
How to Get a Fabulous Click Rate on Twitter


If you chose Twitter to be one of your, or maybe only social media platform for your business, then you recognized the significance of it. It is a great source of customers, especially if your marketing orientation is on social media.

Clickthrough rate (CTR) is a ratio showing how often people who see some link actually click on it. In other words, it is the total number of people who view a page, email, advertisement, or post. So, we want Twitter’s CTR to get higher, and here is a list of tips on how to achieve a Fabulous Click Rate on Twitter.

1. Focus on your Content

Focus on your Content

Twitter was previously limited to 140 characters, but in 2017 they increased it to 280, which is still not a lot. We are sometimes struggling to make every word count. Learn how to capture people’s interest and try to explain why they would profit by clicking your link. Make them want to do that.

2. Use Keywords

Use Keywords

Keywords are great to attract people who are searching for certain things. To know what to put in your posts, you will have to do keyword research, which means you have to determine which of them is your audience using. Some of the ways you can do this are by tracking popular and trending topics on Twitter, measuring market interests and statistics for particular products/services, and better understanding user’s intents.

3. Use Hashtags

How to create and use hashtags

Currently trending hashtags will show you what people are searching at the moment. And putting them in your posts, you may double the engagement. Just make sure you use the right hashtags, or you could loose your audience’s interest easily.

4. Analyse Results

Analyse Results

With plenty of social media software and applications which can help you to gather data from your tweets, there is no excuse not to do it. And do it regularly. Focus on your best moments and imitate them.

5. Don’t be Pushy

Don’t be Pushy

Try to tweet only when you have something (important) to say, instead of posting too much irrelevant content. Your audience is humans, and humans don’t like to be pushed. You have to find the optimal frequency by yourself, just keep in mind that when someone is feeling suffocated in any kind of association, he leaves.

6. Change Pace on Weekends and Holidays

Change Pace on Weekends and Holidays

Weekends are serving to relax and eventually spending time with your family, so if your tweets are usually business-oriented, change the tone and don’t tweet so often. Everything needs to be relaxed and friendly. Same goes for holidays – you can send best wishes to your audience, but don’t push your product/service.

You should put your link somewhere in the first 40 characters of your tweet, instead of putting it in the end. Tweets are not shortened or cut, so your link will not “disappear” in longer posts, but you want your audience to pay attention to it, and that is right at the beginning, while they are focused.

8. Don’t be Too Obvious

Don’t be Too Obvious

People know you are presenting your product/service to them, you don’t have to tell it in an obvious way. Be creative and make people buy something because they like you, not because you pushed it under their nose – because they won’t do it.

9. Use Specific Words

Use Specific Words

Using adverbs and action verbs in your tweets is actually working. Same as words like “how to”, “please”, “check” etc. Retweeting and tagging are also increasing your CTR.

10. Use Photos

Use Photos

Like in all other social media platforms, a tweet with a photo is more likely to attract followers and engage them. As Twitter is progressing it is easier to add and see photos now, and you can even add GIFs (but we will assume you won’t use them for business tweets). You can add up to 4 photos in one tweet. Stick to the theme and make sure you have high-quality photos that will be a great addition to your text.

11. Tag Others

Tag Others

Tagging other people will engage them to read your tweets, answer, retweet, or follow. Starting a two (or more) way communication will boost your tweet, and that will increase your CTR. Hopefully, other people want to increase their visibility also, so they’ll be willing to participate in those conversations. Keep things interesting and don’t advertise once you go deeper into the conversation. You want to look appealing so their followers may also follow you.

12. Post High Value and Quality Content

Post High Value and Quality Content on twitter

Your tweets need to be worth reading and retweeting. They must be exciting, engaging, connected with the product/service you have but not in a too obvious way, and it needs to be every time. Posting random content will bring you no effect, same as spamming and bothering people too much (we already mentioned that).
Assuming you already use Twitter, you certainly follow somebody whose tweets you read with pleasure, and they always make you interested in what they have to say. Well, you want to be that person.

Ask Someone Popular to Retweet your Tweets

If you can get a celebrity, or a person who is an influencer in some way, to retweet some of your tweets, that would be a huge CTR jump for you. Their fans/followers will trust their opinion and like and follow you. This could cost you some money, but if you already have a respectable profile and followers base, they might do it for free or in an exchange for something.

14. Use Twitter Ads

Use Twitter Ads

Comparing to Facebook (0,119%), Twitter ads have higher CTR (1 to 3%), and it is assumable this happens because Twitter’s ads are in-stream, while Facebook’s are a little pushed aside. They are also easier to be designed and they look more organic. Here are some more statistics: average CTR for a search ad is 1,91% and for a display ad 0.35%. Considering all that, this tip is something you should definitely try.

These were some methods that can help you improve your CTR, but not everything is working for everyone, so you have to study your type of product/service, and also your analytics, to decide what is best for you.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.