
How to Add Avalanche to Metamask: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

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Hey there crypto friend! Have you heard about the ultra-fast and low-cost Avalanche network? If not, you‘re in for a treat!

In this jam-packed guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to add Avalanche to your MetaMask wallet.

By connecting Avalanche, you‘ll unlock the full potential of this innovative blockchain right in your favorite Ethereum wallet.

Here‘s a quick peek at what I‘ll cover:

  • What makes Avalanche different from other networks
  • Step-by-step instructions for adding Avalanche to MetaMask
  • How to send AVAX tokens to your wallet safely
  • All the cool things you can do with Avalanche DeFi apps
  • Pro tips for avoiding headaches and troubleshooting problems

I‘ll make the process simple and easy to follow even if you‘re a total beginner. Let‘s get started!

What is Avalanche and Why Should You Care?

Before we get into the how-to, it‘s important to understand what Avalanche is and why it‘s worth your time in the first place.

Avalanche is a blazing fast, low-cost blockchain that supports smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps). It can process over 4,500 transactions per second and finalize them in less than 2 seconds, according to Avalanche‘s technical documentation.

For comparison, Ethereum does 15 transactions per second and takes 6 minutes to finalize, while Bitcoin manages about 7 transactions per second.

This insane speed is vital for DeFi apps and use cases like trading, lending or yield farming. No one wants to wait minutes or hours just to swap tokens!

Avalanche also has predictable, low transaction fees. The network uses a dynamic fee structure that allows simple payments to cost a fraction of a cent, while complex smart contracts are a bit pricier. But even these complex transactions are far cheaper than equivalent costs on Ethereum right now.

According to data from Messari, the average Avalanche fee in February 2023 was just $0.092. Compare that to $1.04 on Ethereum!

Network Avg Fee (Feb 2023)
Avalanche $0.092
Ethereum $1.04

These low fees make Avalanche very appealing for traders, liquidity providers and other DeFi users who want to keep costs down.

Avalanche also offers security through decentralization. It uses a network of validator nodes to secure the network using staked AVAX tokens. There are currently over 1,000 validators keeping Avalanche decentralized and attack-resistant.

The network already hosts hundreds of dApps and DeFi protocols, like lending platform Aave, DEX Pangolin, and more.

Top projects are launching on Avalanche because they recognize its speed and low fees offer a better user experience than congested networks like Ethereum.

Alright, now that you know the benefits, let‘s get your wallet set up!

Adding the Avalanche Network to MetaMask

The process of adding Avalanche to MetaMask only takes a few minutes. Just follow these steps carefully:

  1. Install the MetaMask browser extension if you haven‘t already. It works on Chrome, Brave, Firefox, and Edge.

  2. Open MetaMask and log in to your wallet. Make sure you‘re on the Ethereum Mainnet.

  3. Access settings by clicking your profile picture and selecting Settings.

  4. Select Networks from the Settings menu.

  5. Click Add Network at the bottom.

  6. Enter details:

  • Network Name: Avalanche Network
  • New RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 43114
  • Currency Symbol (Optional): AVAX
  • Block Explorer URL (Optional):
  1. Click Save. Avalanche should now show in your network selector!

That‘s all it takes to add Avalanche to MetaMask. The hardest part is looking up and entering that RPC URL and Chain ID correctly.

Double check you have those details right before hitting save. Now let‘s look at getting AVAX tokens transferred in.

Transferring AVAX into Your MetaMask Wallet

Once Avalanche is set up in MetaMask, you need to actually get some AVAX funds transferred in.

Here is the process for buying AVAX and depositing it to MetaMask:

  1. Purchase AVAX at an exchange like Coinbase, Binance, FTX, or Kucoin.

  2. Withdraw AVAX to your MetaMask wallet address. Make absolutely sure to select the Avalanche C-Chain for the withdrawal network.

  3. Check the Explorer to confirm the deposit completed successfully.

  4. Add AVAX as custom token in MetaMask if balance doesn‘t show using 0xb31f66aa3c1e785363f0875a1b74e27b85fd66c7 as the token contract address.

And that‘s it, you‘ll now see your AVAX balance in MetaMask and can start using the network!

A few tips for this process:

  • Only use the Avalanche C-Chain when withdrawing AVAX to MetaMask. Other chain withdrawals will result in lost tokens.

  • Start by sending a small test transaction before moving your full balance.

