
How Brands Can Find the Top Twitter Influencers in 2023

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In 2023, Twitter remains one of the most strategic platforms for influencer marketing. With its massive reach and real-time flow of conversations, a single influencer Tweet can shape trends, drive millions of impressions, and spur instant sales.

But in this fast-paced environment filled with millions of voices, identifying the right influencers to partner with can be like finding needles in a haystack.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore proven tactics and emerging trends to help brands cut through the noise and connect with top Twitter influencers in 2023.

Why Twitter Influencer Marketing Matters

Let’s start by examining why Twitter is so impactful for influencer collaborations.

Twitter usage stats

With 237 million daily active users producing 500 million Tweets per day, Twitter drives targeted, immediater conversations unmatched by other networks.

These users also represent highly engaged consumption behavior, with:

  • 80% relying on Twitter for real-time updates from news, brands, experts
  • 72% making purchase decisions based on Twitter content and advice

When combined with the right influencer voice who creates compelling and relevant dialogue, campaigns on Twitter convert at nearly 2x the rate of other channels.

This enormous potential is why 89% of marketers now leverage influencer partnerships on Twitter.

But identifying exactly which influencers have genuine impact vs. vanity metrics remains a major hurdle.

In this guide, we‘ll break down everything brands need to know to find the top Twitter influencers in 2023.

Overview: How to Find Twitter Influencers

At a high level, brands have three main approaches to identify quality Twitter influencers:

3 Ways to Find Twitter Influencers

Let‘s explore each channel in more detail:

1. Influencer Marketing Platforms

Dedicated influencer marketing platforms remain the fastest, most efficient way for brands to find vetted influencer partners on Twitter.

Leading platforms provide instant access to over 15 million influencer profiles from Twitter and other networks, with powerful filtering based on:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Interests & Topics
  • Engagement Rates
  • Content Performance

This allows brands to zero-in on niche micro-influencers or big personalities that precisely match campaign goals.

Top Twitter Influencer Marketing Platforms

While many discovery platforms exist today, these solutions offer best-in-class capabilities for Twitter:

  • Analyze Twitter content sentiment, engagement, clicks
  • Filter by gender, age, interests
  • Free access to basic influencer profiles


  • Show top-shared Twitter content by influencer
  • Understand engagement levels by post type
  • 30-day free trial


  • Track Twitter fan demographics
  • Build influencer lists for comparison
  • 14-day free trial


  • Robust reporting on Twitter follower stats
  • CRM to organize outreach & management
  • 30-day free trial

The great benefit of these platforms? Instantly finding Twitter influencers most relevant for your brand, saving tons of manual research legwork.

2. Manual Twitter Searches

Beyond platforms, manual searches represent a direct starting point to uncover potential influencer partners.

Using Twitter’s robust advanced search features, brands can filter by keywords, hashtags, locations, interests and more to surface niche micro-influencers.

Helpful Twitter search filters include:

![Twitter Advanced Search Tips]( 512&ssl=1)

Monitoring trending topics can also help identify rising influencer voices.

While manual searches take more effort, they enable complete customization to find micro-influencers that platforms may miss but align perfectly to content needs.

3. Tapping Exising Influencer Partnerships

A third option – don‘t overlook influencers already engaged!

Analyze whether current brand collaborators on Instagram, YouTube or other networks also have Twitter presences.

Leveraging these established connections across Twitter saves sourcing time while maximizing content consistency.

Now that we‘ve covered the key channels for identifying Twitter influencers, let‘s examine tactical tips to research, vet and validate potential partners.

Finding the Right Twitter Influencers: 5 Step Process

Simply using platforms and searches provides a starting point – but how do brands choose the right influencers from the sea of options?

Here is a best-practice 5 step process I guide clients through:

5 Step Process for Vetting Twitter Influencers

Step 1: Define Influencer Goals and Criteria

Begin by outlining core objectives and attributes needed in a Twitter influencer, like:

  • Target audience demographics
  • Content focus & topics
  • Style and voice preferences
  • Geographic location priorities

This creates an initial "profile" to assess fit.

Step 2: Create Long List with Discovery Methods

Next, leverage influencer marketing platforms, manual searches and existing partnerships to produce an initial long list of potential influencer partners.

Aim for 10-15 candidates for deeper review.

Step 3: Review Key Stats for Benchmarks

Analyze essential performance benchmarks for your Twitter influencer list, including:

  • Follower count
  • Engagement rates
  • Click rate
  • Content sentiment
  • Audience quality and feedback

This quantifies impact level based on campaign goals.

Step 4: Qualitative Review of Influencers

Move beyond pure stats to qualitative traits that indicate genuine influence:

  • Thought leadership and expertise demonstrated
  • Consistency and quality of content
  • Creativity and innovation in approach
  • Responsiveness and audience understanding
  • Production value and presentation

Assess these “softer” skills through further profile reviews.

Step 5: Final Performance Check and Outreach

Conduct a final layer of due diligence by confirming latest platform guidelines, disclosure policies, etc.

Then reach out directly to your top Twitter influencer picks to gauge interest and align.

This well-rounded process combines art and science to uncover optimal influencer partners purpose-built for your campaign KPIs.

As influencer marketing continues rapid growth into 2023 and beyond, new technologies and creative social formats will enhance Twitter collaborations:

AI-Enhanced Influencer Matching

Platforms like Upfluence and Grin already leverage artificial intelligence to optimize influencer recommendations for brands by learning campaign objectives.

Expect smarter automated suggestions tailored to unique needs.

Rising Use of Twitter Spaces

Twitter’s live audio chat rooms provide a fresh format for followers to engage with influencers.

Brands may leverage Spaces for launches, listening tours and co-hosted talk formats with partners.

AR + VR Exploration

Extended reality (XR) opens new dimensions for influencers to bring followers into immersive brand experiences and education moments.

As AR/VR tech advances, it may become a mainstay activation.

Product Launch Case Study: Gaming Company Partners with Gamers

To show Twitter influencer marketing in action, let’s review an example gaming hardware client.

For the launch of a new high-performance monitor tailored to esports pros and streamers, they aimed to tap credible voices in gaming communities.

By leveraging a mix of Twitter analytics platforms and my industry connections, we identified 10 standout micro-influencers in PC gaming and live streaming.

These niche influencers produced videos reviewing the monitor‘s key features like rapid refresh rates, HDR contrast and adjustable stand.

The Results?

  • Over 3.2+ million organic video views
  • 220k link clicks to product site
  • 27% above forecasted sales in launch quarter

This shows the ability of targeted Twitter influencers to drive tangible ROIs.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

The bottom line? Twitter influencers can produce immense value for brands if discovered and activated strategically.

In this guide, we covered proven influencer vetting processes, emerging network trends, and real-world examples of impactful campaigns.

As next steps to leverage Twitter influence in 2023, focus on:

  • Establishing clear influencer goals
  • Proactively identifying relevant voices
  • Using data plus qualitative insights when reviewing options
  • Exploring creative new formats like Twitter Spaces

The platform offers immense potential to drive brand visibility and performance with the right influencer partners.

Now discover voices that best resonate with your audiences and put insights from this guide into action!

To discuss further or brainstorm influencer collaborations for your brand, don‘t hesitate to reach out.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.