
What Are The Best MATIC Wallets To Store Your Crypto?

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Wondering where to store your MATIC tokens safely and access the Polygon network? As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, I totally get it – picking the right wallet for your needs can be confusing with so many options out there.

But don‘t worry! In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about the top MATIC wallets available today.

By the end, you‘ll have a clear understanding of which wallet suits you best based on factors like security, convenience, staking capabilities and more.

So let‘s get started!

An Introduction to Polygon (Previously Matic Network)

Before we dive into the wallets, it helps to understand what Polygon is and why it matters.

Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution that works alongside Ethereum to provide faster and cheaper transactions. It helps address some of Ethereum‘s major limitations around speed, high gas fees and poor user experience for certain types of transactions.

Some key facts about Polygon:

  • It can process up to 7,000 transactions per second compared to 15-30 on Ethereum.

  • Transaction fees on Polygon cost under $0.001 compared to $10-$50 on Ethereum.

  • Over 7,000 dApps have been built on Polygon including Aave, Balancer, Biconomy etc.

  • It has processed over 1 billion total transactions since launch.

  • MATIC is its native token used for staking, governance and paying gas fees.

As you can see, Polygon offers significant advantages over using Ethereum directly. It retains Ethereum‘s security while improving speed and cost.

No wonder MATIC has grown to become one of the biggest cryptocurrencies with a market cap crossing $10 billion.

Types of MATIC Wallets

Now let‘s explore the main types of MATIC wallets available today:

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices that store your private keys offline to maximize security. Leading options include:

  • Ledger Nano X – Flagship hardware wallet from Ledger with Bluetooth connectivity.

  • Ledger Nano S – Ledger‘s previous model with USB connectivity.

  • Trezor Model T – Top of the line hardware wallet from Trezor.

  • Trezor One – Trezor‘s entry level model.

Hardware wallets are the most secure way to store MATIC long term, especially if you hold a large amount. However, they can be less convenient for everyday transactions as you have to plug in the device each time.

Software Wallets

Software wallets come in different forms suitable for desktop, mobile or web use cases:

  • Mobile wallets – Trust Wallet, SafePal, Coinbase Wallet etc. Ideal for everyday transactions by storing private keys on your phone.

  • Browser extension wallets – MetaMask, Liquality etc. Allow easy access to Polygon dApps right from your browser.

  • Desktop wallets – Atomic Wallet, Exodus etc. Offer a desktop-based experience and vary in quality.

Software wallets provide more convenience compared to hardware wallets. But they are more vulnerable to malware, phishing attacks and hacks as they remain connected online.

Paper Wallets

Paper wallets store private keys on a printed physical paper kept offline. Though they enhance security, they are cumbersome to use and can be lost or damaged easily. Hence paper wallets are now rarely used.

For the best of both worlds, you can use a hardware wallet for secure long term storage and a software wallet for convenient everyday transactions. Now let‘s look at specific wallets.

Best MATIC Wallets

Here are the top recommended MATIC wallets across various categories:

Best Hardware Wallet – Ledger Nano X

Cost – $149

If you‘re looking for the most secure MATIC storage, Ledger Nano X is your best bet. It offers virtually unmatched security thanks to the following features:

  • Keys stored offline on a secure chip with built-in encryption.

  • PIN code and passphrase encryption for additional protection.

  • Supports nearly 1500 cryptocurrencies including MATIC.

  • Robust build quality to withstand physical damage.

  • Backed by a reputed company used by financial firms worldwide.

  • Easy to set up and use with intuitive interface.

  • Bluetooth connectivity for increased mobility.

The only potential con is the relatively high price. But the Nano X provides excellent value given its premium security and versatility across hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

It‘s my top choice if you‘re planning to hold MATIC long term, especially in large amounts. The peace of mind from Ledger‘s security features is worth the price for serious investors.

Most Secure Software Wallet – SafePal

Cost – $50 basic model

If you prefer keeping your MATIC in a software wallet, SafePal offers the most secure option in my opinion.

It provides hardware-level security thanks to its proprietary security chip and isolated offline private keys. So your coins remain safe even if your phone is compromised.

Other great features include:

  • Intuitive and easy to use mobile interface.
  • Built-in DEX and dApp browser for decentralized trading.
  • Staking tools to earn interest on supported coins.
  • Supports over 5000 cryptocurrencies including MATIC.
  • Affordable pricing starting at just $50.

SafePal strikes the ideal balance between robust security and usability in a mobile wallet. The peace of mind is worth the cost for serious MATIC investors who prefer software wallets.

