
Hey friend, let me show you how to add Fantom (FTM) to your Metamask wallet!

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I‘m guessing you‘re here because you want to unlock the fast, affordable world of Fantom decentralized finance (DeFi). Well you‘ve come to the right place!

In this epic guide, I‘ll walk you step-by-step through adding the Fantom blockchain to your Metamask wallet. Once set up, you‘ll have access to all the hottest Fantom apps and services.

So whether you‘re a total DeFi newbie or a blockchain veteran, stick with me and you‘ll be reaping the benefits of Fantom‘s cutting edge ecosystem in no time!

What is Fantom and Why Should You Care?

Before we dive into the MetaMask setup, let‘s do a quick Fantom primer so you know why it‘s worth your time:

Fantom is a high-performance smart contract platform for DeFi. Think blazing fast transactions and minimal fees.

Specifically, Fantom can process up to 300,000 transactions per second and finalize them in 1-2 seconds. To compare, Ethereum does around 30 TPS and takes 6+ minutes for finality.

This speed is possible because Fantom uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture instead of a traditional blockchain. I won‘t get too technical here, but the bottom line is this structure can process way more transactions in parallel.

But Fantom isn‘t just fast – it‘s also EVM-compatible. This means any app or contract built for Ethereum can easily be deployed on Fantom with minimal code changes.

This EVM compatibility brings proven security and opens the door to porting over the most popular DeFi platforms.

The native token that powers Fantom is FTM. It‘s used to pay fees, secure the network via staking, and govern protocol changes via voting.

Now let‘s look at some adoption stats that prove why Fantom is poised to be a top contender in DeFi:

  • 80+ DeFi platforms have launched on Fantom including DEXs, lending protocol, stablecoins, and more
  • Over $500 million in total value locked across Fantom DeFi apps
  • Average 150,000 transactions daily on Fantom, surging as high as 500,000
  • 600,000+ Fantom wallet addresses holding a balance

As you can see, Fantom already has incredible traction in its mission to be the go-to DeFi chain.

Ok, enough background – now let‘s get into how to actually add Fantom to MetaMask!

Step 1: Install MetaMask If You Haven‘t Already

First, you‘ll need to install the MetaMask wallet if you haven‘t yet. MetaMask lets you connect to blockchain networks and decentralized apps right from your browser.

Here‘s how to get MetaMask:

On Desktop:

  • Go to the MetaMask website and download the browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc.

  • Follow the setup prompts when you install the plugin to create a new wallet.

On Mobile:

  • Download the MetaMask app for iOS or Android through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

  • Again, follow the setup flow when you open the app to generate your wallet.

Once installed, take note of your MetaMask wallet address that starts with 0x. This will be the same across any networks you connect to.

Write down the 12 word recovery phrase somewhere safe in case you ever need to restore your wallet. Then, onto adding Fantom!

Step 2: Get Some FTM Tokens

To interact with Fantom dApps and pay gas fees, you‘ll need some native FTM tokens. Here are three ways to get FTM:

1. Buy on an Exchange

The easiest way is to just buy FTM with USD or other cryptos through a centralized exchange like Binance, OKX, or

Once you purchase, withdraw the FTM to the wallet address MetaMask provides. Make sure to select the Fantom network when withdrawing.

2. Use a Faucet

Faucets like give out tiny amounts of free FTM tokens. Usually enough to get started and do some basic transactions.

Just enter your Fantom wallet address to receive the drops. Free money!

3. Swap Tokens on a DEX

Decentralized exchanges like SpookySwap let you swap tokens directly wallet-to-wallet. You can easily exchange another crypto like ETH for FTM this way.

I‘d recommend having at least 3-5 FTM which should be less than $1. This covers the basic gas fees you‘ll need.

Ok, got your FTM? Let‘s make it official and add Fantom to MetaMask next.

Step 3: Add the Fantom Network to Your MetaMask Wallet

Alright, time for the fun part – actually adding the Fantom network! Just follow these quick steps:

  1. Inside your MetaMask browser extension or mobile app, click your account icon in the top right.

  2. In the dropdown menu, select ‘Settings‘.

  3. Tap on ‘Networks‘ towards the bottom.

  4. At the bottom of the list, click ‘Add Network‘

  5. Enter the following info in the fields:

  6. Double check your entries match exactly, then click ‘Save‘.

Boom! Fantom should now show up in your networks list alongside Ethereum mainnet. Almost there!

