
How to Turn On or Off Ambient Mode on YouTube

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Have you noticed the backgrounds of your YouTube videos subtly changing colors as you watch? This is ambient mode – a new lighting effect that matches the background to the video. Some find it mesmerizing while others think it‘s distracting.

If you fall into the latter camp, I‘ve got good news: turning ambient mode off is easy. In this detailed guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about disabling (or enabling) ambient mode on YouTube.

To start, let‘s quickly summarize what we‘ll be covering:

  • What exactly ambient mode is and why YouTube added it
  • How to toggle ambient mode on or off on desktop and mobile
  • Troubleshooting ambient mode problems like lag or glitches
  • When you might want to disable ambient mode
  • How YouTube can improve the feature going forward
  • Immersive viewing background effects we may see in the future

I know that was a lot up front! But I wanted to provide a helpful roadmap before we dive into the details. As a fellow streaming enthusiast, I‘m eager to share my insights on ambient mode as both a technology geek and average YouTube user.

So whether you love or hate the new lighting effects, read on for a comprehensive look at controlling ambient mode to best suit your viewing preferences.

What is Ambient Mode and Why Did YouTube Add It?

Let‘s start from the beginning – what exactly is this new ambient mode thing?

In November 2022, YouTube rolled out a major redesign to modernize the platform for its 17th birthday. One of the biggest changes was the addition of "ambient mode" on the video watch page.

Here‘s how ambient mode works:

  • It uses machine learning algorithms to sample dominant colors from the video in real-time
  • These colors are dynamically applied as a lighting effect to the page background
  • As the video colors change, the background transitions to match
  • This creates a subtle ambient lighting environment that complements the video

The idea is to recreate the immersive experience of sitting in a dark room where the only light comes from the TV or monitor. Ambient mode aims to mimic that cozy ambience digitally.

According to YouTube, the feature helps viewers feel more absorbed by making the watch page feel alive. The colors are intended to be understated, changing fluidly without being distracting.

Early feedback has been mixed. Some find ambient mode mesmerizing and makes even mundane videos more vibrant. Others find the constantly morphing background distracting or just plain annoying after enough time.

But why did YouTube feel the need to add ambient mode in the first place? A few key reasons:

1. Enhanced Immersion

YouTube wants to pull viewers deeper into their videos for longer periods. Features like ambient mode make watching more visually engaging, which correlates with increased watch time.

2. Competing with TV

As YouTube competes more and more with television, they want to recreate the cinematic, ambient lighting feeling of relaxing in front a big screen TV.

3. Differentiation from Competitors

No other major streaming platforms have ambient light matching modes yet. This helps YouTube stand out from the likes of Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

4. Showcasing Technology

The ambient effect highlights YouTube‘s machine learning and graphics capabilities. As they continue advancing technology, expect more new visual features.

5. User Research

YouTube conducted surveys with thousands of users, many of whom wanted a "cleaner, more vivid" design. Ambient mode helped modernize the platform‘s look.

6. Advertising Potential

Relaxed, immersed viewers engage better with ads. Ambient mode may help YouTube surface more relevant, targeted ads. The feature also leaves room to integrate dynamic branding colors.

So in summary, ambient mode aims to provide a more modern, visually engaging viewing experience. But it doesn‘t resonate with everyone. Let‘s look at how to disable ambient mode if you fall into that camp.

How to Turn Off Ambient Mode on YouTube

Thankfully, disabling ambient mode is straightforward whether you use YouTube on desktop or mobile:

On Desktop

  1. Play any video on
  2. Click the settings icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Uncheck the box next to "Ambient mode”

That‘s it! Ambient mode is now permanently disabled across YouTube. Want it back? Just return to settings and re-enable it.

On Mobile

  1. Open up a video in the YouTube app
  2. Tap the settings icon in the top right
  3. Turn off the switch next to “Ambient mode”

Again, simple as that. Tap the switch again to turn ambient mode back on.

An alternative way to disable ambient mode on desktop or mobile is to switch your theme from dark to light mode. Ambient mode is only available on dark mode.

To do this:

  • Click/tap your profile picture
  • Go to Appearance settings
  • Select Light instead of Dark

And presto, no more ambient mode! Personally, I prefer keeping it dark to avoid glare, but light mode certainly disables ambient fast.

Why Might You Want to Turn Off Ambient Mode?

If it‘s so easy to leave ambient mode enabled, why turn it off at all? Several key reasons:

It‘s distracting

The shifting colors pull your eyes away from the actual video content. Static backgrounds keep the focus on the video itself.

It causes performance issues

All the real-time color sampling and matching requires extra GPU and CPU power. This can cause lag, stuttering, battery drain and more.

It creates visual glitches

The ambient algorithm sometimes chooses odd colors that don‘t match the video well. Mismatched backgrounds are jarring.

