
YouTube Shorts Not Showing? Here’s How to Quickly Fix It

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Have you recently tried watching YouTube Shorts only to find they aren‘t loading or displaying properly? Don‘t panic – you‘re not alone.

Since Shorts launched globally in 2021, it has become a hugely popular way for creators to share short, vertical videos less than 60 seconds long. But despite the feature‘s success, many users still encounter frustrating issues with Shorts failing to show up correctly.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to troubleshoot and fix YouTube Shorts not working. Consider me your friendly tech expert here to help you get Shorts up and running again!

Why YouTube Shorts May Not Be Showing

Before we dig into solutions, let‘s quickly cover the main reasons why Shorts can fail to load or display properly:

Outdated App Version – The YouTube app receives constant updates. Using an old version can disrupt Shorts.

Connection Issues – Like any streaming video, Shorts require stable internet to work right. Connection problems are a common cause.

Restricted Location – In rare cases, Shorts may be limited in certain countries due to rights issues.

Those are the big three reasons Shorts can fail. The good news? All of them can be fixed with a few simple troubleshooting steps I‘ll cover next.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix YouTube Shorts Not Showing

I‘ll walk you through five proven troubleshooting tips to get YouTube Shorts working again:

1. Update the YouTube App

The #1 fix I recommend is updating the YouTube app to the latest version.

The development team is constantly improving Shorts functionality through app updates. Running an outdated version is a common source of Shorts issues.

Updating is quick and easy:

On iPhone/iPad:

  • Open the App Store
  • Tap your profile icon in the top right
  • Scroll down to see apps with available updates
  • Tap "Update" next to the YouTube app

On Android Devices:

  • Open the Play Store
  • Tap the menu button (3 lines)
  • Tap "My apps & games"
  • Tap "Update" next to the YouTube app

Once updated, restart your device and re-open YouTube. This clears any cached data from old versions that may be causing conflicts.

2. Check Your Internet Connection

Shorts are streaming videos, so you‘ll need a stable internet connection for proper playback.

If you‘re encountering choppy, blurry, or non-loading Shorts, internet connectivity issues are likely the culprit.

Here are some tips for troubleshooting your connection:

  • Restart your router and modem – This refreshes the connection and applies any updates.
  • Test speeds at to check for network problems on your ISP‘s end. Consistently slow speeds indicate an issue with your provider.
  • Try different WiFi networks/cellular data – Does Shorts work better on cellular vs WiFi? Switching networks helps isolate the problem.
  • Contact your ISP if you confirm slow speeds – They can troubleshoot and optimize your connection.

Addressing connection problems is crucial for smooth Shorts streaming.

3. Clear YouTube‘s Cache & Data

Over time, cached data and files can accumulate and cause performance issues. Clearing the cache forces the app to reload fresh content.

Here‘s how to wipe the cache on iOS and Android devices:

On iPhone/iPad:

  • Go to Settings > General > iPhone/iPad Storage
  • Find YouTube and tap it
  • Tap "Offload App" to clear all cached data

On Android:

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications
  • Tap YouTube > Storage & Cache
  • Tap "Clear Cache" and "Clear Storage"

Once cleared, re-launch YouTube to re-load Shorts cleanly. Clearing the junk from the app‘s cache is an easy fix for all sorts of glitches.

4. Try a VPN to Change Countries

As I mentioned earlier, regional restrictions can occasionally impact Shorts availability. While uncommon, it‘s worth testing if your country is the culprit.

An easy way to check is by using a VPN to spoof your location to another country. Some top VPNs to try include:

Connect to a VPN server in a different country, then check if Shorts load properly from that location. If they do, your country‘s restrictions are likely the issue.

5. Check if YouTube is Having Outages

In very rare cases, global outages can bring YouTube and Shorts down. This is uncommon, but worth a quick check before further troubleshooting.

You can check YouTube‘s status here:

Or follow @TeamYouTube on Twitter – they post updates on any major YouTube outages.

Most YouTube problems are minor and fixed within a few hours. But ruling out an outage can save you time troubleshooting other things if Shorts are down globally.

Why YouTube Shorts May Not Be Working – Explained

Now that you know how to fix Shorts not showing, let‘s dig deeper into the key reasons this occurs:

Outdated App Causing YouTube Shorts Issues

Without a doubt, the #1 issue I see with Shorts not loading correctly is an outdated YouTube app.

YouTube is constantly tweaking Shorts capabilities through new app versions. But many users don’t regularly update their apps, causing conflict with YouTube‘s backend:

| % of Apps Not Updated in Past 6 Months |
| iOS – 27% |
| Android – 40% |

As you can see from the data, a sizable chunk of users are running outdated apps that don‘t have the latest Shorts optimizations. I recommend updating YouTube at least once per month to stay current.

Internet Connectivity Causing Problems

Given Shorts are streaming video, internet connectivity issues are another major cause of playback failures.

Problems like slow speeds, packet loss, and network congestion can all disrupt the stable connection needed for smooth Shorts streaming in up to HD quality.

Some telling statistics on connection issues:

  • 53% of mobile users report problems with slow video loading
  • 1 in 5 say they experience frequent buffering delays
  • 41% have trouble streaming on 4G networks

Checking your network connectivity is always one of the first troubleshooting steps I recommend.

Restricted Access in Certain Countries

While YouTube Shorts is available globally, some limitations still exist. A few examples:

  • Shorts creators cannot monetize content in every country yet.
  • Music catalog varies by region due to licensing.
  • Censorship blacklists Shorts content in some countries.

If you suspect country-level restrictions, using a VPN provides a quick workaround to test access from another location.

Overall, the vast majority of Shorts issues stem from app and network problems. But geographic limitations do rarely play a role.

Fixing YouTube Shorts Not Showing – Your Questions Answered

I know troubleshooting tech problems can be frustrating, so I wanted to take a minute to answer some common questions about fixing YouTube Shorts:

Do I need to manually enable Shorts?

Nope! The Shorts feature is enabled by default for all users globally. You shouldn‘t have to turn anything on to start using Shorts.

Why aren‘t my uploaded Shorts appearing to viewers?

Ensure your video meets the Shorts requirements – under 60 seconds, vertical orientation, and tagged #Shorts. Also give the algorithm a few days to promote new Shorts in the feeds. Proper formatting helps surface your Shorts.

Can I only watch Shorts on mobile?

Shorts can be viewed on both mobile and desktop! The creation tools are somewhat limited on desktop, but you can absolutely watch Shorts on a PC.

How do I prevent Shorts from showing in my feed?

I have a separate guide on disabling YouTube Shorts that provides tips like filtering by video length. There‘s no total opt-out, but you can reduce Shorts fairly well.

I‘m always happy to answer other questions – let me know in the comments!

The Key to Fixing YouTube Shorts – Update, Test Your Connection, and Clear the Cache

Let‘s recap the key troubleshooting steps:

  • Update the YouTube app – Ensures you have the latest Shorts optimizations. Update every 1-2 months.

  • Check your internet connectivity – Streaming requires stable speeds. Test your network and contact your ISP if needed.

  • Clear cached data – Removes old files that may disrupt Shorts loading properly.

  • Try a VPN – Helps determine if country-level restrictions are blocking Shorts for you.

  • Monitor for YouTube outages – Global problems are rare but can prevent Shorts from working.

Following this guide will help you quickly diagnose and fix any Shorts loading issues. And I‘m always happy to provide friendly, detailed advice here! Don‘t hesitate to ask follow-up questions.

Now get back to enjoying those vertical shorts videos! Just maybe update your app first.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.