Step 4: Connect MetaMask to the Fantom Network

You‘ve added Fantom, but one last step remains – actually connecting or switching over to Fantom mainnet. Here‘s how:

  1. Inside MetaMask, click your account icon again and find ‘Settings‘.

  2. In the network list here, hover over ‘Ethereum Mainnet‘.

  3. A new ‘Fantom Opera‘ option will now pop up – click it!

  4. Give it a few seconds to switch over and…welcome to Fantom my friend!

Your network name at the top should now say ‘Fantom Opera‘ meaning you‘re connected.

Any FTM balance and activity will now show in your wallet. You‘re set to start using all the cool Fantom apps!

Step 5: Start Exploring Fantom DeFi Possibilities

With Fantom added to MetaMask, an entire new DeFi world is now in your grasp! Here‘s just some of the awesome things you can start doing:

  • Trade tokens on DEXs like SpookySwap, SpiritSwap and more. Super fast swaps!

  • Provide liquidity to earn LP fees and yield farm for insane APYs.

  • Use bridges like Multichain (formerly Anyswap) to move assets between Fantom and other chains.

  • Stake FTM through the Fantom Wallet and other platforms to earn staking rewards.

  • Borrow/lend assets on lending protocols like Scream, Geist, etc.

  • Use Fantom stablecoins like fUSD to avoid volatility.

  • Buy NFTs or play blockchain games that use the Fantom network.

With so many options, where do you even start? Here are two great platforms I recommend checking out first:

SpookySwap – Leading DEX for swapping tokens and liquidity farming. Offering 2,000%+ APY on some farms!

Tomb Finance – Algorithmic stablecoin protocol with huge TVL. Get yields over 1500% when staking TOMB/FTM LP.

But this is just scratching the surface of what‘s possible. The Fantom ecosystem grows every day!

Tips for Using Fantom With MetaMask

Here are some handy tips and reminders when using Fantom with your MetaMask wallet:

  • You can easily switch between Fantom and Ethereum mainnet in the network dropdown. Different assets show on each.

  • Fantom transactions are lightning quick and cost just pennies. Feel free to test things out.

  • Be careful what sites you approve and connect to. Revoke approvals if you don‘t fully trust.

  • Bookmark dApps and sites you use often so you can easily find them again.

  • Top up your FTM balance with more whenever it gets low so you can keep transacting.

  • Join the Fantom Discord or check Fantom Status page for network updates.

  • Don‘t worry, you can‘t lose your ETH or tokens by adding Fantom. They‘ll all still show on Ethereum mainnet.

Ok, let‘s wrap up with some common questions about Fantom and MetaMask:

FAQs about Adding Fantom to MetaMask

Is Fantom an ERC-20 token?

Nope! FTM is the native token of the separate Fantom blockchain. Adding Fantom to MetaMask gives access to that standalone network.

Can I see my Fantom balance on Ethereum network?

No, your FTM balance and activity will only show under the Fantom Opera network. The networks are totally separate.

Do I need to make a new MetaMask wallet for Fantom?

Nope! You can use the exact same wallet seed phrase and address on both Ethereum and Fantom. Super handy!

Is it safe to connect my wallet to Fantom sites?

Like anything DeFi, there are risks with new platforms. Do your own research before investing or entering sensitive info. Enable transaction approvals as an added safety measure.

Can I stake my FTM in MetaMask?

Unfortunately staking isn‘t built directly into MetaMask. You‘ll need to use a third party service like the Fantom Wallet or a centralized exchange.

And that‘s a wrap!

Let‘s Recap…

  • Fantom is a blazing fast smart contract platform perfect for DeFi
  • You can add Fantom as a network in MetaMask to access the ecosystem
  • Get some FTM for gas fees and you‘ll be ready to rock
  • DeFi possibilities are endless once connected to Fantom Opera
  • Enjoy speedy transactions, minimal fees, and great yields!

Thanks for sticking with me on this DeFi journey friend! I hope you‘re as excited as me to start using Fantom. Let me know if any other questions come up. Now go level up your crypto game!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.