You simply don‘t like it

Not everyone enjoys ambient effects. Some prefer a neutral, non-distracting watch page. Personal preference trumps all.

In fact, many YouTube users have voiced frustrations:

  • "The constant color changes from ambient mode give me headaches after a while."

  • "I had to turn ambient mode off because my laptop fan was blasting and my battery was draining way faster."

  • "It‘s a neat effect but I find it distracting. I‘d rather just focus on the video without the background changing."

Luckily, you can leave feedback for YouTube directly by tapping the "Send feedback" button after playing a video and selecting ambient mode issues as the topic.

But if ambient mode already isn‘t resonating for you, just disabling it is the quick solution. Onward to enjoying YouTube without flashy backgrounds!

Troubleshooting Ambient Mode Performance Issues

If you like ambient mode in theory but are noticing lag, glitches, battery drain or other performance issues, don‘t disabling it just yet!

Try these troubleshooting steps first to see if you can smooth out the problems:

Update Your Graphics Drivers

Outdated GPU drivers can wreak havoc on graphics-intensive features like ambient mode. Head to your graphics card manufacturer‘s website to download the latest drivers.

Adjust Your Video Settings

If possible, lower your streaming resolution, disable HD, or dial down graphics quality settings to ease the ambient workload.

Restart Your Device

A simple reboot can clear up temporary glitches or memory issues that lead to choppy ambient performance.

Check for Overheating Issues

Ambient mode does push your hardware. Make sure your devices aren‘t overheating leading to thermal throttling.

Close Other Apps and Tabs

Free up RAM, CPU usage, and internet bandwidth by closing out any unnecessary apps and browser tabs.

Update YouTube

Stay on the latest YouTube version for any ambient mode patches and optimizations. Bugs get squashed over time.

Check Your Internet Speed

Choppy video, delays, etc. can be signs of a poor internet connection. Ambient mode demands fast, stable bandwidth.

Provide Feedback to YouTube

If issues continue, make sure to report them through YouTube‘s feedback channels so they can improve ambient mode.

With a little troubleshooting and tweaking, you may find ambient mode‘s performance problems disappear. But disabling it entirely is always an option if frustrations persist.

Using Ambient Mode Effectively

I want to share some quick tips in case you do enjoy ambient mode and want to use it effectively:

  • Pick vivid, colorful videos to give the algorithm more to work with. Fast-paced scenes also show off the shifting background nicely.

  • Watch in darker rooms to get the full "glowing monitor" ambience. Competing light dulls the effect.

  • Try different intensities under video settings. Crank it up for a mesmerizing light show or down for subtlety.

  • Let hardware catch up if need be. Ambient mode demands a lot. Give it time on weaker PCs as you save up for upgrades.

  • Disable for music listening since visuals are just distracting without on-screen motion to match to.

  • Update frequently and provide feedback to YouTube so they can refine things under the hood.

Little optimizations like these can go a long way towards getting the most out of ambient mode!

The Future of Ambient Mode on YouTube

Ambient background lighting is likely just the beginning. As software and hardware evolve, expect even more advanced visual augmentations to emerge.

Here are some potential ambient mode enhancements YouTube may explore:

  • 3D depth mapping for layered, dimensional lighting instead of flat colors

  • Shadow/light simulation based on video contents to mimic real light sources

  • AR-based effects that make lighting props seem to extend out of the video and into your room

  • AI mood matching that samples emotional cues from the video and chooses ambient colors accordingly

  • Sound-reactive effects like pulsating to the video‘s audio

  • Personalized profiles with your preferred colors, intensity, and visual style

And looking even further ahead, who knows what will be possible? Fully simulated environments based on the video‘s world? Virtually projected portals you can look around inside? The potential is endless.

Of course, usability is the priority. Dazzling effects won‘t matter if they distract from the content and make YouTube cumbersome.

But ambient mode provides a glimpse into the creative ways video platforms may reinvent the viewing background itself using technology like machine learning, computer vision, and augmented reality. Exciting times ahead!


Hopefully this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of YouTube‘s new ambient mode lighting effects and how to enable or disable them to suit your viewing preferences.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Ambient mode matches the background coloring to videos for a mesmerizing, immersive effect

  • It can be distracting or technically glitchy for some – disabling is easy via settings

  • Troubleshooting graphics drivers, internet speed, etc. may help performance issues

  • More advanced effects like 3D lighting and AR visuals could be on the horizon

So whether you love ambient mode, hate it, or are just curious to learn more, now you have the insights. Go enjoy YouTube your way. As for me, I‘ve got some ambient video watching to get back to!

Let me know if you have any other questions. And don‘t forget you can provide direct feedback to YouTube through the app if you‘re noticing ambient mode bugs or room for improvement.

Happy YouTube watching!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.