page and category access
  • Limit admin menus and widgets by role
  • Import/export roles between sites
  • Multisite network support

In testing, I found User Role Editor to be extremely powerful yet easy to use. With just a few clicks, you can craft bespoke roles with advanced permission levels.

For example, I created an ‘Editor‘ role that could edit and publish all post types but not alter site settings or widgets. Granular control like this is invaluable.

The custom role system empowers you to operate a site with minimal risk. And the ability to import/export roles is great for managing multi-site networks.

With its versatile features and sheer popularity, User Role Editor remains a user management gold standard after over 10 years in the market. It‘s available on GitHub here.

2. User Access Manager

User Access Manager by Joe Dolson takes a different approach by focusing on content restriction. It gives you "view" and "access" permissions for posts, pages, custom post types, categories, attachments and more.

For example, you can:

  • Allow only editors to view a certain page
  • Let subscribers edit but not publish posts
  • Restrict category pages to author roles only

This makes it easy to selectively hide content from certain users. The permissions interface provides a matrix to toggle settings per role.

Other notable features:

  • Block admin pages and menu items from roles
  • Limit widget visibility by user level
  • Set global defaults for content types
  • Customizable permission denial messages
  • Regularly updated and supported

In summary, User Access Manager simplifies content restriction and conditional visibility by role. Rather than altering roles themselves, you change what roles can access. This can be easier to manage once your site grows.

With over 40,000 sites using it and 5/5 rating on, User Access Manager excels at focused content visibility control.

3. Members

Members by Justin Tadlock is the #1 plugin for building WordPress membership sites. It powers over 200,000 sites with extensive user management functionality.

Some highlights:

  • Unlimited subscription levels
  • Configure member content access
  • Create custom registration forms
  • Set up payments with PayPal or Stripe
  • Manage user roles and permissions
  • Track member activity
  • Generate coupons and gift codes
  • Integrates with bbPress and BuddyPress
  • Add-ons for eLearning sites and more

Members enables you to create a fully customizable membership site with paid subscribers and premium content. Everything from user roles to payments to design is configurable.

For example, you can define Gold, Silver and Bronze member levels. Set different subscription fees, content access rules and forum permissions for each. And present beautiful member profile pages.

For membership and LMS sites, Members brings everything you need in a single robust plugin. The developer is highly responsive as well.

Members is available on GitHub here. Check out the Members site for examples and documentation.

4. Profile Builder

Profile Builder excels at front-end user registration and management. It lets you customize every aspect of the sign up process from forms to emails.

Helpful features:

  • Drag and drop form builder
  • Collect user meta information
  • Customize user roles
  • Require email confirmation
  • Login/registration widget
  • reCAPTCHA integration
  • Spam protection
  • Front-end profile editing
  • Social login support

For instance, you can create separate registration forms for buyers, affiliates and contributors. Configure custom fields for each one. And present targeted confirmation messages.

Profile Builder streamlines onboarding users while collecting the data you need. This helps personalize the user experience and reduce friction.

The plugin is from CozmosLabs who are known for their premium ProfilePress service. Profile Builder is the freemium version for It powers over 60,000 sites and has a 4.7/5 rating.

You can find Profile Builder on GitHub here.

5. User Switching

User Switching takes a unique approach focused exclusively on quick switching between user accounts in WordPress.

This allows admins to easily test and preview from the perspective of other users.

For example, you can:

  • Instantly switch to an Editor, Author or Subscriber
  • See what they see in the front-end and back-end
  • Return to your admin account with one click
  • Limit switchable roles for security

Being able to switch users on the fly makes managing permissions much easier. You can quickly verify if your content restrictions work as expected.

Notable features:

  • One click switching widget
  • Switch users via direct URL
  • Set selective roles to switch between
  • See switching history
  • Support for multisite networks

User Switching has achieved impressive popularity with over 1 million active installs. It‘s easy to see why – the ability to effortlessly test multiple user accounts is invaluable.