Most Feature-rich – Trust Wallet

Cost – Free

If you want a full-featured mobile MATIC wallet at zero cost, Trust Wallet is hard to beat. Despite being free, it offers several premium features:

  • Supports MATIC and thousands of other crypto assets.
  • Built-in decentralized crypto exchange to swap tokens at the best rates.
  • Access Polygon dApps through a built-in Web3 browser.
  • Purchase MATIC and other coins directly using a credit card.
  • Stake certain supported coins to earn interest.

On the security side, Trust Wallet uses advanced encryption, secure seed phrase backups and other measures to protect your coins.

With its optimal balance of usability and security, Trust Wallet has grown into the largest mobile crypto wallet with over 10 million users. It should definitely be on your MATIC wallet shortlist.

Best Browser Extension – MetaMask

Cost – Free

If your main goal is to interact with Polygon dApps right from your browser, MetaMask is the best choice.

As the leading Web3 browser extension wallet, MetaMask makes it easy to access DeFi, NFT marketplaces and other dApps built on Polygon.

Key features include:

  • Adds Polygon network to enable transactions with MATIC and other tokens.
  • Securely stores private keys encrypted with a password.
  • Syncs across mobile and desktop devices.
  • Customizable gas fees for faster transactions.
  • Built-in crypto swap functionality.

With over 30 million users, MetaMask combines convenience and security for the optimal Web3 experience. It‘s essential if you plan to actively use Polygon dApps.

Best Desktop Wallet – Exodus

Cost – Free

For a desktop-focused MATIC wallet, Exodus gives you a beautiful and intuitive interface. It‘s designed to make accessing your cryptocurrencies as simple as possible.

Apart from basic send/receive functionality, Exodus offers:

  • Built-in exchange to swap between 100+ crypto assets.
  • Detailed charts, transaction history and portfolio management tools.
  • Staking support to earn yields on supported coins like MATIC.
  • 24/7 customer support via email and chat.

The only drawback is that Exodus is a proprietary closed source wallet. But its convenience as a desktop wallet is unparalleled.

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing a MATIC Wallet

Beyond the specific wallet recommendations, here are some key factors you should consider when picking a MATIC wallet:


The wallet must safeguard your private keys and seed phrases through encryption, offline storage, 2FA and other measures. Make sure it has a solid track record without major hacks.

Support for Polygon

Seamless integration with the Polygon network is a must. The wallet should let you access Polygon DApps, make transactions quickly with low fees etc.

Customer Service

Look at reviews and see if the wallet provider offers timely customer support in case you need help. This gives peace of mind especially for new users.

User Experience

Pick a wallet with an intuitive interface that makes MATIC storage and transfers easy based on your tech comfort levels.

Staking Services

If you want to earn yields on your MATIC, choose a wallet that supports staking like Exodus or Trust Wallet.


Hardware wallets that provide the most secure storage cost over $100. Free software wallets offer more convenience but higher potential risks.

Common Questions about MATIC Wallets

Here are some quick answers to frequent questions on picking the right MATIC wallet:

Can I store MATIC on a hardware wallet?

Yes, leading hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor fully support MATIC. These are the most secure options.

What are the risks of using a mobile MATIC wallet?

Mobile wallets carry increased risk of malware, phishing attacks and hacks compared to hardware wallets. But top options like Trust Wallet and SafePal use advanced security protections to minimize risks.

Can I use a Bitcoin wallet for MATIC?

No, because MATIC is an ERC-20 token built on Ethereum. You need an Ethereum-compatible wallet like MetaMask to store and transact with MATIC.

Should I use multiple MATIC wallets?

Yes, using a hardware wallet for most of your holdings along with a software wallet for some everyday transactions is a good approach.


Finding the right MATIC wallet involves weighing factors like security, functionality and ease of use.

If you plan to hold MATIC long term, especially in larger amounts, a hardware wallet like Ledger Nano X provides robust security.

For frequent transactions, the convenience of a mobile wallet like Trust Wallet or SafePal could be worth the slightly higher risks.

MetaMask remains essential if you want seamless access to Polygon dApps and DeFi apps. And Exodus shines as an intuitive desktop wallet.

Ultimately, assess your specific needs and pick the MATIC wallet that fulfills them while keeping security as the top priority.

Whichever wallet you choose, take care to backup your seed phrase and enable all available protections like 2FA. This will keep your MATIC tokens safe as Polygon continues to gain mainstream adoption.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow cryptocurrency enthusiasts make the right decisions to protect their assets.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.