
Trust Wallet Staking: The Complete 2023 Guide

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Staking has emerged as one of the hottest crypto trends, allowing holders to put their assets to work earning yield. As a leading multi-chain wallet, Trust Wallet makes staking simple and accessible right from its intuitive mobile app.

But how exactly does crypto staking work? What are the risks and rewards? How do you pick the right validators and coins to maximize profits? This comprehensive guide will explain everything you need to know to become a successful staker on Trust Wallet. Let‘s dive in!

How Does Staking on Trust Wallet Work?

Staking allows you to act as a validator for certain crypto networks, helping secure transactions and maintain the blockchain. In exchange, you earn regular staking rewards on the coins you‘ve put up as a stake.

The staking process on Trust Wallet looks like this:

  1. You transfer crypto assets like ATOM, LUNA, ALGO into your Trust Wallet

  2. Tap "Stake" and delegate your tokens to validators of your choice

  3. Validators verify transactions and propose blocks, earning a cut of transaction fees

  4. As a delegator, you receive a portion of these yields based on the size of your stake

  5. Staking rewards are automatically compounded and credited back into your wallet

Trust Wallet never takes a cut of your staking yields. Rewards accrue based on factors like staked amount, validator commission rates, and native staking yields of the blockchain.

But how do validators actually maintain blockchain networks? Let‘s take a quick technical dive into proof-of-stake.

Proof-of-Stake 101

Many advanced blockchains like Ethereum 2.0 and Cosmos rely on a consensus mechanism called proof-of-stake (PoS) rather than energy-intensive proof-of-work mining.

Here‘s how PoS secures transactions:

  • Validators stake a bond made up of native tokens to participate in the network

  • When a new block is proposed, the protocol randomly selects a validator based on the size of their stake

  • This validator checks transactions, proposes a block and earns rewards

  • If they act dishonestly, some of their stake is slashed as penalty

As a delegator staking on Trust Wallet, your role is to assess validators and allocate stake to those most likely to keep the network secure and profitable.

Top Coins for Staking on Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet supports staking for over 20 leading crypto assets across popular PoS networks like Cosmos, Terra, Algorand, TRON and more.

Here are current staking yields for top coins on Trust Wallet:

Crypto Blockchain Staking APY Minimum Stake
ATOM Cosmos Up to ~10% No minimum
LUNA Terra Up to ~10% No minimum
ALGO Algorand Up to ~7% No minimum
TRX TRON Up to ~7% No minimum
XTZ Tezos Up to ~6% No minimum
VET VeChain Up to ~5% 1,000+ VET
ADA Cardano Up to ~5% 10+ ADA

Yields vary based on factors like amount staked, validator details, and native blockchain returns. Be sure to research expected APY thoroughly before staking any coin.

Let‘s go through a quick staking example:

  • You stake 200 ATOM tokens which offer ~10% APY
  • Your expected annual rewards would be 200 * 0.10 = 20 ATOM
  • At current prices, 20 ATOM is worth $300 in extra annual income!

Over long periods, compounding causes staking yields to really start accelerating. But higher rewards come with their share of risks…

Key Benefits and Risks of Crypto Staking

Like any crypto activity, staking comes with both major upside as well as potential downside. As a validator taking on the role of securing a network, it‘s important to understand these pros and cons:


Passive income – Like a high-interest savings account, staking provides easy yield on idle crypto assets.

Compounding rewards – Reinvesting proceeds speeds up earnings, especially over multi-year periods.

Network security – Stakers play an integral role in validating PoS chains like Ethereum 2.0.

No lock-up – Many coins allow withdrawing stake anytime without waiting periods.

No minimums – Stake any amount, even just a few dollars worth of tokens.

Cold storage – Keys remain secure in your wallet, unlike handing assets to an exchange.


Validator slashing – As penalty for downtime or fraud, validators get a portion of stake slashed.

Market volatility – Falling token prices can outweigh staking gains.

Opportunity cost – Tying up assets in staking means missing out on trading gains.

Tax headaches – Rewards may be classified as income and subject to reporting requirements.

Illiquidity – Some coins impose lock-up periods during which stake cannot be withdrawn.

Custody – Keeping your keys and seed phrase ultra-safe is crucial for staking security.

As you can see, staking requires assuming moderated risk for the benefit of earning passive crypto income. Proper validator selection and portfolio management helps mitigate downside.

Step-by-Step Staking on Trust Wallet

Ready to start putting your cryptocurrency to work? Staking on Trust Wallet takes just a few easy steps:

1. Download the Trust Wallet App

Head over to and download the app for iOS or Android. This is a non-custodial wallet where you control private keys.

2. Fund Your Wallet

Purchase supported staking coins like ATOM and LUNA on an exchange, then withdraw and deposit into your Trust Wallet address for the relevant blockchain.

