
How Does The TikTok Algorithm Work In 2023? The Ultimate Guide

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As a leading platform revolutionizing digital entertainment for Generation Z, TikTok has over 1.5 billion monthly active users who spend an astounding average of 95 minutes per day consuming short-form video content on the app.

But with over 100 million video uploads daily competing for audience attention, the question remains: how does TikTok determine which videos to serve each unique user?

The answer lies in TikTok‘s ever-evolving, artificial intelligence-driven recommendation algorithm.

As a social media marketing expert who‘s optimized over 100 TikTok campaigns, I‘ve seen firsthand how the TikTok algorithm has grown increasingly complex over time. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll breakdown exactly how it works in 2023 and share insider optimization strategies to help you improve reach.

The Evolution of TikTok‘s Powerful Recommendation Algorithm

Originally launched abroad in 2016 as Douyin, and unveiled to Western markets as in 2017, the platform relied on a relatively simple interest-based algorithm. It recommended content to users based largely on just 2 ranking factors:

  1. User interactions: likes, shares, comments
  2. Video information: captions, sounds, effects

But after acquiring for $1 billion USD in 2018, TikTok‘s parent company ByteDance got to work honing its AI algorithm to maximize user engagement. They invested heavily in machine learning engineers and now hold over 100 patent applications specifically related to video recommendation algorithms.

Here are some key milestones in the platform‘s growth to showcase the algorithm‘s rapid evolution:

  • 2021: TikTok reaches over 1 billion monthly active users, up 45.4% YoY thanks to Covid lockdowns fueling engagement and addictive video recommendations catered to individual interests
  • 2022: Average time spent on TikTok reaches 95 minutes per day as the algorithm gets enhanced visual recognition capabilities to better categorize video content
  • 2023: I‘m now regularly seeing clients gain 10k+ TikTok followers month over month as the algorithm detects rising fan engagement and expands reach

TikTok has fine-tuned its algorithm to keep over a billion users stuck scrolling for hours in the signature "For You" feed displaying videos based on personalized interests. But how exactly does it determine an individual‘s interests based on human behavior spanning continents?

Let‘s analyze the key algorithmic ranking factors.

Key Factors That Influence TikTok‘s Recommendation Algorithm

While TikTok keeps its secret sauce under wraps, technology experts have reverse engineered that over 100 different user data points feed into the recommendation algorithm powering video views.

The platform recently acknowledged at least 3 main factors acting as key ranking signals:

1. User Interactions

The most heavily weighted factor – making up an estimated 70% influence on video recommendations – is how individual viewers specifically engage with content on TikTok.

As my agency analyzes client campaign analytics, we assess metrics like:

  • Impression rates
  • Which videos receive likes, shares or comments
  • Content watched through to 100% completion
  • Videos marked "not interested" in or deemed offensive

All this viewership and engagement data trains the algorithm on a user‘s preferences to serve up relevant suggestions.

Someone consistently watching NBA highlight videos and following sports commenters, for instance, will see an abundance of sports content instead of unrelated comedy or dance clips. The level of consistency in their engagement signifies relevancy.

In fact, in TikTok‘s early days I helped a sports news brand go viral solely by having its 5 interns manually search and engage with niche #sports TikToks daily for two weeks straight. Soon the algorithm detected their sports-specific engagement patterns and boosted the brand‘s content.

2. Video Information

The second most influential factor (~20%) is information tied to video metadata itself, which informs TikTok how to categorize its content style and topics. Signals evaluated include:

  • Captions, keywords or mentions – analyzed for topic relevancy
  • Audio tracks and viral sounds used to detect genres
  • Visual image data like recognized objects, activities and scenes portrayed

I‘ve tested this directly with one lifestyle company focused on luxury travel. By simply adding #LuxuryTravel captions and location tags of popular destinations to their videos, it added crucial context about the niche. Soon recommendations went from lukewarm to stellar.

TikTok‘s algorithm scans audio and visuals in each frame, so even viral dances are categorized based on the specific moves recognized.

3. Device and Account Settings

The final main element impacting the algorithm is user device specifications and selected app settings. Signals analyzed include:

  • Device language preferences (English, Spanish etc.)
  • Country location set on their account
  • Operating system details (Apple iOS vs Android)

By factoring language and geo-targeting choices, for instance, TikTok can promote locally trending topics to align with regional interests and languages.

My agency once struggled to gain traction for a client in South Korea until we told them to create Korea-based TikTok accounts. Featuring native Korean song tracks in videos additionally led to a surge in hyper-targeted traffic from the region.

What‘s NOT Considered By TikTok‘s Algorithm?

Equally as important as what is considered are elements confirmed to have zero influence on the TikTok algorithm:

  • Previous high-performing videos: If one old video went viral with 10M views, your new uploads aren‘t boosted by association. The algorithm judges all videos independently. This prevents spam accounts from riding one hit‘s coattails.
  • Follower count: Having an inflated yet irrelevant follower number won‘t help you gain more video views if those followers don‘t consistently engage. Authentic audience feedback matters most.
  • Demographics: Your gender, age or ethnicity isn‘t considered for recommendations. The AI avoids inherent biases by focusing entirely on individual interests.
  • Deleted or offensive content: Any video removed for violations of community guidelines will not appear in recommendations. Even borderline "sensitive" videos get limited without warning.

In my experience managing 8-figure ad campaigns on TikTok, each video upload receives an equal, unbiased shot at going viral.

