
Hey there! Here‘s everything you need to know about going live on TikTok

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Going live and streaming video on TikTok has exploded in popularity over the past couple years. As one of the platform‘s most engaging features, live broadcasting allows you to connect with your audience in real time through interactive videos.

But before you can start live streaming and engaging your followers, it‘s important to understand how TikTok‘s live system works. Don‘t worry though, I‘ve got you covered!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to start hosting awesome live streams on TikTok today. Let‘s dive in!

Why You Should Be Live Streaming on TikTok

First things first – why should you even care about live streaming on TikTok in the first place? Well, here are some of the key benefits:

  • It‘s one of the fastest growing forms of content – Live streaming industry revenue grew by 23% to $3.8 billion in 2021 in the US alone according to Statista. TikTok is riding this wave.

  • You can engage with your audience in real time – Live video allows you to have a two-way conversation with viewers and build a more personal connection.

  • It helps you stand out – Live streaming is still an emerging format on TikTok. By adopting early, you distinguish yourself.

  • Opens up monetization potential – TikTok has gift-giving features that let fans pay and tip creators during live streams.

  • You can attract more followers – Live videos help you get discovered by new audiences as you climb the platform‘s "Top Live" rankings.

Clearly, there are plenty of reasons to take advantage of live streaming if you want to grow and engage your audience on TikTok. Let‘s look at how to get set up.

TikTok Live Streaming Requirements

To go live, TikTok requires users to meet certain prerequisites. Specifically you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old – This is the minimum age to broadcast live video under TikTok‘s policies.

  • Have at least 1,000 followers – TikTok enacted this follower threshold to ensure you have an established audience for streaming.

  • Request live access – Once you meet the age and followers requirements, you can request access to live in TikTok‘s app settings.

  • Have the latest version of TikTok – Make sure your app is updated to maintain full live streaming capabilities.

TikTok introduced these rules to maintain safety and limit misuse of live streaming. Fortunately, the requirements are pretty straightforward to meet if you have an active TikTok profile!

Step-by-Step Guide to Going Live

Ready to take the plunge into live streaming? Here‘s a simple step-by-step walkthrough:

1. Open the TikTok app

Start by launching the TikTok app on your iOS or Android device. Make sure you‘ve updated to the latest version.

2. Tap the + create button

Hit the plus (+) icon at the bottom of the screen to open the content creation window.

3. Select “Live”

At the bottom of the create screen you‘ll see "Live" represented by a red circle icon. Tap this to initiate a broadcast.

4. Set up your stream

You‘ll now enter the stream set up page. Here you can:

  • Give your stream a title
  • Invite friends to join as co-hosts
  • Add effects and stickers
  • Manage stream controls

5. Go live!

When ready, tap "Go Live" and your stream will begin! Interact with viewers and enjoy the live streaming experience.

6. End the stream

To finish, tap "End" in the upper left corner. Your live video will then disappear as streams cannot be saved.

And that‘s really all there is to it! With just those few simple steps you can be up and running broadcasting live on TikTok.

Now let‘s get into some pro live streaming tactics and best practices.

7 TikTok Live Streaming Tips for Success

Want to take your TikTok live game to the next level? Use these pro tips:

1. Analyze Your Audience‘s Schedule

Pay attention to when your target audience is most active on TikTok. Schedule your streams during peak hours when more of your followers will be online to tune in live.

2. Promote Your Live Streams

Hype up your live streams in advance through teasers and reminders across your other TikTok content. Drive excitement and views.

3. Interact With Viewers

Reply to comments, answer questions, and involve your audience consistently to keep them engaged from start to finish.

4. Take Requests and Suggestions

Ask viewers what they want to see you do or discuss next. This makes the stream more interactive.

5. Collaborate With Other Creators

Go live together with creators in your niche to tap into each other‘s audiences and gain new fans.

6. Use Visual Effects

Leverage TikTok‘s creative effects to make your streams more engaging and high quality.

7. Save Your Streams

Use third party apps to record your broadcasts so they can be repurposed later as traditional TikTok videos.

Implementing these tips will help you create captivating live stream content that viewers will love watching and engaging with in real time.

5 Ideas for TikTok Live Video Content

Unsure what exactly to live stream about? Here are 5 popular types of content to consider for your TikTok broadcasts:

  • Q&As – Open up the floor for your audience to ask questions and get to know you better.

  • Behind-the-Scenes – Give viewers a sneak peek into your daily routine, studio, or career.

  • Collaborations – Team up with other creators in your niche and cross-promote your brands.

  • Contests/Giveaways – Boost engagement by holding contests viewers can only enter during your live stream.

  • Tutorials/How-Tos – Teach viewers a skill or provide tips around your area of expertise.

Getting creative with different live video concepts that align with your brand will help keep each broadcast feeling fresh and exciting for regular viewers.

Stats and Data on TikTok Live Streaming

Let‘s look at some revealing statistics and data around the TikTok live streaming landscape:

  • TikTok saw a 130% increase in daily time spent per user watching lives in 2021. (Sensor Tower)

  • As of October 2022, around 10.4 million TikTok users in the US were live streaming monthly. (Statista)

  • The highest concurrent viewership for a single TikTok live video hit 7.54 million in May 2021. (StreamHatchet)

  • An average of 1.2 million viewers tune into TikTok lives at any given moment during peak periods. (BusinessofApps)

  • TikTok live streams with 15+ viewers last around 28 minutes on average. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

  • The 9am to 11am (EST) time slot sees the most TikTok live views in the US. (Wallaroo)

These stats demonstrate the massive momentum and engagement live streaming is gaining on TikTok. As the format continues to grow, being an early adopter will give you a distinct edge.

Common TikTok Live FAQs

Let‘s wrap up with answers to some frequently asked questions about TikTok live streaming:

How long can you go live on TikTok?

There is no limit! You can stream for as long or short as you want. However, shorter broadcasts tend to perform better at maintaining engagement.

Can you save/download a TikTok live video?

Unfortunately, natively saving TikTok live videos is not possible currently. However, third party apps allow you to record and store streams.

What happens if a TikTok live suddenly ends?

If you abruptly stop a live stream, the video will disappear instantly and will not be available for replay on your profile.

Can you delete comments during a TikTok live video?

No, but you can report inappropriate comments and appoint moderators to filter comments in real-time.

Can you go live on TikTok from a computer?

At this time, TikTok‘s live streaming feature is only available on mobile iOS and Android devices, not PC.

Can you make money from TikTok live streams?

Yes! Once you hit certain followers and engagement thresholds you can activate TikTok‘s gifting features that let viewers pay and tip you.

Let‘s Get Your First TikTok Live Stream Up!

And there you have it – everything you need to know to crush it with live streaming on TikTok!

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of how to get set up, engage viewers, create compelling content, and take your account to the next level with broadcasts.

The key is to just dive in and get started with your first few test streams. Learn the ropes, refine your approach, and most importantly – have fun connecting with your audience in real time!

You got this! Now get out there and start live streaming like a pro. Your fans can‘t wait to see you live in action.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.