
How To See Your Full Transaction History on Trust Wallet

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So you‘ve been using Trust Wallet to store your precious crypto assets. That‘s great!

But as your portfolio grows, you probably want to track your transaction history across coins for tax reporting or performance monitoring. The problem is…Trust Wallet doesn‘t make it easy to export your full transaction data.

I know how frustrating this can be from personal experience! I spent way too many hours piecing together my transaction history from multiple sources when I first started with crypto.

But don‘t worry! In this detailed guide, I‘ll show you exactly how to extract your complete transaction history from Trust Wallet.

By the end, you‘ll be able to view all your transactions with just a few clicks – no more manual compilations or guesswork needed!

Why You Need Your Full Transaction History

Let‘s kick things off by going over why having your complete transaction history from Trust Wallet is so important:

  • Taxes – To accurately report capital gains/losses to the IRS and other tax agencies, you need a full record of your crypto buys, sells, trades, and transfers.

  • Performance tracking – Analyzing your trading and investing performance requires detailed records of your transactions and cost basis data.

  • Security – Transaction histories create an audit trail that can help trace lost or stolen funds. They also allow you to double check for any suspicious account activity.

  • Future reference – Comprehensive records serve as a single source of truth if you ever need to look back on your Trust Wallet transactions again.

Unfortunately, as you probably know, Trust Wallet itself does not keep records of your transaction history internally or give you easy ways to export it.

The only native option is to manually compile transaction details one by one from the app‘s limited activity list – ugh! Surely there‘s a better way…

And I‘ve got good news for you – there are better options to access your full transaction history from Trust Wallet. Keep reading and I‘ll explain each method step-by-step.

Option 1: View Individual Token Transactions on Block Explorers

The easiest approach for checking transaction history is to use public blockchain explorers. These allow you to view all transactions associated with a specific crypto address.

Since Trust Wallet gives you unique receiving addresses for each token, you can look up the address on the appropriate block explorer to access its transaction records.

Here are guides to checking common tokens on explorers:


BNB operates on the Binance Chain, so we‘ll use the Binance Chain Explorer at

  1. In Trust Wallet, tap the "Receive" button on your BNB wallet.

  2. Copy the long address string shown.

  3. Paste the address into the Binance Chain Explorer search bar.

  4. View the list of transactions involving that address. You can also export to CSV.

Bitcoin (BTC)

For Bitcoin, we‘ll head over to the most popular BTC explorer

  1. Tap "Receive" in your Trust Wallet Bitcoin wallet.

  2. Copy the BTC address.

  3. Search for the address on Explorer to see all associated BTC transactions.

Ethereum (ETH)

Etherscan is the go-to explorer for the Ethereum blockchain.

  1. Copy your ETH receiving address from Trust Wallet.

  2. Look up the address on Etherscan to access the transaction list.

  3. Click the "Export All" button to download the transactions as CSV.

Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

For BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain, use the BscScan Explorer.

  1. Copy the Smart Chain receive address in Trust Wallet.

  2. Search for the address on BscScan.

  3. Add specific token contracts to filter if needed.

  4. Click "Download CSV Export" to save transaction records.

This process works for ANY token – simply find the relevant block explorer and input your Trust Wallet receiving address to look up transaction history!

Option 2: Connect to a Portfolio Tracker

Manually looking up addresses on different explorers can get tedious. That‘s why many crypto investors use portfolio tracking platforms to automatically compile transaction data from all connected sources.

Many leading trackers like CoinTracking, CoinStats, CoinMarketCap, and others support Trust Wallet integration.

Here‘s how to connect your Trust Wallet:

  1. Create an account on the portfolio platform.

  2. Follow the steps to link your Trust Wallet by adding it as a connected wallet.

  3. Let the platform sync your transaction data. This may take some time depending on your activity.

  4. View your consolidated portfolio across wallets, exchanges, DeFi platforms, and other sources.

  5. Use built-in tools for tracking performance, taxes, analytics, charts, and more.

Popular portfolio trackers like CoinTracking even support direct API integrations with Etherscan and BscScan to automatically import all transactions associated with your addresses.

This saves you the hassle of manually compiling data from multiple explorers. Your full transaction history is presented in one place!

Option 3: Use API to Export Etherscan CSV Reports

If you primarily hold ERC-20 tokens, Etherscan makes it easy to export full CSV reports through their API (application programming interface).

This method does require some technical skills, but services like CoinTracking handle the API integration automatically when you connect your Etherscan API key.

Here are the general steps to export bulk CSV transactions via the Etherscan API:

  1. Get an Etherscan API key. This links your account to your address data.

  2. Lookup the wallet address whose transactions you want to export.

  3. Call the Etherscan API to get all transactions for that address.

  4. Pass parameters like the API key, address, startblock, endblock, sort order, etc.

  5. The API returns a list of transactions in JSON format.

  6. Convert the JSON to CSV format for Excel, accounting software, etc.

Again, this does require coding skills to implement. But the benefit is you can export bulk historical transaction data in just a few API calls!

Option 4: Manually Record Transaction Details

If all else fails and you absolutely need quick access to your Trust Wallet transactions, there is still the manual approach…

This involves:

  • Opening the Trust Wallet app and going through each token wallet.

  • Clicking into the transaction list to view sending/receiving history.

  • Manually recording key details like date, amount, hash, etc for each entry.

  • Compiling all of the data into a spreadsheet for tracking and analysis.

Tedious? Yes. But on the plus side, it lets you access your transaction data directly from the Trust Wallet app without relying on external sources.

Just be aware this only shows basic send/receive transactions, so you‘ll miss things like trades, swaps, and smart contract interactions. Be sure to cross-check against explorers or portfolio trackers to get your complete history.

5 Tips for Tracking Trust Wallet Transactions

Here are some best practices I‘ve picked up for monitoring Trust Wallet activity:

  • Bookmark explorers for easy access to your address histories. I have a crypto folder with all my essential blockchain explorers ready to go.

  • Export explorer data regularly, say each month. This gives you an ongoing record of transactions.

  • Use portfolio trackers to automatically aggregate wallets, exchanges, and accounts. Saves tons of manual work!

  • Note transactions missing on explorers. Some dex trades and swaps won‘t show up, so record these separately.

  • Cross-check data against multiple sources to verify accuracy. Resolve any discrepancies.

Following these tips will help ensure you have the complete picture of your Trust Wallet transactions.

Key Takeaways: How to View Your Full Transaction History

Let‘s recap the key methods covered in this guide:

  • Check individual token addresses on public block explorers to access send/receive histories.

  • Link your Trust Wallet to portfolio trackers like CoinStats to consolidate transaction data.

  • Utilize Etherscan and BscScan APIs to export bulk address transactions to CSV.

  • Record basic transactions manually from within the Trust Wallet app as a last resort.

  • Use multiple sources to verify your transaction history is complete.

While it takes some extra effort since Trust Wallet doesn‘t natively store your data, you CAN gather your full transaction records with the right approach.

Accurate and organized transaction histories make crypto tax reporting stress-free. They also provide vital records for investment tracking, security monitoring, and reviewing your wallet activity.

So take control of your Trust Wallet transactions today using the steps I‘ve outlined. Here‘s to happier crypto tracking and less tax headaches! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.