This plugin is authored and maintained by John Blackbourn. You can find the GitHub repository here.

6. User Activity Log

While not a full user management solution, User Activity Log is a hugely useful companion plugin.

It does one thing – comprehensively track user actions on your site. You get complete visibility into:

  • Post and page edits
  • Comment additions
  • Widget and menu changes
  • Plugin activity like settings edits
  • User logins and profile updates
  • 404 errors and other events

This gives you an activity audit log to enhance transparency, identify issues, debug faster and optimize your site.

Helpful User Activity Log features:

  • Review activity with filters and search
  • Generate CSV/Excel reports
  • Email notifications on specific events
  • Limit log retention periods
  • Exclude noisy bots like Googlebot
  • Mask sensitive data like passwords

With over 40,000 active installs and 5/5 stars, User Activity Log is a must-have alongside any user management plugin. It adds oversight and awareness as your site grows.

The plugin is authored and maintained by Solwin Infotech. You can find the GitHub page here.

7. User Menus

User Menus lets you display custom WordPress menus to users based on their role. This provides a simple yet effective way to tailor navigation by user levels.

For example, you can:

  • Create separate menus for admins, editors, authors and subscribers.

  • Show/hide specific pages or links from each menu.

  • Apply custom CSS classes for styling.

  • Set priority so user menus override defaults.

  • Display role-specific menus using shortcodes or widgets.

Although not a full user management system, User Menus is a great complementary plugin. Segmenting navigation by user adds an extra layer of customization.

Top features:

  • Build unlimited menus mapped to user roles.
  • Import/export role-based menus.
  • Insert menus via shortcodes or widgets.
  • Works with popular menu builders.
  • Regular updates and support.

User Menus has received over 20,000 installations and maintains a perfect 5/5 rating on It‘s a simple but smart plugin for user-centric menus.

The author Daniel Iser provides full documentation on the User Menus site.

8. PublishPress Capabilities

PublishPress Capabilities is the freemium user management module within the PublishPress suite. It adds advanced options for roles, permissions and restrictions.

Some key features:

  • Create and customize roles
  • Assign granular capabilities
  • Content access restriction
  • Menus, widgets and options management
  • Multisite support
  • Imports/exports settings
  • User groups
  • File access control
  • 400+ capabilities to configure

PublishPress Capabilities integrates nicely with other modules like Revisionary for maximum control. Together they enable full front-end and back-end customization by user level.

The plugins are actively developed and maintained by PublishPress, run by Steve Burge and Andrew Charlton. You can access PublishPress Capabilities on GitHub here.

Choosing the Best Fit

So those are my top recommendations for user management plugins!

With over 40 powerful options, I focused on the leaders that excel in important areas:

  • Flexible roles and permissions (User Role Editor)
  • Content restriction (User Access Manager)
  • Memberships and payments (Members)
  • Registration customization (Profile Builder)
  • User testing and auditing (User Switching and User Activity Log)
  • Navigation menus (User Menus)

When choosing your plugin, start by outlining your needs and priorities.

Here are a few key questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you need a full membership site? Look at Members.
  • Is granular content restriction important? User Access Manager can help.
  • Do you want to customize roles and capabilities? User Role Editor is ideal.
  • Will you have membership levels and payments? Members enables this well.
  • Is an optimized registration process critical? Profile Builder delivers.
  • Do you need to audit user behavior? User Activity Log has you covered.

Once you know your requirements, test shortlisted plugins with actual user accounts. See how they fit your team‘s workflow.

Many plugins have free versions to try first. You can often combine plugins like User Role Editor + User Access Manager for enhanced capabilities.

Take a strategic approach and don‘t overbuy. Start with the core features you need, then consider add-ons or premium upgrades.

Lastly, factor in the plugin developer and community as well. The best user management solutions have dedicated support teams and regular updates.

I hope this guide gives you clarity in choosing the right user management plugins for your needs! They are powerful tools when properly implemented.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I‘m always happy to help fellow WordPress nerds like us!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.