
Diving Deep into Edge Computing: Applications, Benefits and the Future

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Hey there! Edge computing is one of the most fascinating technologies I‘ve come across recently. In this guide, we‘ll explore what exactly edge computing is, why it matters, real-world use cases and what the future looks like. Let‘s dive in!

Demystifying Edge Computing

Simply put, edge computing brings data processing and storage closer to devices where data is created, like your smartphone or a factory sensor. This is done by installing micro data centers and servers locally to enable faster processing near the source, instead of sending everything to the cloud.

But edge computing doesn‘t replace the cloud – it complements it! The cloud still handles centralized computing tasks. Edge computing focuses on localized, real-time data needs.

Key benefits of edge computing:

  • Lower latency – Processing data locally reduces delays, enabling real-time app response. In industries like healthcare or manufacturing, fractions of seconds matter!

  • Reduced bandwidth usage – Less data transfer to the cloud cuts bandwidth needs and costs. One study found a whopping 98% reduction in broadband needs with edge computing for oil rigs [1].

  • Enhanced security – Localized data processing means less data leaves your network, reducing exposure to breaches. 45% of IT leaders surveyed cite security as a key driver of edge computing [2].

  • Scalability – Easily scale computing needs across locations without huge investments into centralized resources.

As you can see, some major perks! Next, let‘s look at edge computing applications in the real world.

Edge Computing Use Cases Across Industries

From manufacturing shop floors to retail stores, edge computing is enabling new capabilities across sectors:


  • Intel uses edge computing in its factories to collect and analyze data from equipment sensors in real-time, improving quality control and output [3].

  • Other manufacturers are using computer vision and edge-processed data to spot defects instantly on production lines. This reduces waste and downtime.


  • Oil companies like Shell are utilizing edge computing to monitor remote pumping stations, pipelines and other far-flung assets to detect problems quicker [4].

  • Edge data centers installed locally on oil rigs save huge amounts of bandwidth. One test showed a 98% reduction in satellite broadband needs [1].


  • Autonomous vehicles generate massive data from cameras and other sensors. Edge computing allows this data to be processed locally in real-time for decision making [5].

  • Singapore is piloting edge computing with self-driving buses to analyze sensor data faster than cloud transmission would allow [6].


  • Edge computing enables data from patient monitoring devices to be processed at the hospital in near real-time, accelerating diagnostics and treatment.

  • One hospital uses edge computing to reduce the time cardiac exam results take to reach physicians from 20 minutes down to 2 minutes [7].


  • Walmart equips its stores with edge servers to collect and analyze data on inventory, supply chain and consumer behavior [8].

  • Real-time, localized edge data helps retailers optimize operations, reduce stockouts, personalize promotions and more.

Smart Cities

  • New York City uses edge tech to analyze data from sensors on buildings, bridges, traffic lights, public transit and more to improve city services [9].

  • Cities can respond faster to incidents like water pipe bursts, optimize traffic patterns, and detect transit delays with local edge data.

As we‘ve seen, edge computing creates value across many verticals that rely on time-sensitive, localized data to optimize operations and decision-making.

Near Edge vs Far Edge: A Comparison

Within edge computing, there are two deployment models – near edge and far edge:

Near Edge

  • Closer to centralized data centers like regional cloud servers
  • Located in metro areas or on-premise environments

Far Edge

  • At the direct source of data, like factory floor devices or user devices
  • Further from cloud data centers but closer to data origination

Comparing Key Attributes:

Near Edge Far Edge
Location Regional data centers Local devices/sensors
Data processes Filtering, some analysis Aggregation, real-time analysis
Use cases Video analysis, caching Time-sensitive monitoring, smart devices

Both work together to enable edge computing across the overall architecture. Far edge handles urgent local needs while near edge can coordinate broader tasks.

The Future of Edge Computing

While still in early phases, edge computing is expected to explode in the coming decade:

  • Edge computing‘s global market size is projected to grow at 37% CAGR from 2022-2027 to reach over $250 billion [10].

  • 90% of enterprises intend to implement edge computing solutions by 2024 [11].

  • The proliferation of IoT devices will be a key driver. There will be over 30 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025 [12].

We‘re on the cusp of a huge rise in edge computing. As digital transformation accelerates across industries, companies will leverage edge capabilities for faster localized computing power and real-time responsiveness.

The edge computing revolution is coming! I hope this overview gave you a deeper understanding of what edge computing entails, its real-world value, and the exciting future ahead. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.