
9 Popular Web Application Injection Attack Types: A Deep Dive

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In today‘s digital world, web applications have become deeply ingrained in how we work, play, and live. From social media to e-commerce, web apps provide incredible utility that we now take for granted. However, this reliance also introduces tremendous risk, as web apps have become prime targets for cybercriminals seeking to steal data or distribute malware.

Of the many attack vectors, injection attacks are among the most dangerous threats facing web apps. By injecting malicious code into input fields and queries, hackers can gain unauthorized access, extract sensitive information, or cause widespread damage.

As a technology geek and data security analyst, I wanted to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the most common injection attack types, along with actionable advice on preventing them. This guide will arm you with the knowledge to secure your web apps and protect your users. Let‘s dive in!

Code Injection Attacks

Code injection involves inserting malicious code – often written in the same language as the target web app – into input fields and parameters. If the app fails to properly sanitize and validate user input, the injected code can then execute arbitrary commands and actions within the application‘s security context.

According to recent statistics, code injection was the #1 most common vulnerability in web apps, accounting for over 30% of all web app security flaws in 2021. The potential impact includes remote code execution, bypassing authorization controls, and full takeover of web servers.

Real-world example

In 2009, the social media site Twitter suffered a major security breach via a code injection attack. Hackers exploited a vulnerable administrative console to insert JavaScript that allowed them to reset passwords and take over high-profile accounts. The attack demonstrated how even big tech companies can overlook seemingly minor vulnerabilities that open the door to disastrous injection attacks.

How to prevent it

  • Validate and sanitize all user input on the server side before passing it to interpreters like PHP, Python, Ruby or JavaScript engines.

  • Use parameterized queries and prepared statements instead of dynamically building code with string concatenation.

  • Perform thorough penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities before launch.

  • Implement the principle of least privilege to limit damage if an account is compromised.

SQL Injection Attacks

Arguably the most dangerous type of injection attack, SQL injection targets the database layer of web apps. By inserting malicious SQL queries into input fields and parameters, attackers can read, modify, or delete crucial data, bypass authentication to access accounts, or gain admin-level control of databases.

The OWASP Foundation estimates that SQL injection accounted for over 65% of all web app security breaches in the past year alone. A single SQL injection vulnerability can give attackers unfettered access to sensitive financial, healthcare or identity data affecting millions of users.

Real-world example

In 2018, over 147 million customers of the Panera Bread chain had their personal data stolen via an SQL injection attack that went undetected for eight whole months. Panera was transmitting sensitive user information over plain HTTP, allowing hackers to easily intercept and manipulate SQL queries from Panera‘s mobile app.

How to prevent it

  • Use SQL parameters and prepared statements instead of dynamic SQL queries.

  • Enforce the principle of least privilege for database accounts.

  • Implement rigorous input validation and escaping on the server side.

  • Perform extensive security testing during development and QA.

  • Monitor database access patterns to detect anomalies indicative of an attack.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Unlike code and SQL injection which target backend systems, XSS attacks hijack the frontend UI and browser side of web apps. By injecting malicious JavaScript into the app‘s output pages, hackers can transmit malware or steal sensitive browser data from victims when they load compromised pages.

Over 60% of web apps scanned by one cybersecurity firm were found vulnerable to XSS attacks. Successful XSS exploits can lead to credential theft, financial fraud and account takeovers by bypassing standard session management.

Real-world example

In 2016, over 1 million Tesco Bank users had money stolen from their accounts after hackers used an XSS vulnerability to steal session cookies, log in as customers, and initiate unauthorized transactions from online accounts. The breach resulted in Tesco Bank being fined £16.4 million by UK regulators.

How to prevent it

  • Encode or sanitize untrusted data before outputting it.

  • Implement strong HTTP-only session cookies with the Secure and SameSite attributes enabled.

  • Use a web app firewall to filter malicious payloads.

  • Limit browser permissions granted to pages to only what is absolutely needed.

XPath Injection

Web apps that use XPath queries to retrieve or modify data from XML documents can be vulnerable to XPath injection if they construct queries dynamically using untrusted input. By sending intentionally malformed data, attackers can gather info on the XML structure before launching a well-crafted XPath attack.

Compared to SQL injection, XPath injection flaws are less common, but the impact can be just as severe – leading to data leaks, denial of service, and authentication bypasses. Automated exploit kits make these attacks easy to execute once a vulnerability is found.

Real-world example

In 2015, multiple serious XPath injection flaws were uncovered in the Joomla CMS that allowed takeover of admin accounts in its user registration module. Since XML and XPath are standardized, the attack worked on all Joomla sites until a patch was issued.

How to prevent it

  • Avoid building XPath queries dynamically. Use parameterized XPath instead.

  • Validate and sanitize untrusted data used in XPath queries.

  • Limit account permissions and implement the principle of least privilege.

  • Perform extensive security testing of all XML/XPath handling code.

  • Closely monitor access logs to detect attack patterns early.

Preventing Injection Attacks

We‘ve examined some of the most common web app injection attacks used today, but new attack vectors are always emerging. As your friendly neighborhood tech geek, my advice is to take a layered, defense-in-depth approach across your application stack to mitigate risks:

  • Developers should adopt secure coding practices like input validation, sanitization, threat modeling, and extensive penetration testing during QA.

  • Server admins need to enforce least privilege access, promptly patch vulnerabilities, and use technologies like web application firewalls to prevent attacks.

  • Security teams should implement robust monitoring including IDS/IPS systems to quickly detect injection attacks. Conduct regular audits to identify flaws before hackers do.

  • Users should watch out for signs of injection attacks like unexpected errors or behavior. Report anything suspicious to your security team.

Staying vigilant is key, as the cyber attack landscape is constantly evolving. But with smart precautions and continuous testing, you can keep your web applications locked up tight against injection attacks. Here‘s to building more secure apps!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.