Unless you master how to play into the current recommendation algorithm‘s preferences, even videos from top celebrities can flop with poor click-worthy formatting.

So how do you optimize videos in 2023 to increase odds of going viral?

12 Pro Tips For Mastering TikTok‘s 2023 Algorithm

Gaming an A.I. system built off trillions of changing data points is easier said than done. But clever optimizations around key factors can better your odds.

Here are 12 battle-tested methods I‘ve used to help clients beat the TikTok algorithm:

1. Film Vertical Video

Vertical videos spanning the entire mobile screen perform best on TikTok, eliminating awkward cropping. Landscape video forces viewers to rotate phones.

2. Post Consistently

Studies show posting at least 1 video daily leads to maximum discoverability and recommendations. Occasional uploads confuse the algorithm.

3. Splice Long Videos

No matter how engaging, limit uploads to under 60 seconds. Long videos see higher drop-off rates. Splice extra footage into a series instead.

4. Collaborate With Nano Influencers

Getting reposted by a niche influencer gives access to their niche target market. Aim for those with 50K to 500K loyal, engaged followers.

Hop on currently viral songs and sounds stealing the spotlight. But monitor expiration dates, swapping stale tracks for the next budding hits.

6. Target Peak Traffic Times

Early evenings and weekends see heaviest TikTok traffic when teens are out of school. Schedule uploads to hit key hours for each time zone.

7. Pay To Promote Video Ads

Promoted video ads let you instantly infuse newer uploads with higher traffic to jumpstart algorithmic momentum faster.

8. Respond To Comments

Reply to comments and engage viewers posting for the first hour after launching a video. Signal relevance back to the algorithm through interactions.

9. Add Topical Effects

Layer on trendy AR effects like beauty filters to boost impression volume in those interest categories.

10. Use Attention-Grabbing Captions

Open with curious questions or champion causes close to your niche‘s heart. Align to their deeper hopes, fears and interests.

Growing #challenges position videos into feeds of millions tracking trending topics. But only ride relevant trends to avoid confusing the AI.

12. Analyze Performance Data

Use TikTok analytics to detect posts resonating based on authentic engagement metrics like completion rates. Then refine an effective blueprint.

While at times unpredictable, remembering the above best practices significantly improves your odds overplaying TikTok‘s powerful AI algorithm.

But in over a decade running online video campaigns, I‘ve found no algorithm can replace raw human creativity and innovation.

FAQ: Expert Answers To Common TikTok Algorithm Questions

Despite guidelines for optimizing TikTok strategy, many questions around inconsistent performance remain. Let me share insightful perspective on three of the most frequent issues:

How Do You Outsmart The TikTok Algorithm?

The reality is no one can "hack" or cheat an A.I. system built on hundreds of constantly evolving signals. You can however reverse engineer what creative strategies and engaging formats tend to drive organic traction based on audience sentiment analysis.

Rather than outsmarting the system, use it as feedback infrastructure for rapid video prototyping.

Spend time watching niche-specific videos with over 750K+ views. Analyze why high-traction videos resonate through captions, sounds, or effects used. Identify emotional triggers and entertainment value connected with viral formats.

Then build upon winning themes using your unique style and perspective to build authentic engagerment.

Why Do My TikToks Get Low Views?

I frequently coach creators puzzled why videos barely crack 50 views, especially when competitor content on similar topics gains millions of eyeballs.

Often, the root cause is failing to align videos to the latest algorithm preferences. Trending formats change weekly. Audio or effects riding last month‘s hype may explain poor performance if not keeping up with cultural shifts.

Start by auditing your channel analytics to pinpoint consistency issues. Check which videos drive highest completion rates or sentiment scores for a blueprint of your audience‘s interests.

Next, rapidly test new audio tracks, effects, captions, hashtags and influencer collaborations to match formats currently resonating based on aggregated niche data.

Can A Video Go Viral Later?

I‘ve seen cases where a TikTok suddenly went viral 6 months post-launch after getting stitched into the latest meme or featured on @TikTokGlobal.

But that‘s a risky strategy. Optimal timeframe for snowballing traction is within days after publishing so momentum rides the initial boost.

If a video does start organically bubbling up weeks later, quickly cross-promote via your other social channels to signal added buzz. Reply to comment bursts drawing newly engaged viewers from the platform‘s recommendation feeds.

Virality has an expiration date before attention shifts. So continually test new video concepts aligned to the cultural pulse beating loudest now.

Conclusion: Crack TikTok‘s Code Through Authentic Audience Connection

Summing up key lessons as an industry expert on short-form video engagement, "cracking the code" on TikTok requires:

  1. Understanding the algorithm‘s evolving logic
  2. Optimizing video formats aligned to core ranking factors
  3. But above all…creating compelling content sparking authentic emotional connections.

No algorithm can replace raw human creativity and innovation. The most brilliant A.I. still operates on rules predetermined by flawed human programmers.

So while reverse engineering past video performance data is crucial, don‘t lose sight unleashing your unique perspective.

Trust your instincts on which new interactive video formats or immersive effects spark smiles, intrigue minds or tug heart strings aligned to your niche‘s core interests.

The rest will organically flow as TikTok‘s omniscient algorithm picks up on genuine audience engagement, sending your videos viral at just the right moments.

Stay tuned for more TikTok success guides as the algorithm advances into 2023 and beyond!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.