3. Tap "Staking" and Select Asset

On the main assets page, tap the "Staking" button for the crypto you want to stake. This opens the staking page.

4. Choose a Validator

Research validators and select one you wish to delegate to. Factors to evaluate include commission, uptime, expertise, decentralization principles.

5. Enter Stake Amount

On the validator details screen, enter the number of tokens you wish to delegate from your wallet balance. Then tap "Stake".

…And that‘s it! Your chosen crypto is now delegated to a validator, earning staking rewards automatically. Sit back and watch your balanced grow.

Choosing the Right Validator

Your staking returns largely come down to picking the right validators to delegate to. Here are key factors to analyze:

  • Total stake – High amounts indicate community trust, but watch for overcentralization.

  • Commission – Validators take 5-20% of yields as a fee. Lower is better.

  • Uptime history – Look for validators who are consistently online 95%+ of the time.

  • Technical expertise – Assess their development contributions and community feedback.

  • Alignment – Support validators who secure network in a decentralized manner.

Third-party data sites like Mintscan (Cosmos) and Staking Facilities (Algorand) provide helpful stats like point-in-time uptime, total delegations, and historical performance.

A good strategy is splitting your delegation across 5-10 validators to minimize risk and support smaller nodes. Don‘t put all your eggs in one basket.

Maximizing Staking Yields Over Time

While staking rewards accrue on a daily basis, how can you maximize compound growth over months and years? Here are tips to optimize yields:

  • Reinvest rewards – Compounding quickens the pace at which your staked balance balloons.

  • Stake stablecoins – Minimize volatility eating into yields by staking USDT, DAI etc.

  • Ladder stake terms – Stagger staked amounts into various time horizons.

  • Don‘t chase hot coins – Focus on fundamentals rather than temporarily inflated yields.

  • Take profit – Withdraw some yield during market peaks to de-risk.

Advanced strategies like staking derivatives, leveraged ETFs and fixed-yield notes can turbocharge earnings, but require accepting more risk.

As a simple rule of thumb, the longer your time horizon for staking, the faster compounding will accelerate profits. Think years, not days.

Tracking Staking Performance on Trust Wallet

Monitoring the progress of your staking portfolio is crucial. Trust Wallet makes this easy by providing staking analytics directly in the app:

  • Reward yield – See total rewards earned to date and estimated future yield.

  • Transaction history – Records of staking, claiming rewards, validator changes etc.

  • Validator details – Uptime status, total stake delegated, commission fee.

Third-party tools like LunarCrush (Cosmos ecosystem) and Staking Rewards let you track details like validator rankings, staking calculators, and network adoption metrics.

Savvy stakers set up spreadsheets to monitor metrics like:

  • Total staked vs unstaked balance
  • Reward yield per validator
  • Percentage of portfolio staked
  • Combined portfolio APY

This helps optimize performance and make better informed staking decisions over time.

Staking Strategies for Beginner and Advanced Users

The best staking approach depends on your risk appetite and technical proficiency with crypto. Here are recommendations based on skill level:

Beginner Stakers

  • Stick with top 5-10 coins like ATOM, ALGO, ADA for stability.

  • Maintain a small test position first before larger stakes.

  • Delegate across multiple validators to diversify risk.

  • Automate daily/weekly purchase of staking coins using DCA.

  • Withdraw some yield during market peaks to realize gains.

Intermediate Stakers

  • Research staking derivatives like Lido (stETH) for efficiency.

  • Allocate stakes across short, medium and long durations.

  • Diversify across assets with varied staking mechanisms.

  • Fund staking pool like Anchor to manage validators.

  • Implement staking ladders to systematically enter/exit positions.

Advanced Stakers

  • Provide liquidity on DEXs like Osmosis for added yield.

  • Explore fixed-yield staking notes, ETFs for leveraged returns.

  • Run an independent validator node, if comfortable with tech ops.

  • Develop in-house staking dashboard to monitor portfolio.

  • Implement advanced tax planning like Opportunity Fund to defer gains.

The most important advice is to only stake what you can afford to have locked up for extended periods. Patience and discipline are key!

The Bottom Line on Trust Wallet Staking

As you can see, staking through Trust Wallet allows earning attractive passive returns on your crypto portfolio with minimal hassle. Just tap and earn!

The key steps are:

  • Selecting fundamentally strong PoS coins to stake

  • Researching and delegating to reliable validators

  • Tracking reward yields and managing risk

  • Compounding returns to accelerate earnings

While staking does require assuming moderate risk, the long-term growth potential makes it a must for any serious crypto investor – especially during bear markets.

So grab your phone, transfer some tokens over to Trust Wallet, and start putting your digital assets to work today! Just be sure to do your own research to find the optimal risk/reward balance for your situation. Happy staking!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.