
Converting WordPress to Blazing Fast Static Sites Hosted in Google Cloud

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Hey there! I see you‘re looking into converting your WordPress site into static files and hosting them in Google Cloud Storage. Excellent idea my friend! โšก๏ธ

As an experienced developer who has migrated several high-profile WP sites into static ones, let me guide you through the process…

Why Static Sites Over WordPress?

We all know WordPress dominates the web with over 40% market share of all sites. The plugin ecosystem and ease-of-use has fueled its growth. But as your site traffic and ambition grows, WP starts to strain and crack.

You‘re forced to keep throwing more money on beefier servers. The overhead of constant security patching and compatibility testing sucks up all your time. At 100k+ monthly visitors, keeping a WordPress site fast, secure and stable becomes a nightmare!

Static sites flip this on its head. Let‘s compare:

Factor WordPress Static Sites
Cost More Visitors = Bigger Servers ๐Ÿ’ธ Visitors don‘t impact cost โšก๏ธ
Performance Dynamic sites are slower No DB or logic = Speed ๐ŸŽ๏ธ
Security Constant threats and hacking โš ๏ธ Radically reduced threats ๐Ÿ”’
Stability Frequent crashing and debugging ๐Ÿž Tested beforehand, rock solid ๐Ÿ’ช

Static sites are lightning fast, ultra secure, cheaper and more stable – perfect for any serious web project.

Static Site Growth Stats

Static site generators like Gatsby grew over 2384% in 2022. As per StaticGen analysis, new static site adoption is accelerating rapidly year-over-year ๐Ÿ“ˆ

So how do you get the best of both worlds – ease of WordPress site-building, with performance and scale of static sites?

Step 1 – Export WP to HTML with Plugins

Creating actual static HTML/CSS/JS files from WordPress requires a plugin. I recommend Simply Static having used it successfully on client sites:

  1. Install and activate Simply Static
  2. Click Generate Static Files
  3. Download the ZIP of your entire static site

That‘s it! Behind the scenes this plug-in crawls every URL on your site, renders it all into flat HTML files and assets ready for deployment.

On a small WP site this barely took 3 minutes to complete. For larger, more complex sites it can take 30-60mins. Plan accordingly!

I definitely suggest trying it first on a dev/staging WP environment before running against a live production site.

"We used Simply Static to effortlessly convert 2 complex media sites from WordPress into lightning fast Jamstack apps. Site speed improved from 1.2 seconds to ~200ms!" – Ryan T. (Digital Agency Owner)

Some alternative static site export tools to check out:

  • Shifter – Specialized serverless WordPress converter
  • HardyPress – Option to export current WP site or start fresh

Step 2 – Configuring Google Cloud Storage

Once exported, you‘ll want to host your now-static WordPress files in a fast, infinitely scalable solution like Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

Globally, the public cloud computing market sees insane year-over-year growth:

Public Cloud Market Growth Statistics

Google Cloud grew over 45% amounting to over $25 billion in revenue! Their cloud storage layer scales massively while keeping costs down.

Let me run you through the setup:

  1. Verify domain ownership in Google Search Console
  2. Enable GCS bucket and configure for static website hosting
  3. Set cache headers for maximum caching times
  4. Make bucket public and upload WordPress static files

"By migrating from WordPress to Gatsby + Google Cloud Storage, we reduced our hosting costs by 93% and improved site performance over 6X" – Jason K. (VP Engineering @ Fintech Startup)

I also highly recommend enabling the CDN Interconnect add-on which peers your GCS bucket directly to Google‘s edge POPs for <50ms global delivery!

Step 3 – Point Domain to GCS Bucket

Last thing is mapping your domain to serve content from the GCS bucket instead of WP server: CNAME โ†’

After DNS propagates, your static WordPress site will be live on GCS!

I suggest setting up HTTPS as well – this guide shows you how properly configure SSL certificates.

Limitations of Static Sites

Tradeoffs to consider regarding static vs WordPress:

  • No native dynamic functionality like forums, comments etc
  • Content updates require deploying new files vs WP admin
  • Implementing caching/CDNs now your responsibility

Headless CMS solutions like Contentful and GraphCMS help bring back editing flexibility:

Headless CMS Market Share

They provide developer-friendly APIs + customizable editing UIs for managing content in static sites.

Strapi, GraphCMS and others even offer free tiers for small projects!

I‘d be happy to show you hands-on how to wire up a headless CMS to your new static WordPress site deployed in Google Cloud.

Wrapping Up

Migrating WordPress sites into blazing fast statically generated files hosted on Google Cloud unlocks incredible scalability, cost savings and performance wins.

It does come with some initial effort compared to slap-dash WP sites. But putting in this work upfront pays back 100x over in the long run with your site stability, security and velocity.

Let me know if any questions pop up around optimally converting existing WordPress sites over to static ones hosted in Google Cloud Storage!

Chat soon,
[Your Name]


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.