  • Triple check the MetaMask withdrawal address to avoid costly mistakes.

  • Be patient. Deposits can take up to 10 minutes or longer to confirm on Avalanche.

  • Use the block explorer to monitor the status of deposits and transactions.

Take it slow and be careful when moving funds. But once your AVAX is in MetaMask, the fun can really start!

Using AVAX and Avalanche dApps in MetaMask

Connecting MetaMask to Avalanche opens up a whole new world of fast, low-cost DeFi applications. Here are some of the cool things you can start doing:

Trading on DEXs

Decentralized exchanges like Pangolin, Lydia, Elk Finance and others allow you to easily swap AVAX for other tokens. Take advantage of fast settlement times.

Yield Farming

Deposit liquidity pool tokens into yield farms to earn massive APYs from trading fees. The returns are exponential on new DeFi protocols trying to bootstrap liquidity.

Lending & Borrowing

Earn interest by lending out your crypto or get a loan using your assets as collateral from lending protocols like Aave and BenQi.


Lock up your AVAX tokens in staking pools to earn up to 11.5% APY while helping secure the network.

Bridge Assets

Use bridges like Celer cBridge to move tokens between Avalanche, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, and other chains cheaply.

Mint NFTs

Create and trade non-fungible tokens in marketplaces like NFTrade and Kalao.

Interact with dApps

All kinds of dApps are launching on Avalanche like games, gambling, prediction markets, DAOs, identity platforms and more. Discover them through Ava Labs‘ dApp list.

The opportunities are endless now that Avalanche is connected to your MetaMask wallet!

Pro Tips for Avoiding Headaches

While getting set up on Avalanche is straightforward, here are some pro tips to avoid headaches:

  • Triple check addresses when copying/pasting to avoid costly mistakes sending funds.

  • Use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor for maximum security.

  • Read documentation carefully for any dApp before interacting with it.

  • Start with small amounts when using a new protocol until you understand it.

  • Beware phishing sites and only access dApps via official URLs.

  • Monitor Gas prices and set reasonable limits or use during off-peak times to save on fees.

  • Consult communities like Reddit or Discord if you need help troubleshooting an issue.

  • Enable address list in MetaMask to avoid having to re-add custom tokens on networks.

Following best practices will smooth out your experience using Avalanche with MetaMask. But issues still come up from time to time.

Troubleshooting Problems with Avalanche and MetaMask

Here are some common issues and how to resolve them:

AVAX balance not showing in MetaMask?

  • Make sure you added AVAX as a custom token using the contract address provided earlier.

  • Try resetting your account in MetaMask. Sometimes balances glitch out.

Transactions failing or stuck pending?

  • Check the Avalanche block explorer to see if there is an issue.

  • Increase the gas price or Gas limit and try again during off-peak times.

  • Reset the account as a last resort if transactions won‘t go through.

Added wrong network or contract address?

  • Delete the incorrect network and add Avalanche again using the right RPC URL and Chain ID.

  • For token issues, remove and re-add the custom token using the right contract address.

Funds sent to wrong chain or address?

  • Unfortunately, mistaken sends are impossible to recover in most cases 🙁 Always triple check before hitting send!

Random tokens showing up in your wallet?

  • Don‘t interact with random tokens that appear. This is most likely dusting or airdrops. You can hide them if desired.

Having issues with a specific dApp?

  • Check DownDetector to see if the dApp is having server issues.

  • Carefully review the dApp‘s documentation for help troubleshooting.

  • Ask for assistance in the dApp‘s Discord or Telegram community.

Don‘t panic if you run into snags – there are tons of online resources to help troubleshoot. You‘ve got this!

The Avalanche Future Looks Bright

Phew, we covered a ton of ground today!

You now have all the tools you need to connect MetaMask to Avalanche and start exploring this innovative blockchain.

Avalanche is still early in its journey, but the future looks incredibly bright. Its technical advantages of speed, low fees, and scalability are exactly what we need as blockchain adoption grows.

And we‘ve only just scratched the surface of what can be built on Avalanche as more developers jump in. Exciting new dApps for trading, lending, NFTs, gaming, and more launch constantly.

I hope this guide got you pumped up to join the Avalanche community. Just take your time, start small, and learn the ropes.

You‘ll be yield farming and trading on Avalanche in MetaMask like a pro in no time.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow DeFi enthusiasts navigate this brave new world of crypto.

Keep smiling and happy hodling!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.